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# ronin-web-spider 1 "2022-01-01" Ronin Web "User Manuals"


`ronin-web spider` [*options*] {`--host` *HOST* \| `--domain` *DOMAIN* \| `--site` *URL*}


Spiders a website.


`--open-timeout` *SECS*
  Sets the connection open timeout.

`--read-timeout` *SECS*
  Sets the read timeout.

`--ssl-timeout` *SECS*
  Sets the SSL connection timeout.

`--continue-timeout` *SECS*
  Sets the continue timeout.

`--keep-alive-timeout` *SECS*
  Sets the connection keep alive timeout.

`-P`, `--proxy` *PROXY*
  Sets the proxy to use.

`-H`, `--header` "*NAME*: *VALUE*"
  Sets a default header.

`--host-header` *NAME*=*VALUE*
  Sets a default header.

`-u`, `--user-agent` chrome-linux|chrome-macos|chrome-windows|chrome-iphone|chrome-ipad|chrome-android|firefox-linux|firefox-macos|firefox-windows|firefox-iphone|firefox-ipad|firefox-android|safari-macos|safari-iphone|safari-ipad|edge
  The `User-Agent` to use.

`-U`, `--user-agent-string` *STRING*
  The raw `User-Agent` string to use.

`-R`, `--referer` *URL*
  Sets the `Referer` URL.

`--delay` *SECS*
  Sets the delay in seconds between each request.

`-l`, `--limit` *COUNT*
  Only spiders up to *COUNT* pages.

`-d`, `--max-depth` *DEPTH*
  Only spiders up to max depth.

`--enqueue` *URL*
  Adds the URL to the queue.

`--visited` *URL*
  Marks the URL as previously visited.

  Enables/disables stripping the fragment component of every URL.

  Enables/disables stripping the query component of every URL.

`--visit-scheme` *SCHEME*
  Visit URLs with the URI scheme.

`--visit-schemes-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Visit URLs with URI schemes that match the *REGEX*.

`--ignore-scheme` *SCHEME*
  Ignore URLs with the URI scheme.

`--ignore-schemes-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Ignore URLs with URI schemes matching the *REGEX*.

`--visit-host` *HOST*
  Visit URLs with the matching host name.

`--visit-hosts-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Visit URLs with hostnames that match the *REGEX*.

`--ignore-host` *HOST*
  Ignore the host name.

`--ignore-hosts-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Ignore the host names matching the *REGEX*.

`--visit-port` *PORT*
  Visit URLs with the matching port number.

`--visit-ports-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Visit URLs with port numbers that match the *REGEX*.

`--ignore-port` *PORT*
  Ignore the port number.

`--ignore-ports-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Ignore the port numbers matching the *REGEXP*.

`--visit-link` *URL*
  Visit the *URL*.

`--visit-links-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Visit URLs that match the *REGEX*.

`--ignore-link` *URL*
  Ignore the *URL*.

`--ignore-links-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Ignore URLs matching the *REGEX*.

`--visit-ext` *FILE_EXT*
  Visit URLs with the matching file ext.

`--visit-exts-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Visit URLs with file exts that match the *REGEX*.

`--ignore-ext` *FILE_EXT*
  Ignore the URLs with the file ext.

`--ignore-exts-like` `/`*REGEX*`/`
  Ignore URLs with file exts matching the REGEX.

`-r`, `--robots`
  Specifies whether to honor `robots.txt`.

`--host` *HOST*
  Spiders the specific *HOST*.

`--domain` *DOMAIN*
  Spiders the whole *DOMAIN*.

`--site` *URL*
  Spiders the website, starting at the *URL*.

  Print the status codes for each URL.

  Print response headers for each URL.

`--print-header` *NAME*
  Prints a specific header.

`--history` *FILE*
  Sets the history file to write every visited URL to.

`--archive` *DIR*
  Archive every visited page to the *DIR*.

`--git-archive` *DIR*
  Archive every visited page to the git repository.

`-X`, `--xpath` *XPATH*
  Evaluates the XPath on each HTML page.

`-C`, `--css-path` *XPATH*
  Evaluates the CSS-path on each HTML page.

`-v`, `--verbose`
  Enables verbose output.

`-h`, `--help`
  Print help information.


    Sets the global HTTP proxy.

    Sets the HTTP proxy for Ronin.


Postmodern <>


ronin-web-server(1) ronin-web-proxy(1) ronin-web-diff(1) ronin-web-new-spider(1)