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Test Coverage
title: Week 3 Google Week
date: 2014-10-07 21:15:00
author: kylar
- google
- associates
banner: googleAtDcu2.jpg
thumbnail: googleAtDcu2.jpg

It's week 3 and Redbrick our kicking off our events for the year with a bang!

It's Google Week! A week filled with talks from Googlers, DCU graduates and associate Redbrick members on things like Site Reliability Engineering, and Systems at Scale.

Firstly we'd like to thank everyone who came along to the Tech University Open House in Google HQ last Friday, we hope you ad a great day!

Now on to the good stuff, what's coming up this week you say?  

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**Hangout on Air - Perspectives on Engineering at Google****  
When: Tuesday October 7th from 5 -6pm  
Where: HG10**  
Hear from Google Engineers, from Dublin and Mountain View. They'll be talking about their path to Google and their career experiences to date.

**Google @ DCU  
When: Wednesday 8th October  
Where: QG22**  
We'll have 3 talks as follows. We can guarantee you these talks are fantastic having heard from two of the speakers on Friday!  

**Time 1.00 - 2.00** A talk given by DCU alum and Redbrick member John Looney. John is a member of the SRE team responsible for Google's Data centre and he'll be giving us a talk called: "Perspectives on studying Computer Science"  

**Time 2.00 - 3.00** "Systems at Scale: Tales from Google Site Reliability Engineering" This talk will be given by Andrew Widdowson, a Mountain View SRE. Andrew will be talking about how the smallest keystroke can make the biggest impact when dealing with systems at scale.  

**Time: 3.00 - 3.30** Last but certainly not least we will hear from STEP intern Conor Flynn, who is in second year of PSSD here in DCU. He will be discussing his experience at Google and will be happy to answer all your questions!  

We'd recommend coming along and bringing anyone even a little bit curious as to how Google goes about its daily routine. Bring your friends, bring your mum, heck... even bring your cat!! We've been looking forward to these talks for quite some time and we hope you enjoy them!

Last of the talks for this week is one of our annual talks the annual:  
**Introduction to Redbrick**  
**When: Wednesday 8th at 4pm  
Where: QG22  
****What:** This is a great chance for everyone to get to know the committee. In this talk we'll cover a little history of the society, our services and our plans for the year. We will cover: Who's who in the committee. What each committee member does. What Redbrick has to offer - an intro by our Education Officer. What's planned for the rest of the year.  

There will also be a Q&A session where you can ask about anything you need help or advice on! And, as if that wasn't enough, there will be pizza!

For more info keep an eye on your emails and our Facebook page!
