'use strict';
const { pathToRegexp } = require('path-to-regexp');
const compose = require('koa-compose');
const $err = require('./application_error');
const _component = new WeakMap();
const _componentPattern = new WeakMap();
const _componentKeys = new WeakMap();
const _children = new WeakMap();
const _catchAll = new WeakMap();
const _middleware = new WeakMap();
const _composedMiddleware = new WeakMap();
* HTTP Methods
* @private
const Methods = {
* The result of a RouteTree search.
* @private
class RouteTreeResult {
constructor (params, middleware, composedMiddleware) {
this.params = params;
this.middleware = middleware;
this.composedMiddleware = composedMiddleware;
* RouteTreeNode represents the root in a tree of routes which have been
* decomposed into path components.
* @private
class RouteTreeRoot {
constructor () {
this[Methods.HEAD] = new RouteTreeNode();
this[Methods.GET] = new RouteTreeNode();
this[Methods.PATCH] = new RouteTreeNode();
this[Methods.POST] = new RouteTreeNode();
this[Methods.PUT] = new RouteTreeNode();
this[Methods.DELETE] = new RouteTreeNode();
* @private
* @returns {string[]} - A list of methods supported by this RouteTree.
allowedMethods () {
const methods = [];
if (!this[Methods.HEAD].isEmpty) methods.push('HEAD');
if (!this[Methods.GET].isEmpty) methods.push('GET');
if (!this[Methods.PATCH].isEmpty) methods.push('PATCH');
if (!this[Methods.POST].isEmpty) methods.push('POST');
if (!this[Methods.PUT].isEmpty) methods.push('PUT');
if (!this[Methods.DELETE].isEmpty) methods.push('DELETE');
return methods;
* @private
* @param {string} method - An HTTP verb
* @returns {boolean} - True iff the route tree for the given method is non-empty
isSupported (method) {
return this[method] !== undefined && !this[method].isEmpty;
* Adds a route to an existing route tree.
* @private
* @param {string} method - The HTTP verb for this route
* @param {string} pattern - The matching pattern for this route.
* @param {AsyncFunction[]} middleware - One or more middleware functions to attach to this route
* @param {boolean} catchAll - If true, this route would consume all path components after those
* explicitly specified (i.e., a catchall route /foo/:bar would match
* /foo/bar and /foo/bar/car).
* @throws {$err.IllegalValue} - If the method type is unsupported.
* @throws {$err.DuplicateEntry} - If a functionally identical route already exists.
addRoute (method, pattern, middleware, catchAll = false) {
if (this[method] === undefined) {
throw new $err.IllegalValue(`Unsupported method type ${method}`);
} else {
const pathComponents = pattern.split('/').filter(e => e !== '');
if (this[method].containsFunctionalDuplicate(pathComponents)) {
throw new $err.DuplicateEntry(`Path ${pattern} has already been defined.`);
this[method].addRoute(pattern, pathComponents, middleware, catchAll);
* Sorts the subtree rooted at this node so that routes are
* chosen deterministically, rather than being subject to
* declaration order.
* @private
sort () {
* Matches a path to the route tree, returning the middleware
* which should be executed for the given path, along with
* path parameter values.
* @param {string} method - The HTTP method to match against (i.e. Methods.GET).
* @param {string} path - The string path to match against.
* @returns {RouteTreeResult} - The resulting match from the tree, or null if none was found.
match (method, path) {
if (!this.isSupported(method)) {
throw new $err.IllegalValue(`Unsupported method type ${method}`);
return this[method].match(path.split('/'));
* RouteTreeNode represents a node in a tree of routes which have been
* decomposed into path components.
* @private
class RouteTreeNode {
constructor (component, componentPattern, componentKeys) {
_component.set(this, component);
_componentPattern.set(this, componentPattern);
_componentKeys.set(this, componentKeys);
_children.set(this, []);
_catchAll.set(this, false);
_middleware.set(this, []);
* Compares two nodes for sorting purposes.
* Based on this excellent comment:
* @private
* @param {RouteTreeNode} lNode - The left node.
* @param {RouteTreeNode} rNode - The right node.
* @returns {boolean} true, iff lNode <= rNode
static compare (lNode, rNode) {
// catch-all routes have the lowest priority
if (!lNode.catchAll && rNode.catchAll) {
return -1;
} else if (lNode.catchAll && !rNode.catchAll) {
return 1;
// no parameters (/hello) is higher priority than routes with parameters
if (lNode.componentKeys.length === 0 && rNode.componentKeys.length > 0) {
return -1;
} else if (lNode.componentKeys.length > 0 && rNode.componentKeys.length === 0) {
return 1;
} else if (lNode.componentKeys.length === 0 && rNode.componentKeys.length === 0) {
// lNode and rNode do not have keys/parameters
return 0;
// lNode and rNode have keys/parameters, so non-optional wins (/:hello+ or /:hello)
const lComponent = lNode.componentKeys[0];
const rComponent = rNode.componentKeys[0];
if (!lComponent.optional && rComponent.optional) {
return -1;
} else if (lComponent.optional && !rComponent.optional) {
return 1;
// both are or are not optional, so prefixed parameters (/ab:hello) win over non-prefixed
if (lComponent.prefix.length > 0 && rComponent.prefix.length === 0) {
return -1;
} else if (lComponent.prefix.length === 0 && rComponent.prefix.length > 0) {
return 1;
// we have no other basis for comparison, so fall back to declaration order
return 0;
get children () {
return _children.get(this);
get catchAll () {
return _catchAll.get(this);
get component () {
return _component.get(this);
get componentPattern () {
return _componentPattern.get(this);
get componentKeys () {
return _componentKeys.get(this);
get middleware () {
return _middleware.get(this);
get composedMiddleware () {
return _composedMiddleware.get(this);
get isEmpty () {
return this.children.length === 0 && this.middleware.length === 0;
* Checks if a route is functionally identical to one already declared in the tree (even if key names differ).
* @private
* @param {string[]} pathComponents - An array of components derived from the path (splitting on '/').
* @param {boolean} catchAll - If true, this route would consume all path components after those
* explicitly specified (i.e., a catchall route /foo/:bar would match
* /foo/bar and /foo/bar/car).
* @returns {boolean} - True iff the route represented by pathComponents is functionally identical
* to one already in this RouteTree
containsFunctionalDuplicate (pathComponents, catchAll = false) {
if (pathComponents.length === 0) {
// if there's no path components to begin with, then this is only a
// duplicate if we've stored middleware at the "root" path (/)
// if we reached here via recursion, the same test works.
return this.middleware.length > 0 || catchAll;
} else {
const componentPattern = pathToRegexp(pathComponents[0], []);
const rest = pathComponents.slice(1);
for (const child of this.children) {
if (child.componentPattern.toString() === componentPattern.toString()) {
const match = child.containsFunctionalDuplicate(rest);
if (match) return true;
// otherwise, check next branch
return false;
* Adds a route to an existing route tree.
* @private
* @param {string} pattern - The original path, used in error messages.
* @param {string[]} pathComponents - An array of components derived from the path (splitting on '/').
* @param {AsyncFunction[]} middleware - One or more middleware functions to attach to this route
* @param {boolean} catchAll - If true, this route will consume all path components after those
* explicitly specified (i.e., a catchall route /foo/:bar would match
* /foo/bar and /foo/bar/car).
addRoute (pattern, pathComponents, middleware, catchAll = false) {
// check if we're done
if (pathComponents.length === 0) {
_middleware.set(this, middleware);
_composedMiddleware.set(this, compose(middleware));
_catchAll.set(this, catchAll);
return; // done!
const componentKeys = [];
const componentPattern = pathToRegexp(pathComponents[0], componentKeys);
if (componentKeys.reduce((p, c) => p || c.repeat, false)) {
throw new $err.IllegalValue(`Repeated path components (${pathComponents[0]}) are not supported.`);
// check if an existing child has an identical pathComponent to the current one
// we know we won't find a functionally matching route because that's already been checked.
for (const child of this.children) {
if (child.component === pathComponents[0] &&
child.componentPattern.toString() === componentPattern.toString()) {
return child.addRoute(pattern, pathComponents.slice(1), middleware, catchAll);
// If not, create node and recurse
const newNode = new RouteTreeNode(pathComponents[0], componentPattern, componentKeys);
return newNode.addRoute(pattern, pathComponents.slice(1), middleware, catchAll);
* Sorts the subtree rooted at this node so that routes are
* chosen deterministically, rather than being subject to
* declaration order.
* @private
sort () {
for (const child of this.children) {
* Matches a path to the route tree, returning the middleware
* which should be executed for the given path, along with
* path parameter values.
* @private
* @param {string[]} path - The path components to match against.
* @param {object} keyValues - The values of any path parameters present in the path.
* @returns {RouteTreeResult} - The resulting match from the tree, or null if none was found.
match (path, keyValues = {}) {
if (path.length === 0) {
if (this.middleware.length > 0) {
return new RouteTreeResult(keyValues, this.middleware, this.composedMiddleware);
} else {
return null;
} else if (path[0].length === 0) {
// skip any empty path segments
return this.match(path.slice(1), keyValues);
const currComponent = path[0];
const rest = path.slice(1);
for (const child of this.children) {
const match = currComponent.match(child.componentPattern);
if (match === null) {
continue; // try next child
// recurse if necessary
if (rest.length > 0) {
const childMatch = child.match(rest, keyValues);
if (childMatch !== null) {
// if the branch matched, fill in our matching values too
child.componentKeys.forEach((k, idx) => {
keyValues[] = match[idx + 1];
return childMatch;
// if we didn't find a match in that branch, continue searching other branches
} else if (child.catchAll || child.middleware.length > 0) {
// we've no more components to look through, and we've hit a
// node with middleware, so fill in our matching values
child.componentKeys.forEach((k, idx) => {
keyValues[] = match[idx + 1];
// otherwise, return the result
return new RouteTreeResult(keyValues, child.middleware, child.composedMiddleware);
} else {
// we didn't hit a terminal node
// finally, check if we're a catch-all node
if (this.catchAll && this.middleware.length > 0) {
return new RouteTreeResult(keyValues, this.middleware, this.composedMiddleware);
// if we made it here, no child matched currComponent
return null;
module.exports.Methods = Methods;
module.exports.RouteTreeNode = RouteTreeNode;
module.exports.RouteTreeRoot = RouteTreeRoot;