

7 hrs
Test Coverage

class RDFIOARC2ToWikiConverter extends RDFIOParser {
    protected $wikiPages;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->wikiPages = array();

     * Take ARC2 array data structures (triples, triple index, and namespaces)
     * and convert to an array of RDFIOWikiPage objects.
     * @param array $arc2Triples
     * @param array $arc2ResourceIndex
     * @param array $arc2NSPrefixes
     * @throws MWException
     * @return Ambigous <multitype:, RDFIOWikiPage>
    public function convert( $arc2Triples, $arc2ResourceIndex, $arc2NSPrefixes ) {
        // Instatiate wiki title converters (converting from URI and related RDF data to Wiki Title)
        $uriToTitleConv = new RDFIOURIToWikiTitleConverter( $arc2Triples, $arc2ResourceIndex, $arc2NSPrefixes );
        $uriToPropTitleConv = new RDFIOURIToPropertyTitleConverter( $arc2Triples, $arc2ResourceIndex, $arc2NSPrefixes );

         * The main loop, doing the convertion of triples into 
         * a representation of wiki pages instead.
        foreach ( $arc2Triples as $triple ) {
            // Convert URI:s to wiki titles
            $wikiPageTitle = $uriToTitleConv->convert( $triple['s'] );

            if ( $triple['p'] === '' ) {

                // Add categorization of page
                $catPageTitle = $uriToTitleConv->convert( $triple['o'] );
                $catPageTitleWithNS = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $catPageTitle )->getFullText();
                // Add data for the subject page
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['s'], $wikiPageTitle );
                $this->addCategoryToPage( $catPageTitleWithNS, $wikiPageTitle );
                // Add data for the category page
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['o'], $catPageTitleWithNS );

            } else if ( $triple['p'] === '' ) {

                // Add categorization of page
                $catPageTitle = $uriToTitleConv->convert( $triple['o'] );
                $catPageTitleWithNS = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $catPageTitle )->getFullText();
                $pageTitleWithNS = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $wikiPageTitle )->getFullText();

                // Add data for the subject page
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['s'], $pageTitleWithNS );
                $this->addCategoryToPage( $catPageTitleWithNS, $pageTitleWithNS );

                // Add data for the category page
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['o'], $catPageTitleWithNS );

            } else {
                // Separate handling for properties
                $propertyTitle = $uriToPropTitleConv->convert( $triple['p'] );
                // Add the property namespace to property title
                $propTitleWithNS = Title::makeTitleSafe( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $propertyTitle )->getFullText();
                // Add Equivalent URI to property page
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['p'], $propTitleWithNS );

                 * Decide whether to create a page for the linked "object" or not,
                 * depending on object datatype (uri or literal)
                $propertyDataType = null;
                switch ( $triple['o_type'] ) {
                    case 'bnode':
                    case 'uri':
                        // Create new page for the object
                        $objectTitleOrVal = $uriToTitleConv->convert( $triple['o'] );
                        $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['o'], $objectTitleOrVal );
                        // Since URIs convert to pages, properties linking to URIs will be of 'Page' type
                        $propertyDataType = 'Page';
                    case 'literal':
                        $objectTitleOrVal = $triple['o'];

                        // Determine data type of property
                        $xsd = '';
                        switch( $triple['o_datatype'] ) {
                            case $xsd . 'byte':
                            case $xsd . 'decimal':
                            case $xsd . 'int':
                            case $xsd . 'integer':
                            case $xsd . 'long':
                            case $xsd . 'negativeInteger':
                            case $xsd . 'nonNegativeInteger':
                            case $xsd . 'nonPositiveInteger':
                            case $xsd . 'positiveInteger':
                            case $xsd . 'short':
                            case $xsd . 'unsignedLong':
                            case $xsd . 'unsignedInt':
                            case $xsd . 'unsignedShort':
                            case $xsd . 'unsignedByte':
                            case $xsd . 'float':
                            case $xsd . 'double':
                                $propertyDataType = 'Number';
                            case $xsd . 'string':
                                $propertyDataType = 'Text';
                            case $xsd . 'date':
                            case $xsd . 'dateTime':
                            case $xsd . 'duration':
                            case $xsd . 'time':
                                $propertyDataType = 'Date';
                            case $xsd . 'boolean':
                            case $xsd . 'bool':
                                $propertyDataType = 'Boolean';
                            case $xsd . 'anyURI':
                                $propertyDataType = 'URL';
                                if ( substr( $objectTitleOrVal, 0, 4 ) === 'http' ) {
                                    $propertyDataType = 'URL';
                                $propertyDataType = 'Text';
                        throw new RDFIOARC2ToWikiConverterException( 'Error in ARC2ToWikiConverter: Unknown type ("' . $triple['o_type'] . '") of object ("' . $triple['o'] . '") in triple! (not "uri" nor "literal")!' );

                // Add Data type to property page.
                // NOTE: This is important to do BEFORE adding any fact using the property,
                // in order for the fact to get correct encoding in the ARC2 store.
                if( !is_null( $propertyDataType ) ) {
                    $this->addDataTypeToPage( $propertyDataType, $propTitleWithNS );

                // Create a fact array
                $fact = array( 'p' => $propertyTitle, 'o' => $objectTitleOrVal );
                // Add data to class variables
                $this->addEquivUriToPage( $triple['s'], $wikiPageTitle );
                $this->addFactToPage( $fact, $wikiPageTitle );

        return $this->wikiPages;

     * @param string $equivURI
     * @param string $pageTitle
    private function addEquivUriToPage( $equivURI, $pageTitle ) {
        // Make sure $equivURI is not null, nor a blank node (starting with '_:')
        if ( !is_null( $equivURI ) && substr( $equivURI, 0, 2 ) !== '_:' ) {
            $this->getPage( $pageTitle )->addEquivalentURI( $equivURI );

     * @param array $fact
     * @param string $pageTitle
    private function addFactToPage( $fact, $pageTitle ) {
        if ( !is_null( $fact ) ) {
            $this->getPage( $pageTitle )->addFact( $fact );

     * @param string $category
     * @param string $pageTitle
    private function addCategoryToPage( $category, $pageTitle ) {
        if ( !is_null( $category ) ) {
            $this->getPage( $pageTitle )->addCategory( $category );

     * @param string $dataType
     * @param string $pageTitle
    private function addDataTypeToPage( $dataType, $pageTitle ) {
        if ( !is_null( $dataType ) ) {
            $this->getPage( $pageTitle )->addDataType( $dataType );

     * @param string $pageTitle
    private function ensurePageExists( $pageTitle ) {
        // Create page array if not exists in array
        if ( !array_key_exists( $pageTitle, $this->wikiPages ) ) {
            $this->wikiPages[$pageTitle] = new RDFIOWikiPage( $pageTitle );

     * @param string $pageTitle
     * @return RDFIOWikiPage $page
    private function getPage( $pageTitle ) {
        $this->ensurePageExists( $pageTitle );
        return $this->wikiPages[$pageTitle];

class RDFIOARC2ToWikiConverterException extends MWException {