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const http = require('http');
const mime = require('mime');
const Negotatior = require('negotiator');
const URI = require('catberry-uri').URI;
const IncomingMessage = http.IncomingMessage;

const KEEP_ALIVE_REG = /keep-alive/i;

 * creates and sets negotiator on request if one doesn't already exist,
 * then returns it.
 * @private
 * @function negotiator
 * @param    {Object} req the request object
 * @returns  {Object}     a negotiator
function negotiator(req) {
  const headers = req.headers;

  /* eslint no-underscore-dangle: 0 */
  if (!req._negotatiator) {
    req._negotiator = new Negotatior({
      headers: {
        accept: headers.accept || '*/*',
        'accept-encoding': headers['accept-encoding'] ||

  return req._negotiator;


 * builds an absolute URI for the request.
 * @private
 * @function getLocation
 * @returns  {URI} Current URI
IncomingMessage.prototype.getLocation = function getLocation() {
  let location;

  try {
    location = new URI(this.url);
  } catch (e) {
    location = new URI();

  location.scheme = this.isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http';

  if (this.getHeader('host')) {
    location.authority = location.createAuthority(this.getHeader('host'));

  return location;

 * checks if the accept header is present and has the value requested.
 * e.g., req.accepts('html');
 * @public
 * @function accepts
 * @param    {String | Array} types an array of accept type headers
 * @returns  {Boolean} Boolean
IncomingMessage.prototype.accepts = function accepts(types) {
  if (typeof (types) === 'string') {
    types = [types];

  types = => {
    if (type.indexOf('/') === -1) {
      type = mime.lookup(t);

    return type;


  return this._negotiator.preferredMediaType(types);

 * checks if the request accepts the encoding types.
 * @public
 * @function acceptsEncoding
 * @param    {String | Array} types an array of accept type headers
 * @returns  {Boolean} Boolean
IncomingMessage.prototype.acceptsEncoding = function acceptsEncoding(types) {
  if (typeof (types) === 'string') {
    types = [types];


  return this._negotiator.preferredEncoding(types);

 * gets the content-length header off the request.
 * @public
 * @function getContentLength
 * @returns {Number} length of content
IncomingMessage.prototype.getContentLength = function getContentLength() {
  if (this._clen !== undefined) {
    return (this._clen === false ? undefined : this._clen);

  // We should not attempt to read and parse the body of an
  // Upgrade request, so force Content-Length to zero:
  if (this.isUpgradeRequest()) {
    return 0;

  const len = this.header('content-length');

  if (!len) {
    this._clen = false;
  } else {
    this._clen = parseInt(len, 10);

  return this._clen === false ? undefined : this._clen;

 * gets the content-type header.
 * @public
 * @function getContentType
 * @returns {String} current content type
IncomingMessage.prototype.getContentType = function getContentType() {
  if (this._contentType !== undefined) {
    return (this._contentType);

  let index;
  const type = this.headers['content-type'];

  if (!type) {
    // RFC2616 section 7.2.1
    this._contentType = 'application/octet-stream';
  } else {
    if ((index = type.indexOf(';')) === -1) {
      this._contentType = type;
    } else {
      this._contentType = type.substring(0, index);

  // #877 content-types need to be case insensitive.
  this._contentType = this._contentType.toLowerCase();

  return this._contentType;

 * gets the _date property off the request. was created when the request
 * was setup.
 * @private
 * @function getDate
 * @returns  {Date} Date
IncomingMessage.prototype.getDate = function getDate() {
  if (this._date !== undefined) {
    return this._date;

  this._date = new Date(this.time);
  return this._date;

 * returns ms since epoch when request was setup.
 * @public
 * @function getTime
 * @returns  {Number} time
IncomingMessage.prototype.getTime = function getTime() {
  return this.time;

 * returns any header off the request. also, 'correct' any
 * correctly spelled 'referrer' header to the actual spelling used.
 * @public
 * @function getHeader
 * @param    {String} name  the name of the header
 * @param    {String} value default value if header isn't found on the req
 * @returns  {String} header value
IncomingMessage.prototype.getHeader = function getHeader(name, value) {
  name = name.toLowerCase();

  if (name === 'referer' || name === 'referrer') {
    name = 'referer';

  return this.headers[name] || value;

 * returns any trailer header off the request. also, 'correct' any
 * correctly spelled 'referrer' header to the actual spelling used.
 * @public
 * @function getTrailer
 * @param    {String} name  the name of the header
 * @param    {String} value default value if header isn't found on the req
 * @returns  {String} trailer value
IncomingMessage.prototype.getTrailer = function getTrailer(name, value) {
  name = name.toLowerCase();

  if (name === 'referer' || name === 'referrer') {
    name = 'referer';

  return (this.trailers || {})[name] || value;

 * Check if the incoming request contains the Content-Type header field, and
 * if it contains the given mime type.
 * @public
 * @function is
 * @param    {String} type  a content-type header value
 * @returns  {Boolean} is contains content type
IncomingMessage.prototype.isContentType = function isContentType(type) {
  let contentType = this.getContentType();
  let matches = true;

  if (!contentType) {
    return false;

  if (type.indexOf('/') === -1) {
    type = mime.lookup(type);

  if (type.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
    type = type.split('/');
    contentType = contentType.split('/');
    matches &= (type[0] === '*' || type[0] === contentType[0]);
    matches &= (type[1] === '*' || type[1] === contentType[1]);
  } else {
    matches = contentType === type;

  return matches;

 * Check if the incoming request is chunked.
 * @public
 * @function isChunked
 * @returns  {Boolean} is chunked request
IncomingMessage.prototype.isChunked = function isChunked() {
  return this.headers['transfer-encoding'] === 'chunked';

 * Check if the incoming request is kept alive.
 * @public
 * @function isKeepAlive
 * @returns  {Boolean} is keep alive
IncomingMessage.prototype.isKeepAlive = function isKeepAlive() {
  if (this._keepAlive !== undefined) {
    return this._keepAlive;

  if (this.headers.connection) {
    this._keepAlive = KEEP_ALIVE_REG.test(this.headers.connection);
  } else {
    this._keepAlive = this.httpVersion === '1.1';

  return this._keepAlive;

 * Check if the incoming request is encrypted.
 * @public
 * @function isSecure
 * @returns  {Boolean} is secure request
IncomingMessage.prototype.isSecure = function isSecure() {
  if (this._secure !== undefined) {
    return this._secure;

  this._secure = Boolean(this.connection.encrypted);
  return this._secure;

 * Check if the incoming request has been upgraded.
 * @public
 * @function isUpgradeRequest
 * @returns  {Boolean} is upgrade request
IncomingMessage.prototype.isUpgradeRequest = function isUpgradeRequest() {
  if (this._upgradeRequest !== undefined) {
    return this._upgradeRequest;

  return false;

 * Check if the incoming request is an upload verb.
 * @public
 * @function isUpload
 * @returns  {Boolean} is upload request
IncomingMessage.prototype.isUpload = function isUpload() {
  const m = this.method;

  return m === 'PATCH' || m === 'POST' || m === 'PUT';

 * toString serialization
 * @public
 * @function toString
 * @returns  {String} string of request
IncomingMessage.prototype.toString = function toString() {
  return `${this.method} ${this.url} HTTP/${this.httpVersion}`;

 * retrieves the user-agent header.
 * @public
 * @function getUserAgent
 * @returns  {String} current user agent
IncomingMessage.prototype.getUserAgent = function getUserAgent() {
  return this.headers['user-agent'];

 * Remote address
 * @public
 * @function getRemoteAddr
 * @returns  {String} addr
IncomingMessage.prototype.getRemoteAddr = function getRemoteAddr() {
  return this.getHeader('x-forwarded-for') ||
         this.ip ||
         this._remoteAddress ||
         (this.socket && (this.socket.remoteAddress || (this.socket.socket && this.socket.socket.remoteAddress)));

module.exports = IncomingMessage;