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# frozen_string_literal: true

# Class initially used to represent the first tube in a pipeline following pooling
# from a plate. However appears to be a little more widespread in Limber pipelines.
# eg. LB Custom Pool Norm
# In fact, in the limber pipeline it appears to be responsible for any intermediate
# tubes.
class IlluminaHtp::InitialStockTubePurpose < IlluminaHtp::StockTubePurpose
  self.state_changer = StateChanger::InitialStockTube

  # Returns a summary of all related tube in the submission.
  # Limitation: doesn't understand pipelines, so just returns the tube at the head of the graph.
  # This isn't necessarily the one the users actually want, but we CAN validate that in Limber.
  # Additionally this will run into trouble if we end up wanting to use a tube earlier in the graph
  # (Such as following the introduction of a QC tube). Given that this will require knowledge of
  # the pipeline though, this logic is best shifted out into Limber.
  # TODO: Make tis decision in Limber, then strip out this code.
  def sibling_tubes(tube) # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength
    return [] if tube.submission.nil?

    # Find all requests that are being pooled together
    sibling_requests = tube.submission.requests.multiplexed.opened.ids

    # rubocop:todo Layout/LineLength
    sibling_tubes =
      Tube.joins(:transfer_requests_as_target).includes(:transfer_requests_as_source) # Outer join, as we don't want these
        .where(transfer_requests: { submission_id: tube.submission }) # find out tubes via transfer requests
        .where("transfer_requests_as_sources_#{Tube.table_name}": { id: nil }) # Make sure we have no transfers out of the tube
        .where.not(transfer_requests: { state: 'cancelled' }) # Filter out any cancelled tubes
        .includes(:uuid_object, :barcodes, :aliquots) # Load the stuff we need for the hash

    # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength

    # Find all requests in the tubes we've found
    found_requests = sibling_tubes.flat_map { |sibling| }

    # Check if there are any requests we haven't found, so we know there are still some in-progress tubes.
    pending_requests = (sibling_requests - found_requests).present?

    tube_array = { |s| { name:, uuid: s.uuid, ean13_barcode: s.ean13_barcode, state: s.state } }
    tube_array << :no_tube if pending_requests