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(English follows Japanese)




[App Store](で公開中です。

# 設定できること

## 1. 読手

## 2. 通常モード / 初心者モード

| モード | 試合の流れ |
| ------ | ---------- |
| 通常モード(競技かるたモード) | (試合再開) → 下の句読み上げ → 次の歌の上の句読み上げ → (試合一次停止) |
| 初心者モード(散らし取りモード) | (試合再開) → 上の句読み上げ → 下の句読み上げ → (試合一次停止) |

## 3. 試合に使う歌の選択

## 4. 空札(からふだ)の有無(通常モードのみ)

## 5. 歌と歌の間隔(秒数)

## 6 上の句と下の句の間隔(秒数)】(初心者モードのみ)

# VOCALOIDの歌唱データ

VOCALOID Editorをお持ちでしたら、ぜひ改良してやってください。  
(データはVOCALOID4 Editorで作成しています。)

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Yoshifumi Sato  
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.

- - -

(※1) ボーカロイドはヤマハ株式会社の登録商標です。  
(※2) [難波津いなばくん](の音声データ「いなばくん」を、著作権者(なにはづ様)の許諾を得て使用しています。

- このアプリの動作確認を目的として、本リポジトリを音声データごとダウンロード(あるいはclone、forkなど)をすることについては、著作権者の許諾済みですので、改めて著作権者の許諾を得る必要はありません。
- 他の目的で`/resources/audio/inaba`の音声データを利用する場合には、著作権者の許諾を得てください。

- - -

[Below are English descriptions of this App.]

Kyogi-Karuta is a Japanese traditional game using the “Hyaku-nin-Isshu"(#1) Karuta cards. 

(#1 .. It means "Single Verses by a Hundred People", selected by Teika Fujiwara about 800 years ago, as "The All Time Best 100 in these 600 years" at that time.)

This App, now in [App Store]( , supports playing the game, by singing verses at random. 

You can watch Demo video at [this page](

And Some settings are available;

## 1. Singer

  You can select Verse-Singer.

| Name | Type |
| ---- | ----------- |
| IA   | VOCALOID(#2) voice |
| Inaba-kun (#3) | Human voice |

 (#2 .. VOCALOID is a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation.)  
 (#3 .. in Japanese; いなばくん. See footer note #7 about Copyright.)

## 2. Play Mode (sets timing of pause)

| Mode | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| Normal mode   | Mode for Kyogi-Karuta. Singer pauses singing just after 1st half of a verse. |
| Beginner mode | Recommended mode for Beginner. Singer pauses after singing a whole verse. |

## 3. Verses to sing
  You can select verses to use as you like.  
  When you long-press a verse in "Select Verses" screen(#4), you can confirm "Tori-Fuda" image(#5) of the verse.  
  (#4 .. in Japanese; 「歌を選ぶ」画面)  
  (#5 .. in Japanese; 「取り札」イメージ)

## 4. Use "Kara Fuda"(#6), or not.
  (#6 .. It means "Fake Verses", 「空札」 in Japanese)  
  Fake Verses can be added in Normal mode. Additional fake verses are collected at random, as many as "Verses to sing" you selected.

## 5. Interval time between verses

(by second)

## 6. Interval time between 1st half of a verse, and 2nd half of it

(by second, in Beginner mode only)

# And..

I apologize that this App supports Japanese only. If many people hope English support, I'll give it a try!

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Yoshifumi Sato  
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.

- - -
(#7) Human voice files in `/resources/audio/inaba` folder are derived from [Naniwazu Inaba-kun](
 So, the author of the software has the copyright of these voice files.
 - For the purpose of checking how this app works, you can download (clone, fork) the voice files without confirming author's permisson, because the author has already confirmed it.
 - For other purposes, the author's permission is required.