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Test Coverage
title: Week 9 Buying A Laptop | Raspberry Pi, Networking 101 | Burnout, How to Recognise and Avoid it
banner: 2016-week-9-announce.jpg
date: 2016-11-11 14:37:18
author: oskar
    - Burnout
    - Talks
    - Networking
    - Helpdesk
    - Secret Santa
Dear Redbrick Crew,

It’s week 9 which means that it’s now so frequently dark I don’t remember the last time I saw actual
day-light. Here are some events to hopefully perk up your spirits:

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## Buying a Laptop:
- When: Tuesday 15th, 5-6pm
- Where: LG25
- More information here:

Reminder that Lorcan (zergless) is doing a talk on what to look into when buying a laptop, this will be
especially helpful for people looking to get the most of their money while still getting the laptop they
need and avoiding buying an incredibly expensive paperweight.

## Helpdesk: Networking with Raspberry Pi
- When: Wednesday 16th, 3-4pm
- Where: LG25
- More information here:

Time to dive right in with raspberry pi and networking. What better way to start than with our cute
and tiny pis. Come along to get an intro to networking and get to grips with what raspberry pi and
networking could mean for you.

## Burnout: How to Recognise it
- When: Monday 28th, 5pm
- Where: TBD
- More information here:

John Looney from Google will be doing a talk on Burnout, covering a range of topics from defining it, all the way to its prevention and cure.

## RedBrick Secret Santa:
RedBrick is doing a secret Santa (you're anonymously given the name of a person to buy a gift for
and someone else is made to buy you a gift) the gifts will be exchanged at our Christmas event in
the last week of the semester - where maybe if you're all extra good, Santa Claus will make an appearance.
If you want to sign up to the secret Santa the link is:

Also, as a reminder to anybody going on the FOSDEM trip, the payment deadline is this Wednesday
the 16th. Payment details can be found in the email sent out to everyone by Cormac (pints).

As always, I hope you have a lovely week.

Here’s our social media in case you miss us:
Twitter: @RedbrickDCU
Snapchat: RedbrickDCU
Google Calendar:

Oskar McDermott (oskar)