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title: 'Week 6 | Associate talks | Helpdesk talk | Halloween Ball | FOSDEM'
date: '2014-10-28'
author: socks
banner: halloweenBanner.jpg
 - associates
 - pooka
 - halloween
 - wordpress
 - helpdesk

Hey everyone!

I hope everybody enjoyed the long weekend and is ready for a 
spooktacular week full of events!

In this weeks announce:

 - Associate talks: pooka at Redbrick
 - Helpdesk talk: HowTo at Redbrick - Wordpress 101
 - Halloween Ball at Redbrick

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## pooka at Redbrick

 - When: Tuesday 28th October at 6pm
 - Where: C123
 - Description:
Cian (pooka at redbrick) is a former Redbrick admin, and works as a 
programmer for Hosted Graphite. He has previously worked for Google, 
Amazon, and several Irish ISPs.

This talk focuses on technical designs in large-scale software 
environments, and patterns which we have found work well. These can be 
relatively difficult to get exposure to. It is not an exhaustive 
treatment, but we hope to give the you an appreciation of the kinds of 
constraints and opportunities we have at scale; some tools for 
approaching design; and a better idea of the kinds of systems engineers 
engage with at large scale. This promises to be a really interesting 
talk not to be missed! so please come along and bring your friends! As 
always, there will be pizza!

## HowTo at Redbrick - Wordpress 101

 - When: Wednesday 29th October at 3pm
 - Where: LG26
 - Description:
This week our Helpdesk team will be going through how to install and 
manage Wordpress on Redbrick. Please come along as our helpdesk team 
will be passing on some invaluable information.

## Halloween Ball at Redbrick

 - When:Thursday 30th October 6.30pm
 - Where: The Nubar
 - Description:
Scarier than finding Mak just put a rootkit on your server... Redbrick 
is hoping to bring back the Hallowe'en ball.

 * Fancy Dress
 * Spot Prizes
 * Gruesome games.

This year we will be holding a Halloween ball for all of you fancy 
dress lovers. There will be spot prizes on the night for best dressed 
and winners of the Halloween games along with some tasty platters. So 
get the costumes out and lets have some fun!


So for those who dont know, we're looking at going to the Free and Open 
Source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM for short). It is 
to be held in Brussels on the 31st of January and the 1st of February. 
FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to 
meet, share ideas and collaborate. It is renowned for being highly 
developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the 
world. It is a really cool event with devrooms, lectures, lightning 
talks and cool opensource stuff. For those interested please take a look 
at the link below! We are still taking signups for those that want to 
go, so if you would like to go as part of Redbrick please let us know as 
soon as possible. It will be a fantastic experience!

The website:

Don't forget to keep an eye on our various social media soapboxes:
- Twitter @RedbrickDCU
- Facebook:

Till next week!

Gillian Morrison(socks)
Computer Applications
Redbrick Secretary 14/15