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Test Coverage
     * Locations module 
     * @since Version 3.0
     * @package Railpage
     * @author Michael Greenhill
    namespace Railpage\Locations;
    use Railpage\Place;
    use Railpage\PlaceUtility;
    use Exception;
    use InvalidArgumentException;
    use DateTime;
    use Railpage\Images\Images;
    use Railpage\Images\Image;
    use Railpage\Images\MapImage;
    use Railpage\ContentUtility;
    use Railpage\Users\User;
    use Railpage\Users\Factory as UserFactory;
    use Railpage\Url;
     * Location class
     * @since Version 3.3

    class Location extends Locations {
         * Registry cache key
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @const string REGISTRY_KEY
        const REGISTRY_KEY = "railpage.location=%d";
         * Status: inactive
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @const int STATUS_INACTIVE
        const STATUS_INACTIVE = 0; 
         * Status: active
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @const int STATUS_ACTIVE
        const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
         * Location ID
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $id
        public $id; 
         * Location latitude
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $lat
        public $lat;
         * Location longitude
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $lon
        public $lon;
         * Location country
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $country
        public $country;
         * Location region
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $region
        public $region;
         * Location locality
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $locality
        public $locality;
         * Location name
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $name
        public $name;
         * Location description
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var string $desc
        public $desc;
         * Location forum topic ID
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int topicid
        public $topicid;
         * Location map zoom
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $zoom
        public $zoom;
         * Location active
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $active
        public $active;
         * Location date added
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $date_added
        public $date_added;
         * Location date modified
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $date_modified
        public $date_modified;
         * Location author user ID
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @var int $user_id
        public $user_id;
         * Location author username
         * @since Version 3.6
         * @version 3.6
         * @var string $username
        public $username;
         * Location number of likes
         * @since Version 3.5
         * @version 3.5
         * @var int $likes
        public $likes;
         * URL Slug
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $slug
        public $slug;
         * Railway type and traffic
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $traffic
        public $traffic;
         * Environment
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $environment
        public $environment;
         * Directions - driving
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $directions_driving
        public $directions_driving;
         * Directions - car parking
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $directions_parking
        public $directions_parking;
         * Directions - public transport
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $directions_pt
        public $directions_pt;
         * Amenities
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @var string $amenities
        public $amenities;
         * URL
         * @since Version 3.8
         * @var string $url
        public $url;
         * Geographic region containing this location
         * @since Version 3.8.7
         * @var \Railpage\Locations\Region $Region
        public $Region;
         * Geoplace ID
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @var int $geoplace_id
        private $geoplace_id;
         * Constructor
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.7.5
         * @param int $location_id
        public function __construct($location_id = false) {
            if ($id = filter_var($location_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
                $this->id = $id; 
            } elseif (is_string($location_id) && $id = filter_var($location_id, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)) {
                $this->id = $this->db->fetchOne("SELECT id FROM location WHERE slug = ?", $id); 
                if (filter_var($this->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
         * Load the location data
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.7.5
         * @return boolean
        private function load() {
            $this->mckey = sprintf("railpage:locations.location=%d", $this->id); 
            if (!$row = $this->Memcached->fetch($this->mckey)) {
                $query = "SELECT location.*, u.username, count(locations_like.location_id) AS likes FROM location LEFT JOIN locations_like ON location.id = locations_like.location_id LEFT JOIN nuke_users AS u ON u.user_id = location.user_id WHERE location.id = ?";
                $row = $this->db->fetchRow($query, $this->id);
            if (!isset($row) || !is_array($row) || count($row) === 0 || !filter_var($row['id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
                throw new Exception("Unable to fetch data for location ID " . $this->id); 
            $this->lat          = $row['lat']; 
            $this->lon          = $row['long']; 
            $this->country      = $row['country']; 
            $this->region       = $row['region']; 
            $this->locality     = $row['locality']; 
            $this->name         = $row['name']; 
            $this->desc         = $row['desc']; 
            $this->topicid      = $row['topicid']; 
            $this->zoom         = $row['zoom']; 
            $this->active       = $row['active']; 
            $this->date_added   = $row['date_added']; 
            $this->date_modified= $row['date_modified']; 
            $this->user_id      = $row['user_id']; 
            $this->slug         = $row['slug'];
            $this->traffic      = $row['traffic'];
            $this->environment  = $row['environment'];
            $this->amenities    = $row['amenities'];
            $this->directions_pt    = $row['directions_pt'];
            $this->directions_driving   = $row['directions_driving'];
            $this->directions_parking   = $row['directions_parking'];
            $this->geoplace_id = isset($row['geoplace_id']) ? $row['geoplace_id'] : 0;
             * If the URL slug is empty, let's create one now
            if (empty($this->slug) && filter_var($this->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
            if (isset($row)) {
                $this->Region = new Region($row['country'], $row['region_slug']);
            if (!empty($this->lat) && !empty($this->lon)) {
                $this->Image = new MapImage($this->lat, $this->lon);
                $this->Image->title = $this->name . ", " . $this->Region->Country->name;
            $this->url = new Url(sprintf("%s/%s", $this->makeRegionPermalink(), $this->slug));
            $this->url->suncalc = sprintf("http://suncalc.net/#/%s,%s,%d/%s/%s/", $this->lat, $this->lon, $this->zoom, (new DateTime)->format("Y.m.d"), (new DateTime)->format("H:m"));
            $this->url->googlemaps = sprintf("http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=%s,%s", $this->lat, $this->lon); 
            #$this->url->staticmap = sprintf("https://api.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.streets-basic/pin-l-camera+285A98(%s,%s)/%s,%s,%d/800x600.png?access_token=%s", $this->lon, $this->lat, $this->lon, $this->lat, 15, "pk.eyJ1IjoiZG9jdG9yamJlYW0iLCJhIjoiU1QtYnktZyJ9.R2caqw77mb_7VU5M9-gPug");
            $this->url->staticmap = sprintf("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=%s,%s&key=%s&zoom=%d&size=%dx%d&sensor=false&markers=color:red|%s,%s", $this->lat, $this->lon, $this->Config->Google->API_Key, $this->zoom, $this->Config->OpenGraphMapWidth, $this->Config->OpenGraphMapHeight, $this->lat, $this->lon);
            if ($this->geoplace_id == 0) {
         * Create a URL slug
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @return void
        private function createSlug() {
            $proposal = ContentUtility::generateUrlSlug($this->name);
            $result = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT id FROM location WHERE slug = ?", $proposal); 
            if (count($result)) {
                $proposal .= count($result);
            $this->slug = $proposal;
         * Validate the location before committing changes
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.0.1
         * @return boolean
         * @todo var validation
        private function validate() {
            if (!filter_var($this->lat, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no latitude value"); 
            if (!filter_var($this->lon, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no longitude value"); 
            if (empty(filter_var($this->country, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING))) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no country value"); 
            if (empty(filter_var($this->region, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING))) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no region value"); 
            if (empty(filter_var($this->name, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING))) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no name specified"); 
            if (empty(filter_var($this->desc, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING))) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot validate location - no description specified"); 
            $nulls = [ "traffic", "environment", "amenities", "directions_pt", "directions_driving", "directions_parking" ];
            foreach ($nulls as $var) {
                if (is_null($this->$var)) {
                    $this->$var = "";
            if (!filter_var($this->zoom, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
                $this->zoom = 12;
            if (!filter_var($this->active)) {
                $this->active = self::STATUS_INACTIVE; 
            if (empty($this->slug)) {
            if (!filter_var($this->topicid, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
                $this->topicid = 0;
            return true;
         * Set the geocode data for this location
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return void
        private function geocode() {
            if (!empty($this->region) && !empty($this->country) && !empty($this->locality)) {
            $woe = PlaceUtility::LatLonWoELookup($this->lat, $this->lon);
            $woe = PlaceUtility::formatWoE($woe);
            $this->country = $woe['country_code'];
            $this->region = $woe['region_code'];
            $this->locality = $woe['neighbourhood'];
            $this->neighbourhood = null; // $this->neighbourhood is ignored
            if (empty($this->region)) {
                $this->region = $woe['region']; 
             * Shit's a little bit broken, it's ok
            if (empty($this->region) || empty($this->country)) {
                $woe = PlaceUtility::LatLonWoELookup($this->lat, $this->lon, true); // force lookup, ignore any cached data
                $woe = PlaceUtility::formatWoE($woe);
                $this->region = $woe['region_code'];
                $this->country = $woe['country_code'];
            if (empty($this->region)) {
                $this->region = strtoupper($woe['region_name']); 
            // Fetch geodata and populate the vars
            //$url  = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=".$this->lat.",".$this->lon."&output=json&sensor=false";
            $url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=" . $this->lat . "," . $this->lon . "&sensor=false";
            $ch     = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            $data       = curl_exec($ch);
            $jsondata   = json_decode($data, true); 
            if (isset($jsondata['results'][0]['address_components'])) {
                $row = $jsondata['results'][0]['address_components']; 
            if (isset($jsondata['Placemark']) && $area = $jsondata['Placemark'][0]['AddressDetails']['Country']) {
                $this->country          = $area['CountryNameCode']; 
                $this->region           = isset($area['AdministrativeArea']['AdministrativeAreaName']) ? $area['AdministrativeArea']['AdministrativeAreaName'] : NULL; 
                $this->locality         = isset($area['AdministrativeArea']['Locality']['LocalityName']) ? $area['AdministrativeArea']['Locality']['LocalityName'] : NULL; 
                $this->neighbourhood    = isset($area['CountryNameCode']['someotherarea']) ? $area['CountryNameCode']['someotherarea'] : NULL; 
            } elseif (isset($row)) {
                // Loop through the results and try to populate the object
                foreach ($row as $area) {
                    if ($area['types'][0] == "country") {
                        $this->country = $area['short_name']; 
                    if ($area['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_2") {
                        $this->region = $area['long_name']; 
                    if ($area['types'][0] == "administrative_area_level_3") {
                        $this->neighbourhood = $area['long_name']; 
                    if ($area['types'][0] == "locality") {
                        $this->locality = $area['long_name']; 
            if (empty($this->country) || empty($this->region) || empty($this->locality)) {
                // Google doesn't give data in a consistent bloody format - go here instead
                $url    = sprintf("http://www.geoplugin.net/extras/location.gp?lat=%s&long=%s&format=php", $this->lat, $this->lon);
                $ch     = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                $geodata    = curl_exec($ch);
                $geodata    = unserialize($geodata); 
                $this->country          = $geodata['geoplugin_countryCode']; 
                $this->region           = $geodata['geoplugin_region']; 
                $this->locality         = $geodata['geoplugin_place']; 
                $this->neighbourhood    = NULL;
         * Commit changes to the database
         * @since Version 3.0.1
         * @version 3.7.5
         * @return boolean
        public function commit() {
             * Fill in the gaps with the new Place object
            if (empty($this->region) || empty($this->country)) {
                $Place = Place::Factory($this->lat, $this->lon); 
                if (!empty($Place->Country->code)) {
                    $this->country = $Place->Country->code;
                if (!empty($Place->Region->name)) {
                    $this->region = $Place->Region->name;
            $find = array(
                "@New South Wales@i",
                "@South Australia@i",
                "@Northern Territory@i",
                "@Western Australia@i",
                "@Australian Capital Territory@i"
            $replace = array(
            $this->region = preg_replace($find, $replace, $this->region);
            // Defaults for new locations
            if (empty($this->id)) {
                $this->active = 0;
                $this->date_added       = time();
                $this->date_modified    = time();
             * Validate the data
            $data = array(
                "lat" => $this->lat,
                "long" => $this->lon,
                "country" => $this->country,
                "region" => $this->region,
                "region_slug" => $this->makeRegionSlug(),
                "locality" => $this->locality,
                "name" => trim($this->name),
                "desc" => $this->desc,
                "topicid" => $this->topicid,
                "zoom" => $this->zoom,
                "active" => $this->active,
                "date_added" => $this->date_added,
                "date_modified" => $this->date_modified,
                "user_id" => $this->user_id,
                "slug" => $this->slug,
                "traffic" => $this->traffic,
                "environment" => $this->environment,
                "directions_driving" => $this->directions_driving,
                "directions_parking" => $this->directions_parking,
                "directions_pt" => $this->directions_pt,
                "amenities" => $this->amenities
            if (filter_var($this->id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) && $this->id > 0) {
                $where = array(
                    "id = ?" => $this->id
                $this->db->update("location", $data, $where);
            } else {
                $this->db->insert("location", $data);
                $this->id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
                $this->mckey = sprintf("railpage:locations.location=%d", $this->id); 
         * Update the geoplace linked to this location
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return void
        private function updateGeoplace() {
            $id = PlaceUtility::findGeoPlaceID($this->lat, $this->lon); 
            if ($id != $this->geoplace_id) {
                $data = [ "geoplace" => $id ];
                $where = [ "id = ?" => $this->id ];
                $this->db->update("location", $data, $where); 
         * Get photos for a given location
         * This function uses mysqli::multi_query() as it was buggering up all subsequent SQL queries on the page
         * @since Version 3.0
         * @version 3.7.5
         * @param int $num
         * @param int $start
        public function getPhotosForSite($num = 10, $start = 0) {
            $Place = new Place($this->lat, $this->lon); 
            return $Place->getPhotosFromSphinx($num); 
            if (!$this->id || !$this->db) {
                return false;
            $cachekey = sprintf("%s;photos;num=%s;start=%s", $this->mckey, intval($num), intval($start)); 
            if ($result = $this->Memcached->fetch($cachekey)) {
                return $result;
            $return = array(); 
            // Ditch the stored procedure. Just do it through the database connection
            $lat = $this->lat;
            $lon = $this->lon;
            $query = "SELECT flickr_geodata.*, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POWER(SIN((" . $lat . " - flickr_geodata.lat) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2) + COS(" . $lat . " * pi() / 180) * COS(" . $lat . " * pi() / 180) * POWER(SIN((" . $lon . " - flickr_geodata.lon) * pi() / 180 / 2), 2))) AS distance 
                FROM flickr_geodata, location 
                WHERE location.id = " . $this->id . "
                    AND flickr_geodata.lon BETWEEN (
                        " . $lon . " - " . $this->photoRadius . " / abs(cos(radians(" . $lat . ")) * 69)
                    ) AND (
                        " . $lon . " + " . $this->photoRadius . " / abs(cos(radians(" . $lat . ")) * 69)
                    AND flickr_geodata.lat BETWEEN (
                        " . $lat . " - (" . $this->photoRadius . " / 69) 
                    ) AND (
                        " . $lat . " + (" . $this->photoRadius . " / 69) 
                HAVING distance < " . $this->photoRadius . "
                ORDER BY distance
                LIMIT ?";
            $params = array(
            $return = array(); 
            $square_size = 180;
            foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query, $params) as $data) {
                $key = $data['photo_id'];
                $return[$key]['size_sq'] = RP_PROTOCOL . "://" . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "HTTP_HOST", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) . "/image_resize.php?q=90&w=" . $square_size . "&h=" . $square_size . "&square=true&image=" . str_replace("?zz=1", "", $data['size4']);
                $return[$key]['size_sq_w'] = $square_size;
                $return[$key]['size_sq_h'] = $square_size;
                $data['id'] = $data['photo_id'];
                $data['url_sq']     = $data['size0'];
                $data['width_sq']   = $data['size0_w'];
                $data['height_sq']  = $data['size0_h'];
                $data['url_t']      = $data['size1'];
                $data['width_t']    = $data['size1_w'];
                $data['height_t']   = $data['size1_h'];
                $data['url_s']      = $data['size2'];
                $data['width_s']    = $data['size2_w'];
                $data['height_s']   = $data['size2_h'];
                $data['url_q']      = NULL;
                $data['width_q']    = NULL;
                $data['height_q']   = NULL;
                $data['url_m']      = $data['size3'];
                $data['width_m']    = $data['size3_w'];
                $data['height_m']   = $data['size3_h'];
                $data['url_n']      = $data['size6'];
                $data['width_n']    = $data['size6_w'];
                $data['height_n']   = $data['size6_h'];
                $data['url_z']      = $data['size4'];
                $data['width_z']    = $data['size4_w'];
                $data['height_z']   = $data['size4_h'];
                $data['url_l']      = $data['size5'];
                $data['width_l']    = $data['size5_w'];
                $data['height_l']   = $data['size5_h'];
                $data['url_c']      = $data['size7'];
                $data['width_c']    = $data['size7_w'];
                $data['height_c']   = $data['size7_h'];
                $data['url_o']      = $data['size8'];
                $data['width_c']    = $data['size8_w'];
                $data['height_c']   = $data['size8_h'];
                $data['nicetags'] = explode(" ", $data['tags']);
                $return[$key] = $data;
            $this->Memcached->save($cachekey, $return, strtotime("+1 day")); 
            return $return;
         * Check if user has "liked" this location
         * @since Version 3.0 
         * @param int|bool $user_id
         * @return boolean
        public function doesUserLike($user_id = false) {
            if ($user_id instanceof User) {
                $user_id = $user_id->id;
            if (!filter_var($user_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { 
                return false;
            $query = "SELECT * FROM locations_like WHERE location_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
            if ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($query, array($this->id, $user_id))) {
                return true;
            return false;
         * Recommend a location
         * @since Version 3.0 
         * @param int|bool $user_id
         * @return boolean
        public function recommend($user_id = false) {
            if ($user_id instanceof User) {
                $user_id = $user_id->id;
            if (!filter_var($user_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { 
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("No user ID provided"); 
            if ($this->doesUserLike($user_id)) {
                return false;
            $data = array(
                "location_id" => $this->id,
                "user_id" => $user_id
            $this->db->insert("locations_like", $data);
            return true;
         * Approve a location
         * @since Version 3.6
         * @return boolean
        public function approve() {
            if (empty($this->id)) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot approve location - no location created yet"); 
                return false;
            $this->active = 1; 
            $this->date_modified = time(); 
         * Reject / delete a location
         * @since Version 3.6
         * @return boolean
        public function reject() {
            if (empty($this->id)) {
                throw new Exception("Cannot reject location - no location created yet"); 
                return false;
            $where = array(
                "id = ?" => $this->id
            $this->db->delete("location", $where); 
            return true;
         * Get contributors of this location
         * @since Version 3.7.5
         * @return array
        public function getContributors() {
            $query = "SELECT username FROM nuke_users WHERE user_id = ?"; 
            $return = array(); 
            $return[$this->user_id] = $this->db->fetchOne($query, $this->user_id); 
            $query = "SELECT DISTINCT l.user_id, u.username FROM log_general AS l LEFT JOIN nuke_users AS u ON u.user_id = l.user_id WHERE l.module = ? AND l.key = ? AND l.value = ? AND l.user_id != ?";
            foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query, array("locations", "id", $this->id, $this->user_id)) as $row) {
                $return[$row['user_id']] = $row['username']; 
            return $return;
         * Get dates for this location
         * @since Version 3.8.7
         * @return array
        public function getDates() {
            return $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM location_date WHERE location_id = ?", $this->id); 
         * Get an array of this data
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return array
        public function getArray() {
            return array(
                "id" => $this->id,
                "lat" => $this->lat,
                "lon" => $this->lon,
                "zoom" => $this->zoom,
                "name" => $this->name,
                "desc" => $this->desc,
                "traffic" => is_object($this->traffic) ? $this->traffic->__toString() : $this->traffic,
                "environment" => is_object($this->environment) ? $this->environment->__toString() : $this->environment,
                "directions_driving" => is_object($this->directions_driving) ? $this->directions_driving->__toString() : $this->directions_driving,
                "directions_parking" => is_object($this->directions_parking) ? $this->directions_parking->__toString() : $this->directions_parking,
                "directions_pt" => is_object($this->directions_pt) ? $this->directions_pt->__toString() : $this->directions_pt,
                "amenities" => is_object($this->amenities) ? $this->amenities->__toString() : $this->amenities,
                "url" => $this->url instanceof Url ? $this->url->getURLs() : array("url" => $this->url)
         * Get this object as a string
         * @since Version 3.9.1
         * @return string
        public function __toString() {
            return $this->name;