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Test Coverage
## [In git](

### New Features

### Bugfixes

## [v1.1.0](

### New Features
- Simplified upgrading process(`howitzer update`)
- Added new Rubies supporting (2.1.4-2.2.2)
- Added Selenium Grid supporting
- Added Browserstack supporting
- Added windows maximization in tests
- Added Safari supporting
- Added general framework rake tasks
- Migrated to Cucumber 2.x
- Migrated to Rspec 3.x
- Actualized other dependencies
- Updated and extended documentation.
- Improved unit test coverage
- Added integration with [](
- Integrated YardDoc
- Integrated Gitter

### Bugfixes
- Fixed issue with loading ActiveSupport

## [v1.0.2](

### New Features
- Added Ruby 2.1 supporting
- Added Windows Supporting
- Improved project documentation
- Simplified new project creation
- Rewritten Mailgun integration to support Fabruary changes
- Created [Howitzer_example](
- Moved from personal github account to organization
- Added supporting of native selenium phantomjs driver
- Implemented smart page identification
- Rewritten command line interface and covered by acceptance tests fully
- Simplified DataStorage clearing after each tests

### Bugfixes
- Fixed reset session after each scenario against to IE
- Corrected default Cucumber and Rspec formatters
- Minor bug fixing and code refactoring

## [v1.0.1](

### Bugfixes
- Fixed unit tests
- Fixed correct Ruby version supporting

## [v1.0](

It is major release, so there are many new features, refactoring, unit tests, code documentation.

**Caution**: It is not going to support old versions anymore.

## [v0.0.3](

### New Features

* Added supporting poltergeist driver

### Bugfixes

* Fixed problem with dependencies 

## [v0.0.1](

Initial version