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'use strict';

const $err = require('../util/application_error');

const sProviders = Symbol.for('_databaseProviders');
const sName = Symbol.for('_sName');

 * Defines an abstract DatabaseProvider - a mechanism
 * by which connections can be obtained and transactions
 * can be entered and exited for a particular database
 * provider such as MySQL (see ravel-mysql-provider for an
 * example implementation).
 * Override this class to create your own DatabaseProvider.
class DatabaseProvider {
   * Anything that should happen when this `DatabaseProvider` is connected to a Ravel
   * application via `require('provider-name')(app)` should happen here.
   * This includes, but is not limited to, the declaration of parameters supporting
   * this module via `ravelInstance.registerParameter()`. If you override this constructor,
   * be sure to call `super(ravelInstance, name)`.
   * @param {Ravel} ravelInstance - An instance of a Ravel application.
   * @param {string} name - A unique name for this `DatbaseProvider`. A default can
   *                      be provided by overriding this constructor and using ES2015
   *                      default argument value syntax. Must be unique within
   *                      your application.
  constructor (ravelInstance, name) {
    this[sName] = name;
    this.$log = ravelInstance.$log.getLogger(this.name);

    ravelInstance.once('pre listen', async () => {
      ravelInstance.$log.debug(`Using DatabaseProvider ${this.constructor.name}, alias: ${this.name}`);
      try {
        await this.prelisten(ravelInstance);
      } catch (err) {
        // EventEmitter swallows error otherwise
        ravelInstance.emit('error', err);

    ravelInstance.once('end', () => {
      ravelInstance.$log.debug(`Shutting down ${this.constructor.name}, alias: ${this.name}`);

    if (!ravelInstance[sProviders]) {
      ravelInstance[sProviders] = [];


   * @returns {string} The unique name of this DatabaseProvider.
   *                  Try to pick something unique within the Ravel ecosystem.
  get name () {
    return this[sName];

   * Anything that should happen just before a Ravel application starts listening
   * (`app.listen()`) should happen here. If you override this hook, be sure to call `super()`.
   * This function should return nothing. It is a good place to start connection pools.
   * @param {Ravel} ravelInstance - An instance of a Ravel application.
  prelisten (ravelInstance) { } // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

   * Anything that should happen just before a Ravel application stops listening
   * (`app.end()`) should happen here. If you override this hook, be sure to call `super()`.
   * This function should return nothing.
   * @param {Ravel} ravelInstance - An instance of a Ravel application.
  end (ravelInstance) { } // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

   * Obtain a connection and start a transaction.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolved by the open connection.
  getTransactionConnection () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    return Promise.reject(new $err.NotImplemented(
      'DatabaseProvider ' + this.name + ' must implement getTransactionConnection()'));

   * End a transaction and close the connection.
   * Rollback the transaction iff finalErr !== null.
   * @param {object} connection - A connection object which was used throughout the transaction.
   * @param {boolean} shouldCommit - If true, commit, otherwise rollback.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolved, or rejected if there was an error while closing the connection.
  exitTransaction (connection, shouldCommit) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    return Promise.reject(new $err.NotImplemented(
      'DatabaseProvider ' + this.name + ' must implement exitTransaction(connection, shouldCommit)'));

 * Export accessor for `DatabaseProvider`s list
module.exports = function (Ravel) {
  Ravel.prototype.databaseProviders = function () {
    return this[sProviders] ? this[sProviders] : [];

 * Export the `DatabseProvider` superclass
module.exports.DatabaseProvider = DatabaseProvider;