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'use strict';

const $err = require('./application_error');
const redis = require('redis');

 * Reconnection strategy for redis
function retryStrategy (ravelInstance) {
  return function (options) {
    const code = options.error ? options.error.code : 'Reason Unknown';
    if (options.attempt > ravelInstance.get('redis max retries')) {
      ravelInstance.$log.error(`Lost connection to redis: ${code}. Max retry attempts exceeded.`);
      // End reconnecting with built in error
      return new $err.General(
        `Lost connection to redis: ${code}. Max retry attempts reached.`);
    } else {
      const time = Math.pow(options.attempt, 2) * 100;
      ravelInstance.$log.error(`Lost connection to redis: ${code}. Reconnecting in ${time} milliseconds.`);
      // reconnect after
      return time;

 * For disabling redis methods.
 * @param {object} client - Client to disable a method on.
 * @param {string} fn - Name of the function to disable.
 * @private
function disable (client, fn) {
  client[fn] = function () {
    throw new $err.General(
      `kvstore cannot use ${fn}(). Use.$kvstore.clone() to retrieve a fresh connection first.`);

 * Returns a fresh connection to Redis.
 * @param {Ravel} ravelInstance - An instance of a Ravel app.
 * @param {boolean} restrict - Iff true, disable `exit`, `subcribe`, `psubscribe`, `unsubscribe` and `punsubscribe`.
 * @returns {object} Returns a fresh connection to Redis.
 * @private
function createClient (ravelInstance, restrict = true) {
  const localRedis = ravelInstance.get('redis port') === undefined || ravelInstance.get('redis host') === undefined;
  ravelInstance.on('post init', () => {
      ? 'Using in-memory key-value store. Please do not scale this app horizontally.'
      : `Using redis at ${ravelInstance.get('redis host')}:${ravelInstance.get('redis port')}`);
  let client;
  if (localRedis) {
    const mock = require('redis-mock');
    client = mock.createClient();
    client.flushall(); // in case this has been required before
  } else {
    client = redis.createClient(
      ravelInstance.get('redis port'),
      ravelInstance.get('redis host'),
        no_ready_check: true,
        retry_strategy: retryStrategy(ravelInstance)
  // log errors
  client.on('error', (err) => {
    // Use console if framework logging isn't available yet
    ravelInstance.$log ? ravelInstance.$log.error(err) : console.error(err);

  if (ravelInstance.get('redis password')) {
    client.auth(ravelInstance.get('redis password'));

  // keepalive when not testing
  const redisKeepaliveInterval = setInterval(() => {
    client && client.ping && client.ping();
  }, ravelInstance.get('redis keepalive interval'));
  ravelInstance.once('end', () => {

  if (restrict) {
    disable(client, 'quit');
    disable(client, 'subscribe');
    disable(client, 'psubscribe');
    disable(client, 'unsubscribe');
    disable(client, 'punsubscribe');
  } else {
    const origQuit = client.quit;
    client.quit = function (...args) {
      return origQuit.apply(client, args);

  client.clone = function () {
    return createClient(ravelInstance, false);

  return client;

 * Abstraction for redis-like data store.
 * @param {Ravel} ravelInstance - An instance of a Ravel app.
 * @private
module.exports = createClient;

module.exports.retryStrategy = retryStrategy;