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NodeJS errors for cool kids

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**Ouch** is a NodeJS implementation of PHP's [Whoops](https://github.com/filp/whoops) library. It's not an exact port of
Whoops, but implements similar functionality and uses same front end resources in some of its error handlers. It is an
error handler base/framework for NodeJs. Out-of-the-box, it provides a pretty error interface that helps you debug your
web projects, but at heart it's a simple yet powerful stacked error handling system.

### Pretty page handler demo

[Blue theme](https://quorrajs.github.io/Ouch/demo/)

[Orange theme](https://quorrajs.github.io/Ouch/demo/orange.html)

## Installation

The source is available for download from [GitHub](https://github.com/quorrajs/Ouch). Alternatively, you
can install using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install ouch

## Usage examples

``` javascript
    // With PrettyPageHandler
    http.createServer(function nsjfkj(req, res){

        if (req.url === '/favicon.ico') {
            res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/x-icon'} );

        var d = domain.create();

        d.on('error', function(e){
            var ouchInstance = (new Ouch).pushHandler(
                    new Ouch.handlers.PrettyPageHandler('orange', null, 'sublime')
            ouchInstance.handleException(e, req, res, function (output) {
                console.log('Error handled properly')

            // your application code goes here


    }).listen('1338', 'localhost');

    // With custom callback
    var ouchInstance = (new Ouch).pushHandler(
        function(next, exception, inspector, run, request, response){

            // custom handler logic


    ouchInstance.handleException(e, req, res, function (output) {
        console.log('Error handled properly')

For more options, have a look at the example files in examples to get a feel for how things work. Also take a look at the [API Documentation](http://ouch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api-docs/) and the list of available handlers below.

### Available Handlers

**Ouch** currently ships with the following built-in handlers, available in the `require("ouch").handlers` namespace:

- [`PrettyPageHandler`](https://github.com/quorrajs/Ouch/blob/master/handler/PrettyPageHandler.js) - Shows a pretty error page when something goes pants-up
- [`JsonResponseHandler`](https://github.com/quorrajs/Ouch/blob/master/handler/JsonResponseHandler.js) - Process errors and returns information on them as a JSON string.
- [`CallbackHandler`](https://github.com/quorrajs/Ouch/blob/master/handler/CallbackHandler.js) - Wraps a callable as a handler. You do not need to use this handler explicitly, Ouch will automatically wrap any callable you pass to `ouchInstance.pushHandler`.

## Todo

    - Add more handlers.

## License

Ouch is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).