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6 hrs
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package components

import (
    str "strings"

type MWXMLCreator struct {
    InWikiPage    chan *WikiPage
    OutTemplates  chan string
    OutProperties chan string
    OutPages      chan string
    UseTemplates  bool

func NewMWXMLCreator(useTemplates bool) *MWXMLCreator {
    return &MWXMLCreator{
        InWikiPage:    make(chan *WikiPage, BUFSIZE),
        OutTemplates:  make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
        OutProperties: make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
        OutPages:      make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
        UseTemplates:  useTemplates,

const wikiXmlTpl = `
            <comment>Page created by RDF2SMW commandline tool</comment>
            <text xml:space="preserve">

var pageTypeToMWNamespace = map[int]int{
    URITypeClass:     14,
    URITypeTemplate:  10,
    URITypePredicate: 102,
    URITypeUndefined: 0,

func (p *MWXMLCreator) Run() {
    tplPropertyIdx := make(map[string]map[string]int)

    defer close(p.OutTemplates)
    defer close(p.OutProperties)
    defer close(p.OutPages)

    p.OutPages <- "<mediawiki>\n"
    p.OutProperties <- "<mediawiki>\n"

    for page := range p.InWikiPage {

        wikiText := ""

        if p.UseTemplates && len(page.Categories) > 0 { // We need at least one category, as to name the (to-be) template

            var templateName string
            if page.SpecificCategory.Name != "" {
                templateName = page.SpecificCategory.Name
            } else {
                // Pick last item (biggest chance to be pretty specific?)
                templateName = page.Categories[len(page.Categories)-1].Name
                //println("Page ", page.Title, " | Didn't have a specific catogory, so selected ", templateName)
            templateTitle := "Template:" + templateName

            // Make sure template page exists
            if tplPropertyIdx[templateTitle] == nil {
                tplPropertyIdx[templateTitle] = make(map[string]int)

            wikiText += "{{" + templateName + "\n" // TODO: What to do when we have multipel categories?

            // Add facts as parameters to the template call
            var lastProperty string
            for _, fact := range page.Facts {
                // Write facts to template call on current page

                val := escapeWikiChars(fact.Value)
                if fact.Property == lastProperty {
                    wikiText += "," + val + "\n"
                } else {
                    wikiText += "|" + spacesToUnderscores(fact.Property) + "=" + val + "\n"

                lastProperty = fact.Property

                // Add fact to the relevant template page
                tplPropertyIdx[templateTitle][fact.Property] = 1

            // Add categories as multi-valued call to the "categories" value of the template
            wikiText += "|Categories="
            for i, cat := range page.Categories {
                if i == 0 {
                    wikiText += cat.Name
                } else {
                    wikiText += "," + cat.Name

            wikiText += "\n}}"
        } else {

            // Add fact statements
            for _, fact := range page.Facts {
                wikiText += fact.asWikiFact()

            // Add category statements
            for _, cat := range page.Categories {
                wikiText += cat.asWikiString()


        xmlData := fmt.Sprintf(wikiXmlTpl, page.Title, pageTypeToMWNamespace[page.Type], time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"), wikiText)

        // Print out the generated XML one line at a time
        if page.Type == URITypePredicate {
            p.OutProperties <- xmlData
        } else {
            p.OutPages <- xmlData
    p.OutPages <- "</mediawiki>\n"
    p.OutProperties <- "</mediawiki>\n"

    p.OutTemplates <- "<mediawiki>\n"
    // Create template pages
    for tplName, tplProperties := range tplPropertyIdx {
        tplText := `{|class="wikitable smwtable"
!colspan="2"| ` + str.Replace(tplName, "Template:", "", -1) + `: {{PAGENAMEE}}
        for property := range tplProperties {
            argName := spacesToUnderscores(property)
            tplText += fmt.Sprintf("|-\n!%s\n|{{#arraymap:{{{%s|}}}|,|x|[[%s::x]]|,}}\n", property, argName, property)
        tplText += "|}\n\n"
        // Add categories
        tplText += "{{#arraymap:{{{Categories}}}|,|x|[[Category:x]]|}}\n"

        xmlData := fmt.Sprintf(wikiXmlTpl, tplName, pageTypeToMWNamespace[URITypeTemplate], time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"), tplText)
        p.OutTemplates <- xmlData
    p.OutTemplates <- "</mediawiki>\n"

func spacesToUnderscores(inStr string) string {
    return str.Replace(inStr, " ", "_", -1)

// TODO: Probably move out to separate component!
func escapeWikiChars(inStr string) string {
    outStr := str.Replace(inStr, "[", "(", -1)
    outStr = str.Replace(outStr, "]", ")", -1)
    outStr = str.Replace(outStr, "|", ",", -1)
    outStr = str.Replace(outStr, "=", "-", -1)
    outStr = str.Replace(outStr, "<", "&lt;", -1)
    outStr = str.Replace(outStr, ">", "&gt;", -1)
    return outStr