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Test Coverage
#  COMMON SETTINGS                                        #
 debug_mode: false

# APPLICATION SETTINGS                                    #
 app_base_auth_login: login
 app_base_auth_pass: pass
 app_protocol: http

 def_test_pass: mypass
 def_test_name: Auto Tester

# TEST ENVIRONMENTS SETTINGS                              #

 # Specify maximized browser window size
 maximized_window: false

 # Specify one of the following drivers: selenium, selenium_dev, selenium_grid, webkit, poltergeist, phantomjs, sauce, testingbot, browserstack
 driver: phantomjs

 # -Selenium-
 # specify one of next browsers: iexplore (ie), firefox (ff), chrome, opera, safari
 sel_browser: ff

 # -Selenium Grid-
 sel_hub_url: ""

 # -PhantomJS-
 # specify settings for poltergeist
 pjs_ignore_js_errors: false
 pjs_ignore_ssl_errors: true

 # -SauceLabs-
 sl_user: some_user
 sl_api_key: some_api_key
 sl_url: "http://${sl_user}:${sl_api_key}"
 sl_platform: :VISTA
 sl_browser_name: firefox
 sl_selenium_version: "2.18.0"
 sl_max_duration: '1800'
 sl_idle_timeout: '180'

 # -TestingBot- browsers that are supported: firefox => '8', googlechrome, iexplore => '9'
 tb_api_key: client_key
 tb_api_secret: client_secret
 tb_url: "http://${tb_api_key}:${tb_api_secret}"
 tb_platform: :WIN8
 tb_browser_name: firefox
 tb_browser_version: 8
 tb_selenium_version: "2.18.0"
 tb_max_duration: '1800'
 tb_idle_timeout: '180'
 tb_record_screenshot: false

 # -BrowserStack
 bs_user_name: bs_user
 bs_password: bs_password
 bs_url: "http://${bs_user_name}:${bs_password}"
 bs_os_name: 'Windows'
 bs_os_version: '8'
 bs_browser_name: 'Firefox'
 bs_browser_version: '16.0'
 bs_resolution: '1024x768'
 bs_max_duration: '1800'
 bs_idle_timeout: '180'

 # Run tests on mobile browsers
 bs_mobile: false
 bs_m_browser: 'iPhone'
 bs_m_platform: 'MAC'
 bs_m_device: 'iPhone 5'

 bs_local: 'false'
 bs_local_ID: 'Testing123'
 bs_build: 'v1'
 bs_project: 'Test Project'
 bs_ssl: 'true'
 bs_debug: 'false'

# DATABASE SETTINGS                                       #

# LOGGER SETTINGS                                         #
 log_dir: "log"
 txt_log: log.txt
 html_log: log.html
 selenium_server_log: selenium-server.log
 required_clean_logs: true
 rawler_log: rawler_log.txt
 add_rawler_xml_log: false
 rawler_xml_log: rawler_log.xml
 add_rawler_html_log: false # not implemented yet
 rawler_html_log: rawler_log.html # not implemented yet

# MAILGUN SETTINGS                                        #
 mailgun_key: mailgun_account_private_key
 mailgun_domain: mailgun_domain_with_stored_method

# TIMEOUTS                                                 #
 timeout_tiny: 1
 timeout_short: 3
 timeout_small: 20
 timeout_medium: 60