File `` has 488 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.## Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Junpei Kawamoto## This file is part of rgmining-fraud-eagle.## rgmining-fraud-eagle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## rgmining-fraud-eagle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with rgmining-fraud-eagle. If not, see <>."""Provide a bipartite graph class implementing Fraud Eagle algorithm."""from functools import lru_cachefrom logging import getLoggerfrom typing import Any, Final, Optional, cast import networkx as nximport numpy as np from fraud_eagle.labels import ProductLabel, ReviewLabel, UserLabelfrom fraud_eagle.likelihood import psifrom fraud_eagle.prior import phi_p, phi_u _LOGGER: Final = getLogger(__name__)"""Logging object.""" _LOG_POINT_5: Final = float(np.log(0.5))"""Precomputed value, the logarithm of 0.5.""" def _logaddexp(x1: float, x2: float) -> float: """Wrapper of np.logaddexp to solve a type problem.""" return cast(float, np.logaddexp(x1, x2)) class Node: """Define a node of the bipartite graph model. Each node has a reference to a graph object, and has a name. Thus, to make a node, both of them are required. Args: graph: reference of the parent graph. name: name of this node. """ graph: Final["ReviewGraph"] """Reference of the parent graph.""" name: Final[str] """Name of this node.""" __slots__ = ("graph", "name") def __init__(self, graph: "ReviewGraph", name: str) -> None: self.graph = graph = name def __hash__(self) -> int: """Returns a hash value of this instance.""" return 13 * hash(type(self)) + 17 * hash( def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns the name of this node.""" return class Reviewer(Node): """Reviewer node in ReviewGraph. Each reviewer has an anomalous_score property. In Fraud Eagle, we uses the belief that this reviewer is a fraud reviewer as the anomalous score. The belief is defined as .. math:: b(y_{i}) = \\alpha_{2} \\phi^{\\cal{U}}_{i}(y_{i}) \\prod_{Y_{j} \\in \\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}_{\\cal{P}}} m_{j \\rightarrow i}(y_{i}), where :math:`y_{i}` is a user label and one of the {honest, fraud} and :math:`\\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}_{\\cal{P}}` means a set of products this reviewer reviews. :math:`\\alpha_{2}` is a normalize constant so that :math:`b(honest) + b(fraud) = 1`. Thus, we use :math:`b(fraud)` as the anomalous score. Args: graph: reference of the parent graph. name: name of this node. """ __slots__ = () @property def anomalous_score(self) -> float: """Anomalous score of this reviewer.""" b = {} for u_label in iter(UserLabel):Line too long (100 > 79 characters) b[u_label] = phi_u(u_label) + self.graph.prod_message_from_products(self, None, u_label) Line too long (80 > 79 characters) return cast(float, np.exp(b[UserLabel.FRAUD] - _logaddexp(*b.values()))) class Product(Node): """Product node in ReviewGraph. Each product has a summary of its ratings. In Fraud Eagle, we uses the weighted average of ratings given to the product as the summary. The weights are anomalous scores of reviewers. Thus, letting :math:`r_{i}` be the rating given by :math:`i`-th reviewer, and :math:`a_{i}` be the anomalous score of :math:`i`-th reviewer, the summary of the product is defined as .. math:: \\frac{\\sum_{i}a_{i}r_{i}}{\\sum_{i}a_{i}} Args: graph: reference of the parent graph. name: name of this node. """ __slots__ = () @property def summary(self) -> float: """Summary of ratings given to this product.""" reviewers = self.graph.retrieve_reviewers(self)Line too long (81 > 79 characters) ratings = [self.graph.retrieve_review(r, self).rating for r in reviewers] weights = [1 - r.anomalous_score for r in reviewers] if sum(weights) == 0: return float(np.mean(ratings)) else: return float(np.average(ratings, weights=weights)) class Review: """Review represents a edge in the bipartite graph. Review is an edge in the bipartite graph connecting a user to a product if the user reviews the product. The review has a score the user gives to the product. Additionally, in Fraud Eagle, each review has two message functions, i.e. message from the user to the product, vise versa. Each message function takes only two values. For example, the message from the user to the product can take {good, bad}. Line too long (80 > 79 characters) To implement those message functions, this review class maintain four values associated with each function and each input. But also provide message functions as methods. Review also has a rating score given a user to a product. We assume this score is normalized in :math:`[0, 1]`. Fraud Eagle treats this score as a binary value i.e. + or -. To implement it, we choose a threshold 0.5 to decide each rating belonging to + group or - group, and evaluation property returns this label. In other words, for a review *r*, .. math:: r.evaluation = \\begin{cases} PLUS \\quad (r.rating \\geq 0.5) \\\\ MINUS \\quad (otherwise) \\end{cases} Args: rating: the normalized rating of this review. """ rating: Final[float] """The normalized rating of this review.""" _user_to_product: Final[dict[ProductLabel, float]] _product_to_user: Final[dict[UserLabel, float]] __slots__ = ("rating", "_user_to_product", "_product_to_user") def __init__(self, rating: float) -> None: self.rating = ratingLine too long (97 > 79 characters) self._user_to_product = {ProductLabel.GOOD: _LOG_POINT_5, ProductLabel.BAD: _LOG_POINT_5}Line too long (95 > 79 characters) self._product_to_user = {UserLabel.HONEST: _LOG_POINT_5, UserLabel.FRAUD: _LOG_POINT_5} @property def evaluation(self) -> ReviewLabel: """Returns a label of this review. If the rating is grater or equal to :math:`0.5`,Line too long (82 > 79 characters) :data:`ReviewLabel.PLUS<fraud_eagle.labels.ReviewLabel.PLUS>` is returned.Line too long (95 > 79 characters) Otherwise, :data:`ReviewLabel.MINUS<fraud_eagle.labels.ReviewLabel.MINUS>` is returned. """ if self.rating >= 0.5: return ReviewLabel.PLUS else: return ReviewLabel.MINUS def user_to_product(self, label: ProductLabel) -> float:Line too long (85 > 79 characters) """Message function from the user to the product associated with this review. Line too long (113 > 79 characters) The argument `label` must be one of the {:data:`ProductLabel.GOOD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.GOOD>`, :data:`ProductLabel.BAD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.BAD>`}. This method returns the logarithm of the value of the message function for a given label. Args: label: label of the product. Returns: the logarithm of the :math:`m_{u\\rightarrow p}(label)`,Line too long (82 > 79 characters) where :math:`u` and :math:`p` is the user and the product, respectively. """ return self._user_to_product[label] def product_to_user(self, label: UserLabel) -> float:Line too long (85 > 79 characters) """Message function from the product to the user associated with this review. The argument `label` must be one of the {:data:`UserLabel.HONEST<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.HONEST>`, :data:`UserLabel.FRAUD<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.FRAUD>`}. This method returns the logarithm of the value of the message function for a given label. Args: label: label of the user. Returns: the logarithm of the :math:`m_{p\\rightarrow u}(label)`,Line too long (82 > 79 characters) where :math:`u` and :math:`p` is the user and the product, respectively. """ return self._product_to_user[label] Line too long (80 > 79 characters) def update_user_to_product(self, label: ProductLabel, value: float) -> None: """Update user-to-product message value. Line too long (113 > 79 characters) The argument `label` must be one of the {:data:`ProductLabel.GOOD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.GOOD>`, :data:`ProductLabel.BAD<fraud_eagle.labels.ProductLabel.BAD>`}. Note that this method doesn't normalize any given values. Args: label: product label, value: new message value. """ self._user_to_product[label] = value def update_product_to_user(self, label: UserLabel, value: float) -> None: """Update product-to-user message value. The argument `label` must be one of the {:data:`UserLabel.HONEST<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.HONEST>`, :data:`UserLabel.FRAUD<fraud_eagle.labels.UserLabel.FRAUD>`}. Note that this method doesn't normalize any given values. Args: label: user label, value: new message value. """ self._product_to_user[label] = value class ReviewGraph: """A bipartite graph modeling reviewers and products relationships. Args: epsilon: a hyper parameter in (0, 0.5). """ graph: Final[nx.DiGraph] """Graph object of networkx.""" reviewers: Final[list[Reviewer]] """A collection of reviewers.""" products: Final[list[Product]] """A collection of products.""" epsilon: Final[float] """Hyper parameter.""" def __init__(self, epsilon: float) -> None: if epsilon <= 0.0 or epsilon >= 0.5:Line too long (85 > 79 characters) raise ValueError("Hyper parameter epsilon must be in (0, 0.5):", epsilon) self.graph = nx.DiGraph() self.reviewers = [] self.products = [] self.epsilon = epsilon def new_reviewer(self, name: str, *_args: Any, **_kwargs: Any) -> Reviewer: """Create a new reviewer and add it to this graph. Args: name: name of the new reviewer, Returns: a new reviewer. """ reviewer = Reviewer(self, name) self.graph.add_node(reviewer) self.reviewers.append(reviewer) return reviewer def new_product(self, name: str) -> Product: """Create a new product and add it to this graph. Args: name: name of the new product. Returns: a new product. """ product = Product(self, name) self.graph.add_node(product) self.products.append(product) return product Function `add_review` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Line too long (117 > 79 characters) def add_review(self, reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product, rating: float, *_args: Any, **_kwargs: Any) -> Review: """Add a review from a given reviewer to a product. Args: reviewer: reviewer of the review, product: product of the review, rating: rating score of the review. Returns: a new review. """ review = Review(rating) self.graph.add_edge(reviewer, product, review=review) return review @lru_cache def retrieve_reviewers(self, product: Product) -> list[Reviewer]: """Retrieve reviewers review a given product. Args: product: Product. Returns: a collection of reviewers who review the product. """ return list(self.graph.predecessors(product)) @lru_cache def retrieve_products(self, reviewer: Reviewer) -> list[Product]: """Retrieve products a given reviewer reviews. Args: reviewer: Reviewer. Returns: a collection of products the given reviewer reviews. """ return list(self.graph.successors(reviewer)) @lru_cache def retrieve_review(self, reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product) -> Review: """Retrieve a review a given reviewer posts to a given product. Args: reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product, Returns: a reviewer associated with the given reviewer and product. """ return cast(Review, self.graph[reviewer][product]["review"]) Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method update. (10)
Function `update` has a Cognitive Complexity of 18 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def update(self) -> float: """Update reviewers' anomalous scores and products' summaries. For each user :math:`u`, update messages to every product :math:`p` the user reviews. The message function :math:`m_{u\\rightarrow p}` takes one argument i.e. label of the receiver product. The label is one of {good, bad}. Therefore, we need to compute updated :math:`m_{u\\rightarrow p}(good)` and :math:`m_{u\\rightarrow p}(bad)`. The updated messages are defined as .. math:: m_{u\\rightarrow p}(y_{j}) \\leftarrow \\alpha_{1} \\sum_{y_{i} \\in \\cal{L}_{\\cal{U}}} \\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j}) \\phi^{\\cal{U}}_{i}(y_{i}) \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/p} m_{k \\rightarrow i}(y_{i}), where :math:`y_{j} \\in {good, bad}`, and :math:`\\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/p` means a set of product the user :math:`u` reviews but except product :math:`p`. For each product :math:`p`, update message to every user :math:`u`Line too long (81 > 79 characters) who reviews the product. The message function :math:`m_{p\\rightarrow u}` takes one argument i.e. label of the receiver user. The label is one of {honest, fraud}. Thus, we need to compute updated :math:`m_{p\\rightarrow u}(honest)` and :math:`m_{p\\rightarrow u}(fraud)`. The updated messages are defined as .. math:: m_{p\\rightarrow u}(y_{i}) \\leftarrow \\alpha_{3} \\sum_{y_{j} \\in \\cal{L}_{\\cal{P}}} \\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j}) \\phi^{\\cal{P}}_{j}(y_{j}) \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/u} m_{k\\rightarrow j}(y_{j}), where :math:`y_{i} \\in {honest, fraud}`, and :math:`\\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/u` means a set of users who review the product :math:`p` but except user :math:`u`, This method runs one iteration of update for both reviewers, i.e. users and products. It returns the maximum difference between an old message value and the associated new message value. You can stop iteration when the update gap reaches satisfied small value. Returns: maximum difference between an old message value and its updated new value. """ diffs: list[float] = [] # Update messages from users to products. for reviewer in self.reviewers: for product in self.retrieve_products(reviewer): message_to_product = {} for p_label in iter(ProductLabel):Line too long (106 > 79 characters) message_to_product[p_label] = self._update_user_to_product(reviewer, product, p_label) s = _logaddexp(*message_to_product.values()) review = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product) for p_label in iter(ProductLabel): updated = message_to_product[p_label] - sLine too long (96 > 79 characters) diffs.append(abs(np.exp(review.user_to_product(p_label)) - np.exp(updated))) review.update_user_to_product(p_label, updated) # Update messages from products to users. for product in self.products: for reviewer in self.retrieve_reviewers(product): message_to_user = {} for u_label in iter(UserLabel):Line too long (103 > 79 characters) message_to_user[u_label] = self._update_product_to_user(reviewer, product, u_label) s = _logaddexp(*message_to_user.values()) review = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product) for u_label in iter(UserLabel): updated = message_to_user[u_label] - sLine too long (96 > 79 characters) diffs.append(abs(np.exp(review.product_to_user(u_label)) - np.exp(updated))) review.update_product_to_user(u_label, updated) histo, edges = np.histogram(diffs) "Differentials:\n"Line too long (104 > 79 characters) + "\n".join(" {0}-{1}: {2}".format(edges[i], edges[i + 1], v) for i, v in enumerate(histo)) ) # Clear memoized values since messages are updated. self.prod_message_from_all_users.cache_clear() self.prod_message_from_all_products.cache_clear() return max(diffs) Line too long (108 > 79 characters) def _update_user_to_product(self, reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product, p_label: ProductLabel) -> float:Line too long (84 > 79 characters) """Compute an updated message from a user to a product with a product label. The updated message is defined as .. math:: m_{u\\rightarrow p}(y_{j}) \\leftarrow \\alpha_{1} \\sum_{y_{i} \\in \\cal{L}_{\\cal{U}}} \\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j}) \\phi^{\\cal{U}}_{i}(y_{i}) \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/p} m_{k \\rightarrow i}(y_{i}), where :math:`y_{j} \\in {good, bad}`, and :math:`\\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/p` means a set of product the user :math:`u` reviews but except product :math:`p`. The :math:`\\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j})` takes :math:`\\epsilon` as a hyper parameter, self.epsilon is used for it. This method returns a logarithm of the updated message. Args: reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product, p_label: produce label, Returns: a logarithm of the updated message from the given reviewer to the given product with the given product label. """ review = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product) res: dict[UserLabel, float] = {} for u_label in iter(UserLabel): res[u_label] = ( np.log(psi(u_label, p_label, review.evaluation, self.epsilon)) + phi_u(u_label) + self.prod_message_from_products(reviewer, product, u_label) ) return _logaddexp(*res.values()) Line too long (105 > 79 characters) def _update_product_to_user(self, reviewer: Reviewer, product: Product, u_label: UserLabel) -> float:Line too long (81 > 79 characters) """Compute an updated message from a product to a user with a user label. The updated message is defined as .. math:: m_{p\\rightarrow u}(y_{i}) \\leftarrow \\alpha_{3} \\sum_{y_{j} \\in \\cal{L}_{\\cal{P}}} \\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j}) \\phi^{\\cal{P}}_{j}(y_{j}) \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/u} m_{k\\rightarrow j}(y_{j}), where :math:`y_{i} \\in {honest, fraud}`, and :math:`\\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/u` means a set of users who review the product :math:`p` but except user :math:`u`, The :math:`\\psi_{ij}^{s}(y_{i}, y_{j})` takes :math:`\\epsilon` as a hyper parameter, self.epsilon is used for it. This method returns a logarithm of the updated message. Args: reviewer: Reviewer i.e. a user, product: Product, u_label: user label, Returns: a logarithm of the updated message from the given product to the given reviewer with the given user label. """ review = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product) res: dict[ProductLabel, float] = {} for p_label in iter(ProductLabel): res[p_label] = ( np.log(psi(u_label, p_label, review.evaluation, self.epsilon)) + phi_p(p_label) + self.prod_message_from_users(reviewer, product, p_label) ) return _logaddexp(*res.values()) @lru_cacheLine too long (92 > 79 characters) def prod_message_from_all_users(self, product: Product, p_label: ProductLabel) -> float: """Compute a product of messages to a product. Line too long (84 > 79 characters) This helper function computes a logarithm of the product of messages such as .. math:: \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}} m_{k\\rightarrow j}(y_{j}), where :math:`\\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}` means a set of reviewers who review the given product except the given reviewer, :math:`y_{j}` is a product label and one of the {GOOD, BAD}. If reviewer is None, compute a product of all messages sending to the product. Args: product : Product, p_label: product label Returns: a logarithm of the product defined above. """ reviewers = set(self.retrieve_reviewers(product))Line too long (114 > 79 characters) return cast(float, np.sum([self.retrieve_review(r, product).user_to_product(p_label) for r in reviewers])) Line too long (118 > 79 characters) def prod_message_from_users(self, reviewer: Optional[Reviewer], product: Product, p_label: ProductLabel) -> float: """Compute a product of messages to a product except from a reviewer. Line too long (84 > 79 characters) This helper function computes a logarithm of the product of messages such as .. math:: \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/user} m_{k\\rightarrow j}(y_{j}), where :math:`\\cal{N}_{j} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{U}}/user` means a set of reviewers who review the given product except the given reviewer, :math:`y_{j}` is a product label and one of the {GOOD, BAD}. If reviewer is None, compute a product of all messages sending to the product. Args: reviewer: Reviewer, can be None, product : Product, p_label: product label Returns: a logarithm of the product defined above. """ sum_all = self.prod_message_from_all_users(product, p_label) sum_reviewer = 0.0 if reviewer is not None:Line too long (91 > 79 characters) sum_reviewer = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product).user_to_product(p_label) return sum_all - sum_reviewer @lru_cacheLine too long (94 > 79 characters) def prod_message_from_all_products(self, reviewer: Reviewer, u_label: UserLabel) -> float: """Compute a product of messages sending to a reviewer. Line too long (84 > 79 characters) This helper function computes a logarithm of the product of messages such as .. math:: \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}} m_{k \\rightarrow i}(y_{i}), where :math:`\\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}` means a set of products the given reviewer reviews, :math:`y_{i}` is a user label and one of the {HONEST, FRAUD}. If product is None, compute a product of all messages sending to the reviewer. Args: reviewer: reviewer object, u_label: user label. Returns: a logarithm of the product defined above. """ products = set(self.retrieve_products(reviewer))Line too long (114 > 79 characters) return cast(float, np.sum([self.retrieve_review(reviewer, p).product_to_user(u_label) for p in products])) Line too long (118 > 79 characters) def prod_message_from_products(self, reviewer: Reviewer, product: Optional[Product], u_label: UserLabel) -> float:Line too long (85 > 79 characters) """Compute a product of messages sending to a reviewer except from a product. Line too long (84 > 79 characters) This helper function computes a logarithm of the product of messages such as .. math:: \\prod_{Y_{k} \\in \\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/product} m_{k \\rightarrow i}(y_{i}), Line too long (80 > 79 characters) where :math:`\\cal{N}_{i} \\cap \\cal{Y}^{\\cal{P}}/product` means a set of products the given reviewer reviews except the given product, :math:`y_{i}` is a user label and one of the {HONEST, FRAUD}. If product is None, compute a product of all messages sending to the reviewer. Args: reviewer: reviewer object, product: product object, can be None, u_label: user label. Returns: a logarithm of the product defined above. """ sum_all = self.prod_message_from_all_products(reviewer, u_label) sum_product = 0.0 if product is not None:Line too long (90 > 79 characters) sum_product = self.retrieve_review(reviewer, product).product_to_user(u_label) return sum_all - sum_product