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* Enhancements

  * Use Redis#exists? to avoid deprec warning


* Breaking changes

  * Set lock_storage and cache_storage separately


* Enhancements / breaking changes

  * Propagate errors to all waiters up to 1 second after the error
  * Stop using redlock, just use plain single-node Redis locking


* ?

  * Don't test on ruby 2.1

* Enhancements

  * LockAndCache.cached?(*key_parts) to check if a value is cached

4.0.5 / 2017-04-01

* Enhancements

  * allow dates and times in keys
  * Test on ruby 2.3.0 and 2.4.1
  * 2x faster key generation

4.0.4 / 2016-04-11

* Bug fixes

  * Don't default to debug logging

4.0.3 / 2016-04-11

* Bug fixes

  * Allow true or false in keys

4.0.2 / 2016-04-11

* Bug fixes

  * When generating key, recurse into #lock_and_cache_key

4.0.1 / 2016-04-11

* Bug fixes

  * Avoid deadlocks related to logging

4.0.0 / 2016-04-11

* Breaking changes

  * The cache key generation I've always wanted: recursively call #id or #lock_and_cache_key

3.0.1 / 2016-04-04

* Enhancements

  * Don't use deprecated Thread.exclusive

3.0.0 / 2016-04-02

* Breaking changes

  * In context mode (when you `include LockAndCache`), really call #lock_and_cache_key or #id on the instance

2.2.2 / 2015-12-18

* Bug fixes

  * Don't die if you pass a non-integer expires - round it

2.2.1 / 2015-12-14

* Bug fixes

  * Construct key using the correct class name

2.2.0 / 2015-11-15

* Enhancements

  * Increase default heartbeat expires to 32 seconds from 2 (which was too strict IMO)
  * Allow setting heartbeat_expires: globally (LockAndCache.heartbeat_expires=) or per call
  * Provide LockAndCache.locked?()

2.1.1 / 2015-10-26

* Bug fixes

  * Blow up if you try to use standalone mode without a key

2.1.0 / 2015-10-26

* Enhancements

  * Better documentation
  * Standalone mode (LockAndCache.lock_and_cache([...]) {})
  * Nulls can be set to expire sooner than non-null return values (`nil_expires`)

2.0.2 / 2015-10-16

* Bug fixes (?)

  * Make sure cached values are valid marshal format (seen in the wild that they're nil)

* Enhancements

  * Use original redlock gem now that it supports extend

2.0.1 / 2015-09-14

* Bug fixes

  * Don't explicitly kill the lock extender thread because that sometimes causes deadlocks (don't know why)

2.0.0 / 2015-09-11

* Breaking changes

  * Stricter key digest - differentiates symbols and strings
  * No more lock_expires or lock_spin options

* Bug fixes

  * Allow method names with non-word chars like #foo?

* Enhancements

  * heartbeats so that SIGKILL will effectively clear the lock
  * #lock_and_cache_clear now clears lock too

1.1.0 / 2015-08-07

* Breaking changes

  * Reduce default lock expiry to 1 day instead of weird 3 days

* Enhancements

  * Added :max_lock_wait option inspired by @leandromoreira

1.0.3 / 2015-08-06

* Enhancements

  * More granular debug output

1.0.2 / 2015-08-06

* Bug fixes

  * Put LockAndCache.flush back

1.0.1 / 2015-08-06

* Bug fixes

  * Return value properly if lock was acquired but cached value immediately found

* Enhancements

  * Documentation

1.0.0 / 2015-08-05

* Enhancements

  * Use Redis redlock instead of Postgres advisory locks
  * No more dependency on ActiveRecord or Postgres!

0.1.2 / 2015-06-24

* Enhancements

  * Add :expires option in seconds

0.1.1 / 2015-02-04

* Enhancements

  * Clear individual cached things with #lock_and_cache_clear

0.1.0 / 2015-01-22

* Breaking changes

  * Redis only
  * Now you use it inside methods (like Rails.cache.fetch) instead of outside (like cache_method)

* Enhancements

  * Way simpler, no dependency on CacheMethod

0.0.5 / 2014-12-12

* Enhancements

  * ENV['LOCK_AND_CACHE_DEBUG'] == 'true' debug output to $stderr

0.0.4 / 2014-12-12

* Bug fixes

  * Pass arguments while caching method results

0.0.3 / 2014-12-12

* Enhancements

  * Save a trip to the database if something is already cached

0.0.2 / 2014-12-11

* Bug fixes

  * Gem name is activerecord

0.0.1 / 2014-12-11

initial release!