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Test Coverage
name: Ravel API
version: 1.0.0-rc.14
favicon: assets/logo.png
  - 1.0.0-rc.14
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  - name: Core Application Components
  - Ravel
  - Module
  - Routes
  - Resource
  - name: Dependency Injection
  - inject
  - autoinject
  - name: Core Services
  - Services
  - HTTPCodes
  - name: Routing and Middleware
  - mapping
  - before
  - cache
  - name: Databases and Transaction-Per-Request
  - transaction
  - TransactionFactory
  - DatabaseProvider
  - name: Authentication
  - authenticated
  - authconfig
  - AuthenticationProvider
  - name: Logging
  - Logger
  - name: Built-in Error Types
    description: |
      Built-in error types are automatically translated into standard HTTP response status codes when thrown.
  - $err
  - name: WebSockets
    file: docs/ws.md
  - name: Testing Ravel Applications
    file: docs/testing.md