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import {logger} from '@reduct/logger';
import {
} from './utilities/';
import * as messages from './messages.js';

const componentLogger = logger.getLogger('@reduct/component');
const {
} = prototype;

 * Helper function which executes all propTypes.
 * @param {Function} context The component instance.
 * @param {Object} passedProps An optional props object which can be directly passed to the class.
 * @returns {Void}
function _validateAndSetProps(context, passedProps) {
    const {
    } = context;
    const defaultProps = getDefaultProps();
    const propTypes = context.constructor.propTypes || {};
    const componentName = context._internalName;
    const propNames = Object.keys(propTypes);
    const props = {};

    if (!isObject(defaultProps)) {
        logger.error(`The getDefaultProps() method of Component "${componentName}" did not return a valid Object. This can lead to unexpected behavior and Errors.`);

    // First of, we need to aggregate all props, either from the passed props, the DOM or the getDefaultProps() method.
    propNames.forEach(propName => {
        const value = passedProps[propName] || el.getAttribute(`data-${propName.toLowerCase()}`) || defaultProps[propName];

        props[propName] = value;

    // After the aggregation is done, we validate the generated props object with the propTypes.
    // If the user passed an object containing a `isOptional` function as the propType, we map the propType to the `isOptional` function.
    // This reduces the overal code needed to defined propTypes and increases similarity with React's syntax.
    propNames.forEach(propName => {
        const propTypeTarget = propTypes[propName];
        const propType = isObject(propTypeTarget) && isFunction(propTypeTarget.isOptional) ? propTypeTarget.isOptional : propTypeTarget;
        const isPropTypeInvalid = !isFunction(propType);

        if (isPropTypeInvalid) {
            logger.error(`Invalid propType "${propName}" specified in Component "${componentName}". Please specify a function as the propType validator.`);

        const propTypeResult = propType(props, propName, componentName);

        if (isError(propTypeResult)) {
            logger.error(`The propType for "${propName}" in Component "${componentName}" returned an Error with the message:


        // If no error was thrown, and the propType has returned a transformed value,
        // which is not `null` or `undefined`, overwrite the aggregated value.
        if (isDefined(propTypeResult)) {
            props[propName] = propTypeResult;

    // Freeze the props object to avoid further editing off the object.
    context.props = Object.freeze(props);

 * Helper function to set initial state variables in the component
 * instance.
 * @param {Function} context The component instance.
 * @returns {Void}
function _setInitialStates(context) {
    const initialState = context.getInitialState();

    if (isObject(initialState)) {
        context.initialStateKeys = Object.keys(initialState);
    } else {
        componentLogger.warn(`Please return a valid object in the getInitialState() method of "${context._internalName}".`);

class ComponentClass {
    constructor(element, props, _internalName) {
        // Fail-Safe mechanism if someone is passing an array or the like as a second argument.
        props = isObject(props) ? props : {};

        if (!isDefined(element)) {

        // The element property for the getElement() method.
        this.el = element || global.document.createElement('div');

        // Holds all props.
        this.props = {};

        // Holds the components state.
        this.state = {};

        // Holds all event listeners.
        this.observers = {};

        // Cache for not hitting the DOM over and over again in the `find` and `findAll` methods.
        this.queryCache = {};

        // Holds all keys of the initial state, used to check for the initial existence of state additions.
        this.initialStateKeys = [];

        // Since the decorator does not maintain it's parent context constructor name,
        // we need to save the internal name for the component as a writable property.
        this._internalName = _internalName ||;

        // Set the props and the initial state of the component.
        _validateAndSetProps(this, props);

     * Returns the HTML Element on which the Component was mounted upon.
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    getElement() {
        return this.el;

     * Returns the next found child node by a given selector.
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    find(selector) {
        return this.findAll(selector).shift();

     * Returns all found child nodes by a given selector.
     * @returns {Array<HTMLElement>}
    findAll(selector) {
        const cachedResult = this.queryCache[selector];

        if (cachedResult) {
            return cachedResult;

        const nodeList = this.getElement().querySelectorAll(selector);
        const nodes = Reflect.apply(Array.prototype.slice, nodeList, [nodeList]);

        this.queryCache[selector] = [...nodes];

        return nodes;

     * The default method which declares the default properties of the Component.
     * @returns {Object} The object containing default props.
    getDefaultProps() {
        return {};

     * Returns a boolean regarding the existence of the property.
     * @param propName {String} The name of the property.
     * @returns {boolean} The result of the check.
    hasProp(propName) {
        return isDefined(this.props[propName]);

     * The default method which declares the default state of the Component.
     * @returns {Object} The object containing default state.
    getInitialState() {
        return {};

     * Sets all differing state key/value pairs to the Components state.
     * @param delta {Object} The diff object which holds all state changes for the component.
     * @param opts {Object} Optional options object which f.e. could turn off state events from firing.
    setState(delta = {}, opts = {silent: false}) {
        const isNotSilent = !opts.silent;
        const previousState = cloneObject(this.state);
        const {initialStateKeys} = this;

        for (const key in delta) {
            if (delta.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                const newValue = delta[key];
                const oldValue = previousState[key];

                if (initialStateKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
                    componentLogger.error(`Please specify an initial value for '${key}' in your getInitialState() method of "${this._internalName}".`);
                } else if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                    this.state[key] = newValue;

                    if (isNotSilent) {
                        this.trigger(`change:${key}`, {
                            value: newValue,
                            previousValue: oldValue

        // Trigger the general change event.
        if (isNotSilent) {
            this.trigger('change', {

     * Declares a event listener on the given event name.
     * @param event {String} The name of the event under which the listener will be saved under.
     * @param listener {Function} The listener which will be executed once the event will be fired.
     * @returns {Number} The length of the event listener array.
    on(event, listener) {
        const targetArray = this.observers[event] || (this.observers[event] = []);

        return targetArray.push(listener);

     * Triggers the event of the given name with optional data.
     * @todo Support for multiple arguments.
     * @param event {String} The name of the event to trigger.
     * @param data {*} The data to pass to all listeners.
    trigger(event, data) {
        let value;
        let key;

        for (value = this.observers[event], key = 0; value && key < value.length;) {

     * Removes the given listener function from the event of the given name.
     * @param event {String} Name of the event.
     * @param listener {Function} The listener function to remove.
    off(event, listener) {
        let value;
        let key;

        for (value = this.observers[event] || []; listener && (key = value.indexOf(listener)) > -1;) {
            value.splice(key, 1);

        this.observers[event] = listener ? value : [];

// First, we export the named `@component` decorator, for simplified usage.
export const component = decoratorPropTypes => CustomComponent => {
    const prototype = extractFrom(CustomComponent);
    const propTypes = decoratorPropTypes || CustomComponent.propTypes || {};
    const componentName =;

    return function Wrapper(el, props) {
        const BaseComponent = ComponentClass;

        // Since the base class gets executed first, we need to transfer / reset the
        // getDefaultProps() and getInitialState() method.
        if (prototype.getDefaultProps) {
            BaseComponent.prototype.getDefaultProps = prototype.getDefaultProps;
        } else {
            BaseComponent.prototype.getDefaultProps = ComponentClass.prototype.getDefaultProps;
        if (prototype.getInitialState) {
            BaseComponent.prototype.getInitialState = prototype.getInitialState;
        } else {
            BaseComponent.prototype.getInitialState = ComponentClass.prototype.getInitialState;

        // Create an instance of the component.
        BaseComponent.propTypes = propTypes;
        const base = new BaseComponent(el, props, componentName);
        BaseComponent.propTypes = {};

        // Adjust the prototype of the actual component.
        CustomComponent.prototype = base;

        // Inject the prototype of the `CustomComponent`. This will
        // merge the attributes and the methods of the `CustomComponent`
        // with those from `@reduct/component`.
        injectInto(CustomComponent, prototype);

        return new CustomComponent();

// Export the ES6 class for users who would like to use it the traditional way.
export default ComponentClass;