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title: 'Week 5 and a Half | Intro to Git | Common Room | HvZ | PyCon'
date: '2017-10-18'
author: winesnob
banner: hvz.png
 - Git
 - Common Room
 - HvZ
 - PyCon

Hello Brickies,

- Intro to Git (Today 15:00 @ LG25)
- Common Room Locked Today and Tomorrow
- HvZ: Sign up before Monday! (Chase people with nerf guns)
- PyCon: Subsidised tickets!

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## Intro to Git

A quick reminder that Intro to Git is on today in LG25 @15:00. Stephen Blott will give a talk on the wondrous world of git.

## Common Room

As all of you know, we have repeatedly highlighted that members must clean up after themselves in the Common Room. Over the past week, the room has been left messy repeatedly. As a result, the Room Committee have elected to close the room for the following 2 days. Further closures and/or loss of access to the room can be expected if this situation does not improve.

## HvZ

The zombies are coming!
GamesSoc's zombie-themed chase game, Humans vs Zombies, takes place next week - all week. Humans must fend off the zombies with Nerf guns, rolled-up socks, or their wit.

This year, GamesSoc asked us to join them along with Airsoft, Harry Potter, Psychology, Postgrad,  Circus to make it better than ever.
Sign up before Monday and join the event on Faceboook too.

GamesSoc will also have a stand in the Henry Grattan building from 12pm until 2pm on Thursday and Friday if you want to come by and ask some questions, or sign up then.

GamesSoc are hosting an info and raffle event in C124 at 6pm on Thursday to explain HvZ. If you are lucky you may even win a nerf gun.  

## PyCon

As you may have heard, PyCon will be taking place this Saturday & Sunday in Dublin! As in previous years, Redbrick will be offering subsidised tickets for our members who wish to attend.

The first 20 Redbrick members to submit their ticket receipt to will be eligible to be reimbursed €20, half of the cost of a student ticket. This is strictly limited to current students of DCU, and to the first 20 people only.

More details of the conference can be found here:

Chris Dowling (winesnob)

Redbrick PRO 2017-2018

## s o c i a l m e d i a
Twitter: @RedbrickDCU


Snapchat: RedbrickDCU
