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Test Coverage
## 31/05/2021

- Update `RWAPIMicroservicePython` to add CORS support.

## 30/03/2021

- Modify API HTTP verbs to match public API method signature.

## 06/03/2021

- Update `RWAPIMicroservicePython` to fix issue with requests to other microservices.
- Fix issue when loading google metadata on startup.

## 22/01/2021

- Replace CT integration library

# 1.3.0

# 17/11/2020

- Remove dependency on Control Tower's filter functionality.

# 1.2.0

- Update sql2gee to 0.5.0

# 1.1.0

- Update sql2gee to 0.4.1
- Update earthengine-api to 0.1.236
- Code cleanup

# 1.0.0

## 09/04/2020

- Add node affinity to kubernetes configuration.

## 19/03/2020

- Update `Flask` and `requests` packages.