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package rueidis

import (


const messageStructSize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(RedisMessage{}))

// Nil represents a Redis Nil message
var Nil = &RedisError{typ: typeNull}

// IsRedisNil is a handy method to check if error is a redis nil response.
// All redis nil response returns as an error.
func IsRedisNil(err error) bool {
    return err == Nil

// IsRedisBusyGroup checks if it is a redis BUSYGROUP message.
func IsRedisBusyGroup(err error) bool {
    if ret, yes := IsRedisErr(err); yes {
        return ret.IsBusyGroup()
    return false

// IsRedisErr is a handy method to check if error is a redis ERR response.
func IsRedisErr(err error) (ret *RedisError, ok bool) {
    ret, ok = err.(*RedisError)
    return ret, ok && ret != Nil

// RedisError is an error response or a nil message from redis instance
type RedisError RedisMessage

func (r *RedisError) Error() string {
    if r.IsNil() {
        return "redis nil message"
    return r.string

// IsNil checks if it is a redis nil message.
func (r *RedisError) IsNil() bool {
    return r.typ == typeNull

// IsMoved checks if it is a redis MOVED message and returns moved address.
func (r *RedisError) IsMoved() (addr string, ok bool) {
    if ok = strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "MOVED"); ok {
        addr = strings.Split(r.string, " ")[2]

// IsAsk checks if it is a redis ASK message and returns ask address.
func (r *RedisError) IsAsk() (addr string, ok bool) {
    if ok = strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "ASK"); ok {
        addr = strings.Split(r.string, " ")[2]

// IsTryAgain checks if it is a redis TRYAGAIN message and returns ask address.
func (r *RedisError) IsTryAgain() bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "TRYAGAIN")

// IsClusterDown checks if it is a redis CLUSTERDOWN message and returns ask address.
func (r *RedisError) IsClusterDown() bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "CLUSTERDOWN")

// IsNoScript checks if it is a redis NOSCRIPT message.
func (r *RedisError) IsNoScript() bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "NOSCRIPT")

// IsBusyGroup checks if it is a redis BUSYGROUP message.
func (r *RedisError) IsBusyGroup() bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(r.string, "BUSYGROUP")

func newResult(val RedisMessage, err error) RedisResult {
    return RedisResult{val: val, err: err}

func newErrResult(err error) RedisResult {
    return RedisResult{err: err}

// RedisResult is the return struct from Client.Do or Client.DoCache
// it contains either a redis response or an underlying error (ex. network timeout).
type RedisResult struct {
    err error
    val RedisMessage

// NonRedisError can be used to check if there is an underlying error (ex. network timeout).
func (r RedisResult) NonRedisError() error {
    return r.err

// Error returns either underlying error or redis error or nil
func (r RedisResult) Error() (err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        err = r.val.Error()

// ToMessage retrieves the RedisMessage
func (r RedisResult) ToMessage() (v RedisMessage, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        err = r.val.Error()
    return r.val, err

// ToInt64 delegates to RedisMessage.ToInt64
func (r RedisResult) ToInt64() (v int64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToInt64()

// ToBool delegates to RedisMessage.ToBool
func (r RedisResult) ToBool() (v bool, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToBool()

// ToFloat64 delegates to RedisMessage.ToFloat64
func (r RedisResult) ToFloat64() (v float64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToFloat64()

// ToString delegates to RedisMessage.ToString
func (r RedisResult) ToString() (v string, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToString()

// AsReader delegates to RedisMessage.AsReader
func (r RedisResult) AsReader() (v io.Reader, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsReader()

// AsBytes delegates to RedisMessage.AsBytes
func (r RedisResult) AsBytes() (v []byte, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsBytes()

// DecodeJSON delegates to RedisMessage.DecodeJSON
func (r RedisResult) DecodeJSON(v any) (err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        err = r.val.DecodeJSON(v)

// AsInt64 delegates to RedisMessage.AsInt64
func (r RedisResult) AsInt64() (v int64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsInt64()

// AsUint64 delegates to RedisMessage.AsUint64
func (r RedisResult) AsUint64() (v uint64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsUint64()

// AsBool delegates to RedisMessage.AsBool
func (r RedisResult) AsBool() (v bool, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsBool()

// AsFloat64 delegates to RedisMessage.AsFloat64
func (r RedisResult) AsFloat64() (v float64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsFloat64()

// ToArray delegates to RedisMessage.ToArray
func (r RedisResult) ToArray() (v []RedisMessage, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToArray()

// AsStrSlice delegates to RedisMessage.AsStrSlice
func (r RedisResult) AsStrSlice() (v []string, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsStrSlice()

// AsIntSlice delegates to RedisMessage.AsIntSlice
func (r RedisResult) AsIntSlice() (v []int64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsIntSlice()

// AsFloatSlice delegates to RedisMessage.AsFloatSlice
func (r RedisResult) AsFloatSlice() (v []float64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsFloatSlice()

// AsBoolSlice delegates to RedisMessage.AsBoolSlice
func (r RedisResult) AsBoolSlice() (v []bool, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsBoolSlice()

// AsXRangeEntry delegates to RedisMessage.AsXRangeEntry
func (r RedisResult) AsXRangeEntry() (v XRangeEntry, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsXRangeEntry()

// AsXRange delegates to RedisMessage.AsXRange
func (r RedisResult) AsXRange() (v []XRangeEntry, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsXRange()

// AsZScore delegates to RedisMessage.AsZScore
func (r RedisResult) AsZScore() (v ZScore, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsZScore()

// AsZScores delegates to RedisMessage.AsZScores
func (r RedisResult) AsZScores() (v []ZScore, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsZScores()

// AsXRead delegates to RedisMessage.AsXRead
func (r RedisResult) AsXRead() (v map[string][]XRangeEntry, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsXRead()

func (r RedisResult) AsLMPop() (v KeyValues, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsLMPop()

func (r RedisResult) AsZMPop() (v KeyZScores, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsZMPop()

func (r RedisResult) AsFtSearch() (total int64, docs []FtSearchDoc, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        total, docs, err = r.val.AsFtSearch()

func (r RedisResult) AsFtAggregate() (total int64, docs []map[string]string, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        total, docs, err = r.val.AsFtAggregate()

func (r RedisResult) AsFtAggregateCursor() (cursor, total int64, docs []map[string]string, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        cursor, total, docs, err = r.val.AsFtAggregateCursor()

func (r RedisResult) AsGeosearch() (locations []GeoLocation, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        locations, err = r.val.AsGeosearch()

// AsMap delegates to RedisMessage.AsMap
func (r RedisResult) AsMap() (v map[string]RedisMessage, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsMap()

// AsStrMap delegates to RedisMessage.AsStrMap
func (r RedisResult) AsStrMap() (v map[string]string, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsStrMap()

// AsIntMap delegates to RedisMessage.AsIntMap
func (r RedisResult) AsIntMap() (v map[string]int64, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsIntMap()

// AsScanEntry delegates to RedisMessage.AsScanEntry.
func (r RedisResult) AsScanEntry() (v ScanEntry, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.AsScanEntry()

// ToMap delegates to RedisMessage.ToMap
func (r RedisResult) ToMap() (v map[string]RedisMessage, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToMap()

// ToAny delegates to RedisMessage.ToAny
func (r RedisResult) ToAny() (v any, err error) {
    if r.err != nil {
        err = r.err
    } else {
        v, err = r.val.ToAny()

// IsCacheHit delegates to RedisMessage.IsCacheHit
func (r RedisResult) IsCacheHit() bool {
    return r.val.IsCacheHit()

// CacheTTL delegates to RedisMessage.CacheTTL
func (r RedisResult) CacheTTL() int64 {
    return r.val.CacheTTL()

// CachePTTL delegates to RedisMessage.CachePTTL
func (r RedisResult) CachePTTL() int64 {
    return r.val.CachePTTL()

// CachePXAT delegates to RedisMessage.CachePXAT
func (r RedisResult) CachePXAT() int64 {
    return r.val.CachePXAT()

// String returns human-readable representation of RedisResult
func (r *RedisResult) String() string {
    v, _ := (*prettyRedisResult)(r).MarshalJSON()
    return string(v)

type prettyRedisResult RedisResult

// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface
func (r *prettyRedisResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type PrettyRedisResult struct {
        Message *prettyRedisMessage `json:"Message,omitempty"`
        Error   string              `json:"Error,omitempty"`
    obj := PrettyRedisResult{}
    if r.err != nil {
        obj.Error = r.err.Error()
    } else {
        obj.Message = (*prettyRedisMessage)(&r.val)
    return json.Marshal(obj)

// RedisMessage is a redis response message, it may be a nil response
type RedisMessage struct {
    attrs   *RedisMessage
    string  string
    values  []RedisMessage
    integer int64
    typ     byte
    ttl     [7]byte

// IsNil check if message is a redis nil response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsNil() bool {
    return m.typ == typeNull

// IsInt64 check if message is a redis RESP3 int response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsInt64() bool {
    return m.typ == typeInteger

// IsFloat64 check if message is a redis RESP3 double response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsFloat64() bool {
    return m.typ == typeFloat

// IsString check if message is a redis string response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsString() bool {
    return m.typ == typeBlobString || m.typ == typeSimpleString

// IsBool check if message is a redis RESP3 bool response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsBool() bool {
    return m.typ == typeBool

// IsArray check if message is a redis array response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsArray() bool {
    return m.typ == typeArray || m.typ == typeSet

// IsMap check if message is a redis RESP3 map response
func (m *RedisMessage) IsMap() bool {
    return m.typ == typeMap

// Error check if message is a redis error response, including nil response
func (m *RedisMessage) Error() error {
    if m.typ == typeNull {
        return Nil
    if m.typ == typeSimpleErr || m.typ == typeBlobErr {
        // kvrocks:
        mm := *m
        mm.string = strings.TrimPrefix(m.string, "ERR ")
        return (*RedisError)(&mm)
    return nil

// ToString check if message is a redis string response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToString() (val string, err error) {
    if m.IsString() {
        return m.string, nil
    if m.IsInt64() || m.values != nil {
        typ := m.typ
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a string", typeNames[typ]))
    return m.string, m.Error()

// AsReader check if message is a redis string response and wrap it with the strings.NewReader
func (m *RedisMessage) AsReader() (reader io.Reader, err error) {
    str, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return strings.NewReader(str), nil

// AsBytes check if message is a redis string response and return it as an immutable []byte
func (m *RedisMessage) AsBytes() (bs []byte, err error) {
    str, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return unsafe.Slice(unsafe.StringData(str), len(str)), nil

// DecodeJSON check if message is a redis string response and treat it as json, then unmarshal it into provided value
func (m *RedisMessage) DecodeJSON(v any) (err error) {
    str, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(str))
    return decoder.Decode(v)

// AsInt64 check if message is a redis string response, and parse it as int64
func (m *RedisMessage) AsInt64() (val int64, err error) {
    if m.IsInt64() {
        return m.integer, nil
    v, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)

// AsUint64 check if message is a redis string response, and parse it as uint64
func (m *RedisMessage) AsUint64() (val uint64, err error) {
    if m.IsInt64() {
        return uint64(m.integer), nil
    v, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return strconv.ParseUint(v, 10, 64)

// AsBool checks if message is non-nil redis response, and parses it as bool
func (m *RedisMessage) AsBool() (val bool, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
    switch m.typ {
    case typeBlobString, typeSimpleString:
        val = m.string == "OK"
    case typeInteger:
        val = m.integer != 0
    case typeBool:
        val = m.integer == 1
        typ := m.typ
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a int, string or bool", typeNames[typ]))

// AsFloat64 check if message is a redis string response, and parse it as float64
func (m *RedisMessage) AsFloat64() (val float64, err error) {
    if m.IsFloat64() {
        return util.ToFloat64(m.string)
    v, err := m.ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return util.ToFloat64(v)

// ToInt64 check if message is a redis RESP3 int response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToInt64() (val int64, err error) {
    if m.IsInt64() {
        return m.integer, nil
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return 0, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a RESP3 int64", typeNames[typ]))

// ToBool check if message is a redis RESP3 bool response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToBool() (val bool, err error) {
    if m.IsBool() {
        return m.integer == 1, nil
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return false, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a RESP3 bool", typeNames[typ]))

// ToFloat64 check if message is a redis RESP3 double response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToFloat64() (val float64, err error) {
    if m.IsFloat64() {
        return util.ToFloat64(m.string)
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return 0, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a RESP3 float64", typeNames[typ]))

// ToArray check if message is a redis array/set response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToArray() ([]RedisMessage, error) {
    if m.IsArray() {
        return m.values, nil
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a array", typeNames[typ]))

// AsStrSlice check if message is a redis array/set response, and convert to []string.
// redis nil element and other non string element will be present as zero.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsStrSlice() ([]string, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    s := make([]string, 0, len(values))
    for _, v := range values {
        s = append(s, v.string)
    return s, nil

// AsIntSlice check if message is a redis array/set response, and convert to []int64.
// redis nil element and other non integer element will be present as zero.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsIntSlice() ([]int64, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    s := make([]int64, len(values))
    for i, v := range values {
        if len(v.string) != 0 {
            if s[i], err = strconv.ParseInt(v.string, 10, 64); err != nil {
                return nil, err
        } else {
            s[i] = v.integer
    return s, nil

// AsFloatSlice check if message is a redis array/set response, and convert to []float64.
// redis nil element and other non float element will be present as zero.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsFloatSlice() ([]float64, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    s := make([]float64, len(values))
    for i, v := range values {
        if len(v.string) != 0 {
            if s[i], err = util.ToFloat64(v.string); err != nil {
                return nil, err
        } else {
            s[i] = float64(v.integer)
    return s, nil

// AsBoolSlice checks if message is a redis array/set response, and converts it to []bool.
// Redis nil elements and other non-boolean elements will be represented as false.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsBoolSlice() ([]bool, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    s := make([]bool, len(values))
    for i, v := range values {
        s[i], _ = v.AsBool() // Ignore error, non-boolean values will be false
    return s, nil

// XRangeEntry is the element type of both XRANGE and XREVRANGE command response array
type XRangeEntry struct {
    FieldValues map[string]string
    ID          string

// AsXRangeEntry check if message is a redis array/set response of length 2, and convert to XRangeEntry
func (m *RedisMessage) AsXRangeEntry() (XRangeEntry, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return XRangeEntry{}, err
    if len(values) != 2 {
        return XRangeEntry{}, fmt.Errorf("got %d, wanted 2", len(values))
    id, err := values[0].ToString()
    if err != nil {
        return XRangeEntry{}, err
    fieldValues, err := values[1].AsStrMap()
    if err != nil {
        if IsRedisNil(err) {
            return XRangeEntry{ID: id, FieldValues: nil}, nil
        return XRangeEntry{}, err
    return XRangeEntry{
        ID:          id,
        FieldValues: fieldValues,
    }, nil

// AsXRange check if message is a redis array/set response, and convert to []XRangeEntry
func (m *RedisMessage) AsXRange() ([]XRangeEntry, error) {
    values, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    msgs := make([]XRangeEntry, 0, len(values))
    for _, v := range values {
        msg, err := v.AsXRangeEntry()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        msgs = append(msgs, msg)
    return msgs, nil

// AsXRead converts XREAD/XREADGRUOP response to map[string][]XRangeEntry
func (m *RedisMessage) AsXRead() (ret map[string][]XRangeEntry, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if m.IsMap() {
        ret = make(map[string][]XRangeEntry, len(m.values)/2)
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            if ret[m.values[i].string], err = m.values[i+1].AsXRange(); err != nil {
                return nil, err
        return ret, nil
    if m.IsArray() {
        ret = make(map[string][]XRangeEntry, len(m.values))
        for _, v := range m.values {
            if !v.IsArray() || len(v.values) != 2 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d, wanted 2", len(v.values))
            if ret[v.values[0].string], err = v.values[1].AsXRange(); err != nil {
                return nil, err
        return ret, nil
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a map/array/set or its length is not even", typeNames[typ]))

// ZScore is the element type of ZRANGE WITHSCORES, ZDIFF WITHSCORES and ZPOPMAX command response
type ZScore struct {
    Member string
    Score  float64

func toZScore(values []RedisMessage) (s ZScore, err error) {
    if len(values) == 2 {
        if s.Member, err = values[0].ToString(); err == nil {
            s.Score, err = values[1].AsFloat64()
        return s, err
    panic("redis message is not a map/array/set or its length is not 2")

// AsZScore converts ZPOPMAX and ZPOPMIN command with count 1 response to a single ZScore
func (m *RedisMessage) AsZScore() (s ZScore, err error) {
    arr, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return s, err
    return toZScore(arr)

// AsZScores converts ZRANGE WITHSCROES, ZDIFF WITHSCROES and ZPOPMAX/ZPOPMIN command with count > 1 responses to []ZScore
func (m *RedisMessage) AsZScores() ([]ZScore, error) {
    arr, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(arr) > 0 && arr[0].IsArray() {
        scores := make([]ZScore, len(arr))
        for i, v := range arr {
            if scores[i], err = toZScore(v.values); err != nil {
                return nil, err
        return scores, nil
    scores := make([]ZScore, len(arr)/2)
    for i := 0; i < len(scores); i++ {
        j := i * 2
        if scores[i], err = toZScore(arr[j : j+2]); err != nil {
            return nil, err
    return scores, nil

// ScanEntry is the element type of both SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN and ZSCAN command response.
type ScanEntry struct {
    Elements []string
    Cursor   uint64

// AsScanEntry check if message is a redis array/set response of length 2, and convert to ScanEntry.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsScanEntry() (e ScanEntry, err error) {
    msgs, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return ScanEntry{}, err
    if len(msgs) >= 2 {
        if e.Cursor, err = msgs[0].AsUint64(); err == nil {
            e.Elements, err = msgs[1].AsStrSlice()
        return e, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a scan response or its length is not at least 2", typeNames[typ]))

// AsMap check if message is a redis array/set response, and convert to map[string]RedisMessage
func (m *RedisMessage) AsMap() (map[string]RedisMessage, error) {
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if (m.IsMap() || m.IsArray()) && len(m.values)%2 == 0 {
        return toMap(m.values), nil
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a map/array/set or its length is not even", typeNames[typ]))

// AsStrMap check if message is a redis map/array/set response, and convert to map[string]string.
// redis nil element and other non string element will be present as zero.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsStrMap() (map[string]string, error) {
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if (m.IsMap() || m.IsArray()) && len(m.values)%2 == 0 {
        r := make(map[string]string, len(m.values)/2)
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            k := m.values[i]
            v := m.values[i+1]
            r[k.string] = v.string
        return r, nil
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a map/array/set or its length is not even", typeNames[typ]))

// AsIntMap check if message is a redis map/array/set response, and convert to map[string]int64.
// redis nil element and other non integer element will be present as zero.
func (m *RedisMessage) AsIntMap() (map[string]int64, error) {
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if (m.IsMap() || m.IsArray()) && len(m.values)%2 == 0 {
        var err error
        r := make(map[string]int64, len(m.values)/2)
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            k := m.values[i]
            v := m.values[i+1]
            if k.typ == typeBlobString || k.typ == typeSimpleString {
                if len(v.string) != 0 {
                    if r[k.string], err = strconv.ParseInt(v.string, 0, 64); err != nil {
                        return nil, err
                } else if v.typ == typeInteger || v.typ == typeNull {
                    r[k.string] = v.integer
        return r, nil
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a map/array/set or its length is not even", typeNames[typ]))

type KeyValues struct {
    Key    string
    Values []string

func (m *RedisMessage) AsLMPop() (kvs KeyValues, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return KeyValues{}, err
    if len(m.values) >= 2 {
        kvs.Key = m.values[0].string
        kvs.Values, err = m.values[1].AsStrSlice()
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a LMPOP response", typeNames[typ]))

type KeyZScores struct {
    Key    string
    Values []ZScore

func (m *RedisMessage) AsZMPop() (kvs KeyZScores, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return KeyZScores{}, err
    if len(m.values) >= 2 {
        kvs.Key = m.values[0].string
        kvs.Values, err = m.values[1].AsZScores()
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a ZMPOP response", typeNames[typ]))

type FtSearchDoc struct {
    Doc   map[string]string
    Key   string
    Score float64

func (m *RedisMessage) AsFtSearch() (total int64, docs []FtSearchDoc, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return 0, nil, err
    if m.IsMap() {
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            switch m.values[i].string {
            case "total_results":
                total = m.values[i+1].integer
            case "results":
                records := m.values[i+1].values
                docs = make([]FtSearchDoc, len(records))
                for d, record := range records {
                    for j := 0; j < len(record.values); j += 2 {
                        switch record.values[j].string {
                        case "id":
                            docs[d].Key = record.values[j+1].string
                        case "extra_attributes":
                            docs[d].Doc, _ = record.values[j+1].AsStrMap()
                        case "score":
                            docs[d].Score, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(record.values[j+1].string, 64)
            case "error":
                for _, e := range m.values[i+1].values {
                    e := e
                    return 0, nil, (*RedisError)(&e)
    if len(m.values) > 0 {
        total = m.values[0].integer
        wscore := false
        wattrs := false
        offset := 1
        if len(m.values) > 2 {
            if m.values[2].string == "" {
                wattrs = true
            } else {
                _, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(m.values[1].string, 64)
                _, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(m.values[2].string, 64)
                wscore = err1 != nil && err2 == nil
        if len(m.values) > 3 && m.values[3].string == "" {
            wattrs = true
        docs = make([]FtSearchDoc, 0, (len(m.values)-1)/offset)
        for i := 1; i < len(m.values); i++ {
            doc := FtSearchDoc{Key: m.values[i].string}
            if wscore {
                doc.Score, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(m.values[i].string, 64)
            if wattrs {
                doc.Doc, _ = m.values[i].AsStrMap()
            docs = append(docs, doc)
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a FT.SEARCH response", typeNames[typ]))

func (m *RedisMessage) AsFtAggregate() (total int64, docs []map[string]string, err error) {
    if err = m.Error(); err != nil {
        return 0, nil, err
    if m.IsMap() {
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            switch m.values[i].string {
            case "total_results":
                total = m.values[i+1].integer
            case "results":
                records := m.values[i+1].values
                docs = make([]map[string]string, len(records))
                for d, record := range records {
                    for j := 0; j < len(record.values); j += 2 {
                        switch record.values[j].string {
                        case "extra_attributes":
                            docs[d], _ = record.values[j+1].AsStrMap()
            case "error":
                for _, e := range m.values[i+1].values {
                    e := e
                    return 0, nil, (*RedisError)(&e)
    if len(m.values) > 0 {
        total = m.values[0].integer
        docs = make([]map[string]string, len(m.values)-1)
        for d, record := range m.values[1:] {
            docs[d], _ = record.AsStrMap()
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a FT.AGGREGATE response", typeNames[typ]))

func (m *RedisMessage) AsFtAggregateCursor() (cursor, total int64, docs []map[string]string, err error) {
    if m.IsArray() && len(m.values) == 2 && (m.values[0].IsArray() || m.values[0].IsMap()) {
        total, docs, err = m.values[0].AsFtAggregate()
        cursor = m.values[1].integer
    } else {
        total, docs, err = m.AsFtAggregate()

type GeoLocation struct {
    Name                      string
    Longitude, Latitude, Dist float64
    GeoHash                   int64

func (m *RedisMessage) AsGeosearch() ([]GeoLocation, error) {
    arr, err := m.ToArray()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    geoLocations := make([]GeoLocation, 0, len(arr))
    for _, v := range arr {
        var loc GeoLocation
        if v.IsString() {
            loc.Name = v.string
        } else {
            info := v.values
            var i int

            loc.Name = info[i].string
            if i < len(info) && info[i].string != "" {
                loc.Dist, err = util.ToFloat64(info[i].string)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
            if i < len(info) && info[i].IsInt64() {
                loc.GeoHash = info[i].integer
            if i < len(info) && info[i].values != nil {
                cord := info[i].values
                if len(cord) < 2 {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d, expected 2", len(info))
                loc.Longitude, _ = cord[0].AsFloat64()
                loc.Latitude, _ = cord[1].AsFloat64()
        geoLocations = append(geoLocations, loc)
    return geoLocations, nil

// ToMap check if message is a redis RESP3 map response, and return it
func (m *RedisMessage) ToMap() (map[string]RedisMessage, error) {
    if m.IsMap() {
        return toMap(m.values), nil
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a RESP3 map", typeNames[typ]))

// ToAny turns message into go any value
func (m *RedisMessage) ToAny() (any, error) {
    if err := m.Error(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    switch m.typ {
    case typeFloat:
        return util.ToFloat64(m.string)
    case typeBlobString, typeSimpleString, typeVerbatimString, typeBigNumber:
        return m.string, nil
    case typeBool:
        return m.integer == 1, nil
    case typeInteger:
        return m.integer, nil
    case typeMap:
        vs := make(map[string]any, len(m.values)/2)
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i += 2 {
            if v, err := m.values[i+1].ToAny(); err != nil && !IsRedisNil(err) {
                vs[m.values[i].string] = err
            } else {
                vs[m.values[i].string] = v
        return vs, nil
    case typeSet, typeArray:
        vs := make([]any, len(m.values))
        for i := 0; i < len(m.values); i++ {
            if v, err := m.values[i].ToAny(); err != nil && !IsRedisNil(err) {
                vs[i] = err
            } else {
                vs[i] = v
        return vs, nil
    typ := m.typ
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s is not a supported in ToAny", typeNames[typ]))

// IsCacheHit check if message is from client side cache
func (m *RedisMessage) IsCacheHit() bool {
    return m.attrs == cacheMark

// CacheTTL returns the remaining TTL in seconds of client side cache
func (m *RedisMessage) CacheTTL() (ttl int64) {
    milli := m.CachePTTL()
    if milli > 0 {
        if ttl = milli / 1000; milli > ttl*1000 {
        return ttl
    return milli

// CachePTTL returns the remaining PTTL in seconds of client side cache
func (m *RedisMessage) CachePTTL() int64 {
    milli := m.getExpireAt()
    if milli == 0 {
        return -1
    if milli = milli - time.Now().UnixMilli(); milli < 0 {
        milli = 0
    return milli

// CachePXAT returns the remaining PXAT in seconds of client side cache
func (m *RedisMessage) CachePXAT() int64 {
    milli := m.getExpireAt()
    if milli == 0 {
        return -1
    return milli

func (m *RedisMessage) relativePTTL(now time.Time) int64 {
    return m.getExpireAt() - now.UnixMilli()

func (m *RedisMessage) getExpireAt() int64 {
    return int64(m.ttl[0]) | int64(m.ttl[1])<<8 | int64(m.ttl[2])<<16 | int64(m.ttl[3])<<24 |
        int64(m.ttl[4])<<32 | int64(m.ttl[5])<<40 | int64(m.ttl[6])<<48

func (m *RedisMessage) setExpireAt(pttl int64) {
    m.ttl[0] = byte(pttl)
    m.ttl[1] = byte(pttl >> 8)
    m.ttl[2] = byte(pttl >> 16)
    m.ttl[3] = byte(pttl >> 24)
    m.ttl[4] = byte(pttl >> 32)
    m.ttl[5] = byte(pttl >> 40)
    m.ttl[6] = byte(pttl >> 48)

func toMap(values []RedisMessage) map[string]RedisMessage {
    r := make(map[string]RedisMessage, len(values)/2)
    for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 {
        if values[i].typ == typeBlobString || values[i].typ == typeSimpleString {
            r[values[i].string] = values[i+1]
        typ := values[i].typ
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("redis message type %s as map key is not supported", typeNames[typ]))
    return r

func (m *RedisMessage) approximateSize() (s int) {
    s += messageStructSize
    s += len(m.string)
    for _, v := range m.values {
        s += v.approximateSize()

// String returns human-readable representation of RedisMessage
func (m *RedisMessage) String() string {
    v, _ := (*prettyRedisMessage)(m).MarshalJSON()
    return string(v)

type prettyRedisMessage RedisMessage

// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface
func (m *prettyRedisMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    type PrettyRedisMessage struct {
        Value any    `json:"Value,omitempty"`
        Type  string `json:"Type,omitempty"`
        Error string `json:"Error,omitempty"`
        Ttl   string `json:"TTL,omitempty"`
    org := (*RedisMessage)(m)
    strType, ok := typeNames[m.typ]
    if !ok {
        strType = "unknown"
    obj := PrettyRedisMessage{Type: strType}
    if m.ttl != [7]byte{} {
        obj.Ttl = time.UnixMilli(org.CachePXAT()).UTC().String()
    if err := org.Error(); err != nil {
        obj.Error = err.Error()
    switch m.typ {
    case typeFloat, typeBlobString, typeSimpleString, typeVerbatimString, typeBigNumber:
        obj.Value = m.string
    case typeBool:
        obj.Value = m.integer == 1
    case typeInteger:
        obj.Value = m.integer
    case typeMap, typeSet, typeArray:
        values := make([]prettyRedisMessage, len(m.values))
        for i, value := range m.values {
            values[i] = prettyRedisMessage(value)
        obj.Value = values
    return json.Marshal(obj)