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import { CustomTaskSchedulement } from './CustomTaskSchedulement'
import { TaskSchedulementInterface } from './interfaces/TaskSchedulementInterface'

 * Definition of queueMicrotask() task scheduler.
 * It is new API, which allows to queue task on V8 routine.
 * It's available both in browser and in Node.js environment.
 * Warning: using microtask-only queue may cause problems with macrotasks & timers!
const queueMicrotaskMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'microtask',
  name: 'queueMicrotask',
  check: () => typeof queueMicrotask === 'function',
  factory: () => queueMicrotask

 * Definition of queueMicrotask() mixed with setImmediate() task scheduler.
 * It is using microtask queue, but to ensure proper timers & macrotasks,
 * it's emitting setImmediate macrotask from time to time.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
 * There is 'new Function' created to gain better performance,
 * than it could be possible through regular code.
const queueMicrotaskWithSetImmediateMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'microtask-immediate',
  name: 'queueMicrotask (mixed with setImmediate)',
  check: () => typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' && typeof setImmediate === 'function',
  factory: () => {
    const microtasksLimit = 7

    return new Function('tick', 'immediate', `
      var counter = 0;
      return function (fn) {
        if (counter++ % ${microtasksLimit} !== 0) {
        } else {
    `)(queueMicrotask, setImmediate) as (fn: (...args: any) => any) => any

 * Definition of queueMicrotask() mixed with setTimeout() task scheduler.
 * It is using microtask queue, but to ensure proper timers & macrotasks,
 * it's emitting setTimeout timer from time to time.
 * It's available both in browser and in Node.js environment.
 * There is 'new Function' created to gain better performance,
 * than it could be possible through regular code.
const queueMicrotaskWithSetTimeoutMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'microtask-timeout',
  name: 'queueMicrotask (mixed with setTimeout)',
  check: () => typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' && typeof setImmediate === 'function',
  factory: () => {
    const microtasksLimit = 750

    return new Function('tick', 'timeout', `
      var counter = 0;
      return function (fn) {
        if (counter++ % ${microtasksLimit} !== 0) {
        } else {
    `)(queueMicrotask, setTimeout) as (fn: (...args: any) => any) => any

 * Definition of [script injection] task scheduler.
 * It will attach new <script> element to document' body.
 * It's available only in browser environment.
const scriptInjectionMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'script-injection',
  name: '<script> injection',
  check: () => typeof window === 'object' && typeof document === 'object',
  factory: () => {
    let counter = 0

    const doc = document
    const body = doc.body
    const randomId = '$$injectedScript$$'
    const randomName = '$$queuedTask$$'

    return () => {

      const id = randomId + counter
      const name = randomName + counter

      const code =
        `var win = window, doc = document;` +
        `doc.body.removeChild(doc.getElementById("${id}"));` +
        `var task = win.${name};` +
        `delete win.${name};` +

      const script = doc.createElement('script')
      script.id = id
      script.innerHTML = code

 * Definition of process.nextTick() task scheduler.
 * It is using microtask queue, through Node.js event loop.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
 * Warning: using microtask-only queue may cause problems with macrotasks & timers!
const nextTickMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'tick',
  name: 'process.nextTick',
  // Node <= 0.10 has different process.nextTick implementation, which doesn't work recursively.
  // @ts-ignore
  check: () => typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function' && !process.maxTickDepth,
  factory: () => process.nextTick

 * Definition of process.nextTick() mixed with setImmediate() task scheduler.
 * It is using microtask queue, but to ensure proper timers & macrotasks,
 * it's emitting setImmediate macrotask from time to time.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
 * There is 'new Function' created to gain better performance,
 * than it could be possible through regular code.
const nextTickWithSetImmediateMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'tick-immediate',
  name: 'process.nextTick (mixed with setImmediate)',
  // Node <= 0.10 has different process.nextTick implementation, which doesn't work recursively.
  // @ts-ignore
  check: () => typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function' && typeof setImmediate === 'function' && !process.maxTickDepth,
  factory: () => {
    // @ts-ignore
    const limit = process.maxTickDepth / 2 || 500

    return new Function('tick', 'immediate', `
      var counter = 0;
      return function (fn) {
        if (counter++ % ${limit} !== 0) {
        } else {
    `)(process.nextTick, setImmediate) as (fn: (...args: any) => any) => any

 * Definition of process.nextTick() mixed with setTimeout() task scheduler.
 * It is using microtask queue, but to ensure proper timers & macrotasks,
 * it's emitting setTimeout timer from time to time.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
 * There is 'new Function' created to gain better performance,
 * than it could be possible through regular code.
const nextTickWithSetTimeoutMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'tick-timeout',
  name: 'process.nextTick (mixed with setTimeout)',
  // Node <= 0.10 has different process.nextTick implementation, which doesn't work recursively.
  // @ts-ignore
  check: () => typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function' && typeof setImmediate === 'function' && !process.maxTickDepth,
  factory: () => {
    // @ts-ignore
    const limit = process.maxTickDepth / 2 || 500

    return new Function('tick', 'timeout', `
      var counter = 0;
      return function (fn) {
        if (counter++ % ${limit} !== 0) {
        } else {
    `)(process.nextTick, setTimeout) as (fn: (...args: any) => any) => any

 * Definition of setImmediate() task scheduler.
 * It is scheduling macrotask, in Node.js event loop.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
const setImmediateMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'immediate',
  name: 'setImmediate',
  check: () => typeof setImmediate === 'function',
  factory: () => setImmediate

 * Definition of setImmediate() task scheduler.
 * It is scheduling task through timer, in Node.js event loop.
 * It's available only in Node.js environment.
const setTimeoutMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'timeout',
  name: 'setTimeout',
  check: () => typeof setTimeout === 'function',
  factory: () => setTimeout

 * Definition of Promise.resolve().then(fn) task scheduler.
 * It is scheduling microtask as a resolved promise effect.
 * It's available both in browser and Node.js environment.
 * Warning: using microtask-only queue may cause problems with macrotasks & timers!
const promiseResolveMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'promise',
  name: 'Promise.resolve',
  check: () => typeof Promise === 'function' && typeof Promise.resolve === 'function',
  factory: () => {
    const promise = Promise.resolve()
    return fn => promise.then(fn)

 * Definition of MessageChannel task scheduler.
 * It is scheduling microtask as a part of postMessage mechanism.
 * It's available only in browser environment.
 * Warning: using microtask-only queue may cause problems with macrotasks & timers!
 * TODO: Check if it's not a macrotask
const messageChannelMethod = new CustomTaskSchedulement({
  id: 'message-channel',
  name: 'MessageChannel',
  check: () => typeof MessageChannel === 'function',
  factory: () => {
    const channel = new MessageChannel()
    const port1 = channel.port1
    const post = channel.port2.postMessage.bind(channel.port2)

    return fn => {
      port1.onmessage = fn

const taskSchedulementMethods: TaskSchedulementInterface[] = [
  // Micro/macro tasks mixed

  // Macrotasks, most stable

  // Slower micro/macro tasks mixed

  // Slower options

  // Microtasks - be careful!
  // These will block macrotasks from execution.

export {