# RM_INFO is set when using Rubymine. In Rubymine, starting SimpleCov is
# controlled by running with coverage, so don't explicitly start coverage (and
# therefore generate a report) when in Rubymine. This _will_ generate a report
# whenever `rake spec` is run.
unless ENV['RM_INFO'] || SimpleCov.running
SimpleCov.configure do
# ignore this file
add_filter '.simplecov'
# Rake tasks aren't tested with rspec
add_filter 'Rakefile'
add_filter 'lib/tasks'
# Changed Files in Git Group
# @see http://fredwu.me/post/35625566267/simplecov-test-coverage-for-changed-files-only
untracked = `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others`
unstaged = `git diff --name-only`
staged = `git diff --name-only --cached`
all = untracked + unstaged + staged
changed_filenames = all.split("\n")
add_group 'Changed' do |source_file|
changed_filenames.detect { |changed_filename|
add_group 'Libraries', 'lib'
# Specs are reported on to ensure that all examples are being run and all
# lets, befores, afters, etc are being used.
add_group 'Specs', 'spec'