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= Relaton for NIST: bibliographic retrieval of NIST publications

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== Purpose

`relaton-nist` provides bibliographic information of NIST publications using the[NistBibliographicItem model].

Relaton for NIST has been developed in cooperation with the NIST Cybersecurity
Resource Center (CSRC) and the Computer Security Division (ITL/CSD).

== Data sources

Relaton for NIST retrieves bibliographic information from two sources:

* bibliographic feed from the NIST Cybersecurity Resource Center (CSRC) of
all CSRC publications (in Relaton JSON)
* bibliographic dataset from the NIST Library through the Information Services
Office (ISO) that contains information about all NIST Technical Publications

Bibliographic information offered through CSRC is provided with enhanced
metadata that is not available in the NIST Library dataset, including:

* public drafts (the NIST Library dataset only contains final publications)
* revision information: revision number, iteration
* document stage information: retired, withdrawn, etc.
* bibliographic dates, including issued date, updated date, published date,
  obsolete date, commenting period
* document relationships: supersession and replacements
* contacts: enhanced name parts and affiliation information

Relaton for NIST, therefore, uses the following order of priority for the data

. bibliographic feed from NIST CSRC
. NIST Library dataset

The NIST CSRC provides:

* NIST SP 800-*
* NIST SP 500-*
* NIST SP 1800-*
* NIST FIPS {31, 39, 41, 46, 46-$$*$$, 48, 65, 73, 74, 81, 83, 87, 102, 112, 113, 139, 140-$$*$$, 141, 171, 180, 180-$$*$$, 181, 186, 186-$$*$$, 188, 190, 191, 196, 197, 198, 198-1, 199, 200, 201, 201-*, 202}

The NIST Library dataset provides documents listed in the[index].

== Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'relaton-nist'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install relaton_nist

== Usage

=== Configuration

Configuration is optional. The available option is `logger` which is a `Logger` instance. By default, the logger is `$stderr)` with `Logger::WARN` level. To change the logger level, use `RelatonNist.configure` block.

require 'relaton_nist'
=> true

RelatonNist.configure do |config|
  config.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

=== Search for a standard using keywords

hit_collection ="NISTIR 8200")
[relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200) Fetching from ...
[relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200) Fetching from Relaton repository ...
=> <RelatonNist::HitCollection:0x00000000004b28 @ref=NIST IR 8200 @fetched=false>

item = hit_collection[0].fetch
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x007fc049aa6778

=== XML serialization
=> "<bibitem id="NISTIR8200" type="standard" schema-version="v1.2.8">
      <title format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Interagency report on the status of international cybersecurity standardization for the internet of things (IoT)</title>
With argument `bibdata: true` it outputs XML wrapped by `bibdata` element and adds flavor `ext` element.
item.to_xml bibdata: true
=> "<bibdata type="standard" schema-version="v1.2.8">
      <title format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Interagency report on the status of international cybersecurity standardization for the internet of things (IoT)</title>
      <ext schema-version="v1.0.0">

=== Get code, and year
RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get("NIST IR 8200", "2018")
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 8200:2018) Fetching from ...
[relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200:2018) Fetching from Relaton repository...
[relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200:2018) Found: `NIST IR 8200`
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00007fab74a572c0

=== Get short citation
A short citation is a convention about a citation's format. The format for NIST publications is:
NIST {abbrev(series)} {docnumber} {(edition), optional} {(stage), optional}
# or
{abbrev(series)} {docnumber} {(edition), optional} {(stage), optional}
- `(stage)` is empty if the state is "final" (published). In case the state is "draft" it should be:
  * PD for public draft
  * IPD for initial iteration public draft or 2PD, 3PD and so one for following iterations
  * FPD for final public draft
- `(edition)` is the date of publication or update
- `docnumber` is the full NIST number, including revision, e.g., 800-52

The format for FIPS publications is:
FIPS {docnumber}
# or
NIST FIPS {docnumber}
RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get("NIST SP 800-205 (February 2019) (IPD)")
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-205) Fetching from ...
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-205) Found: `NIST SP 800-205 (Draft)`
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105afdc8

=== Get specific part, volume, version, revision, and addendum

Referehces can contain optional parameters `{ptN}{vN}{verN}{rN}{/Add}`:
- Part is specified as `ptN` (SP 800-57pt1)
- Volume is specified as `vN` (SP 800-60v1)
- Version is specified as `verN` (SP 800-45ver2)
- Revision is specified as `rN` (SP 800-40r3)
- Addendum is specified as `/Add` (SP 800-38A/Add)

item = RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get 'NIST SP 800-67r1'
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-67r1) Fetching from ...
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-67r1) Found: `NIST SP 800-67 Rev. 1`
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105acd08
=> "NIST SP 800-67 Rev. 1"

item = RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get 'NIST SP 800-38A/Add'
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-38A/Add) Fetching from ...
[relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-38A/Add) Found: `NIST SP 800-38A-Add`
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105abf48
=> "NIST SP 800-38A-Add"

=== Typed links

NIST documents may have `src` and `doi` link types.

=> [#<RelatonBib::TypedUri:0x0000000111087a98
  @content=#<Addressable::URI:0x8c0 URI:>,
 #<RelatonBib::TypedUri:0x00000001110879a8 @content=#<Addressable::URI:0x8d4 URI:>, @language=nil, @script=nil, @type="doi">]

=== Create bibliographic item from YAML
hash = YAML.load_file 'spec/examples/nist_bib_item.yml'
=> {"id"=>"NISTIR 8011 Vol. 3",

RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem.from_hash hash
=> #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x007f8b708505b8

=== Fetch data

This gem uses the dataset as one of data sources.

The method `RelatonNist::DataFetcher.fetch(output: "data", format: "yaml")` fetches all the documents from the datast and save them to the `./data` folder in YAML format.

- `output` - folder to save documents (default './data').
- `format` - the format in which the documents are saved. Possible formats are: `yaml`, `xml`, `bibxxml` (default `yaml`).

Started at: 2021-09-01 18:01:01 +0200
Stopped at: 2021-09-01 18:01:43 +0200
Done in: 42 sec.
=> nil

== Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

== Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

== License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](