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Test Coverage
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package controllers

import (

    configv1 ""
    executionv1 ""

    corev1 ""
    k8sErrors ""
    metav1 ""
    ctrl ""

// ServiceScanReconciler reconciles a Service object
type ServiceScanReconciler struct {
    Log      logr.Logger
    Scheme   *runtime.Scheme
    Recorder record.EventRecorder
    Config   configv1.AutoDiscoveryConfig

type ServiceAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs struct {
    Config     configv1.AutoDiscoveryConfig
    ScanConfig configv1.ScanConfig
    Cluster    configv1.ClusterConfig
    Target     metav1.ObjectMeta
    Service    corev1.Service
    Namespace  corev1.Namespace
    Host       HostPort

const requeueInterval = 5 * time.Second

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=scantypes,verbs=get;list;watch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=scheduledscans,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=scheduledscans,verbs=get;update;patch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=services,verbs=get;list;watch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=services/status,verbs=get
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=namespaces,verbs=get;list;watch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=pods,verbs=get;list;watch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=pods/status,verbs=get

// Reconcile compares the Service object against the state of the cluster and updates both if needed
func (r *ServiceScanReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
    log := r.Log

    log.V(8).Info("Something happened to a service", "service", req.Name, "namespace", req.Namespace)

    // fetch service
    var service corev1.Service
    if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &service); err != nil {
        log.V(7).Info("Unable to fetch Service", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
        return ctrl.Result{}, client.IgnoreNotFound(err)

    // fetch namespace
    var namespace corev1.Namespace
    if err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: service.Namespace, Namespace: ""}, &namespace); err != nil {
        log.V(7).Info("Unable to fetch namespace for service", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
        return ctrl.Result{}, client.IgnoreNotFound(err)

    log.V(8).Info("Got Service", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace, "resourceVersion", service.ResourceVersion)

    // Checking if the service got likely something to do with http...
    if len(getLikelyHTTPPorts(service)) == 0 {
        log.V(6).Info("Services doesn't seem to have a http / https port", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
        // No port which has likely to do anything with http. No need to schedule a requeue until the service gets updated
        return ctrl.Result{}, nil

    // get pods matching service label selector
    var pods corev1.PodList
    r.List(ctx, &pods, client.MatchingLabels(service.Spec.Selector), client.InNamespace(service.Namespace))

    // Ensure that pods for the service are in the same version so that the scan scans the correct version
    podDigests := gatherPodDigests(&pods)
    if !containerDigestsAllMatch(podDigests) {
        // Pods for Service don't all have the same digest.
        // Probably currently updating. Checking again in a few seconds.
        log.V(6).Info("Services Pods Digests don't all match. Deployment is probably currently under way. Waiting for it to finish.", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
        return ctrl.Result{
            Requeue:      true,
            RequeueAfter: requeueInterval,
        }, nil

    // Ensure that at least one pod of the service is ready
    if !serviceHasReadyPods(pods) {
        log.V(6).Info("Service doesn't have any ready pods. Waiting", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
        return ctrl.Result{
            Requeue:      true,
            RequeueAfter: requeueInterval,
        }, nil
    if len(r.Config.ServiceAutoDiscoveryConfig.ScanConfigs) == 0 {
        log.Info("Warning: You have the Service AutoDiscovery enabled but don't have any `scanConfigs` in your AutoDiscovery configuration. No scans will be started!")
    for _, scanConfig := range r.Config.ServiceAutoDiscoveryConfig.ScanConfigs {
        log.V(8).Info("Started Loop of ScanConfig", "ScanConfig Name", scanConfig.Name)
        for _, host := range getHostPorts(service) {
            // Checking if we already have run a scan against this version
            var scans executionv1.ScheduledScanList

            // construct a map of labels which can be used to lookup the scheduledScan created for this service
            versionedLabels := map[string]string{
                "":   service.Name,
                "":      fmt.Sprintf("%d", host.Port),
                "":        scanConfig.ScanType,
                "": scanConfig.Name,
                "":                     "securecodebox-autodiscovery",
            for containerName, podDigest := range podDigests {
                // The map should only contain one entry at this point. As the reconciler breaks (see containerDigestsAllMatch) if the services points to a list pods with different digests per container name
                for digest := range podDigest {
                    versionedLabels[fmt.Sprintf("", containerName)] = digest[0:min(len(digest), 63)]

            r.Client.List(ctx, &scans, client.MatchingLabels(versionedLabels), client.InNamespace(service.Namespace))
            log.V(8).Info("Got ScheduledScans for Service in the exact same version", "scheduledScans", len(scans.Items), "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)

            if len(scans.Items) != 0 {
                log.V(8).Info("Service Version was already scanned. Skipping.", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)

            var previousScan executionv1.ScheduledScan
            err := r.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-service-%s-port-%d", service.Name, scanConfig.Name, host.Port), Namespace: service.Namespace}, &previousScan)

            // generate the scan spec for the current state of the service
            templateArgs := ServiceAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs{
                Config:     r.Config,
                ScanConfig: scanConfig,
                Cluster:    r.Config.Cluster,
                Target:     service.ObjectMeta,
                Service:    service,
                Namespace:  namespace,
                Host:       host,
            scanSpec := util.GenerateScanSpec(scanConfig, templateArgs)

            if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                // service was never scanned
                log.Info("Discovered new unscanned service, scanning it now", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)

                versionedLabels = generateScanLabels(versionedLabels, scanConfig, templateArgs)

                // No scan for this pod digest yet. Scanning now
                scan := executionv1.ScheduledScan{
                    ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                        Name:        fmt.Sprintf("%s-service-%s-port-%d", service.Name, scanConfig.Name, host.Port),
                        Namespace:   service.Namespace,
                        Labels:      versionedLabels,
                        Annotations: generateScanAnnotations(service.Annotations, scanConfig, templateArgs),
                    Spec: scanSpec,

                // Ensure ScanType actually exists
                scanTypeName := scanConfig.ScanType
                scanType := executionv1.ScanType{}
                err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: scanTypeName, Namespace: service.Namespace}, &scanType)
                if k8sErrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                    log.Info("Namespace requires configured ScanType to properly start automatic scans.", "namespace", service.Namespace, "service", service.Name, "scanType", scanTypeName)
                    // Add event to service to communicate failure to user
                    r.Recorder.Event(&service, "Warning", "ScanTypeMissing", "Namespace requires ScanType '"+scanTypeName+"' to properly start automatic scans.")

                    // Requeue to allow scan to be created when the user installs the scanType
                    return ctrl.Result{
                        Requeue:      true,
                        RequeueAfter: r.Config.ServiceAutoDiscoveryConfig.PassiveReconcileInterval.Duration,
                    }, nil
                } else if err != nil {
                    return ctrl.Result{
                        Requeue:      true,
                        RequeueAfter: requeueInterval,
                    }, err

                err = ctrl.SetControllerReference(&service, &scan, r.Scheme)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error(err, "Unable to set owner of scan", "scan", scan, "service", service)

                err = r.Create(ctx, &scan)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error(err, "Failed to create ScheduledScan", "service", service.Name)

            } else if err != nil {
                log.Error(err, "Failed to lookup ScheduledScan", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
            } else {
                // Service was scanned before, but for a different version
                log.Info("Previously scanned service was updated. Repeating scan now.", "service", service.Name, "scheduledScan", previousScan.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)

                // label is added after the initial query as it was added later and isn't guaranteed to be on every auto-discovery managed scan.
                versionedLabels[""] = "securecodebox-autodiscovery"
                versionedLabels = generateScanLabels(versionedLabels, scanConfig, templateArgs)

                previousScan.ObjectMeta.Labels = versionedLabels
                previousScan.ObjectMeta.Annotations = generateScanAnnotations(service.Annotations, scanConfig, templateArgs)
                previousScan.Spec = scanSpec

                log.V(8).Info("Updating previousScan Spec")
                err := r.Update(ctx, &previousScan)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error(err, "Failed to update ScheduledScan", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace)
                    return ctrl.Result{
                        Requeue: true,
                    }, err

                log.V(8).Info("Restarting existing scheduledScan", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace, "scheduledScan", previousScan.Name)
                err = restartScheduledScan(ctx, r.Status(), previousScan)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Error(err, "Failed restart ScheduledScan", "service", service.Name, "namespace", service.Namespace, "scheduledScan", previousScan.Name)
                    return ctrl.Result{
                        Requeue: true,
                    }, err
    return ctrl.Result{
        Requeue:      true,
        RequeueAfter: r.Config.ServiceAutoDiscoveryConfig.PassiveReconcileInterval.Duration,
    }, nil

type HostPort struct {
    Type string
    Port int32

// getHostPorts returns a slice of HostPort objects for the given service.
// The function uses the getLikelyHTTPPorts function to get a slice of ports that are likely to be used
// for HTTP or HTTPS traffic, and then it adds each port to the httpIshPorts slice as a HostPort object
// with the appropriate "http" or "https" type.
func getHostPorts(service corev1.Service) []HostPort {
    // Get a slice of ports that are likely to be used for HTTP or HTTPS traffic
    servicePorts := getLikelyHTTPPorts(service)

    httpIshPorts := []HostPort{}

    for _, port := range servicePorts {
        // Check if the port uses HTTPS
        if port.Port == 443 || port.Port == 8443 || port.Name == "https" {
            // If the port uses HTTPS, add it to the httpIshPorts slice as a HostPort with the "https" type
            httpIshPorts = append(httpIshPorts, HostPort{
                Port: port.Port,
                Type: "https",
        } else {
            // If the port does not use HTTPS, add it to the httpIshPorts slice as a HostPort with the "http" type
            httpIshPorts = append(httpIshPorts, HostPort{
                Port: port.Port,
                Type: "http",

    return httpIshPorts

// getLikelyHTTPPorts returns a slice of ports that are likely to be used for HTTP or HTTPS traffic.
// The function searches the given service object for ports with certain numbers or names, and adds any
// ports that match to the slice of httpIshPorts.
func getLikelyHTTPPorts(service corev1.Service) []corev1.ServicePort {
    httpIshPorts := []corev1.ServicePort{}

    // Iterate over all the ports in the service.Spec.Ports slice
    for _, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
        // Check if the port matches any of the specified port numbers or names
        if port.Port == 80 ||
            port.Port == 8080 ||
            port.Port == 443 ||
            port.Port == 8443 ||
            // Node.js
            port.Port == 3000 ||
            // Flask
            port.Port == 5000 ||
            // Django
            port.Port == 8000 ||
            // Named Ports
            port.Name == "http" ||
            port.Name == "https" {

            // If the port matches, add it to the httpIshPorts slice
            httpIshPorts = append(httpIshPorts, port)
    return httpIshPorts

// min returns the smaller of two integers
func min(x, y int) int {
    if x < y {
        return x
    return y

func getShaHashesForPod(pod corev1.Pod) map[string]string {
    if len(pod.Status.ContainerStatuses) == 0 {
        return nil
    hashes := map[string]string{}

    for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
        if containerStatus.ImageID == "" {

        // Extract the full image name from the ImageID field
        var fullImageName string
        if strings.HasPrefix(containerStatus.ImageID, "docker-pullable://") {
            // Example: "docker-pullable://scbexperimental/parser-nmap@sha256:f953..."
            // Extract from the 18th character: "scbexperimental/parser-nmap@sha256:f953..."
            fullImageName = containerStatus.ImageID[18:]
        } else {

        // Split the full image name on "@" to separate the image name from the digest
        imageSegments := strings.Split(fullImageName, "@")
        prefixedDigest := imageSegments[1]

        // Truncate the digest to keep only the actual hash value
        var truncatedDigest string
        if strings.HasPrefix(prefixedDigest, "sha256:") {
            // Only keep actual digest
            // Example from "sha256:f953bc6c5446c20ace8787a1956c2e46a2556cc7a37ef7fc0dda7b11dd87f73d"
            // What is kept: "f953bc6c5446c20ace8787a1956c2e46a2556cc7a37ef7fc0dda7b11dd87f73d"
            truncatedDigest = prefixedDigest[7:71]
            hashes[containerStatus.Name] = truncatedDigest

    return hashes

// gatherPodDigests takes a list of pods and returns a two-tiered map that can be used
// to lookup the digests for the containers in each pod.
// The map returned looks like this:
//    {
//        container name
//        container1: {
//            // digest
//            ab2dkbsjdha3kshdasjdbalsjdbaljsbd: true
//            iuzaksbd2kabsdk4abksdbaksjbdak12a: true
//        },
//        container2: {
//            // digest
//            sjdha3kshdasjdbalsjdbaljsbdab2dkb: true
//            d2kabsdk4abksdbaksjbdak12aiuzaksb: true
//        },
//    }
func gatherPodDigests(pods *corev1.PodList) map[string]map[string]bool {
    podDigests := map[string]map[string]bool{}

    for _, pod := range pods.Items {
        hashes := getShaHashesForPod(pod)
        for containerName, hash := range hashes {
            // Check if the container already exists in the podDigests map
            if _, ok := podDigests[containerName]; ok {
                // If the container already exists, add the hash to the map of digests for that container
                podDigests[containerName][hash] = true
            } else {
                // If the container does not exist, create a new map containing the hash for that container
                podDigests[containerName] = map[string]bool{hash: true}
    return podDigests

// containerDigestsAllMatch returns true if the given map of pod digests contains exactly
// one digest for each pod (i.e they all match).
func containerDigestsAllMatch(podDigests map[string]map[string]bool) bool {
    for _, digests := range podDigests {
        // Check if the pod has exactly one digest
        if len(digests) != 1 {
            return false
    // If all of the pods have exactly one digest i.e they all match, return true
    return true

// serviceHasReadyPods returns true if the given list of pods contains at least one pod
// that is ready and has all of its containers ready.
func serviceHasReadyPods(pods corev1.PodList) bool {
    for _, pod := range pods.Items {
        // Check if all of the pod's containers are ready
        for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
            if !containerStatus.Ready {
                // If any of the containers are not ready, skip this pod and continue with the next one
                continue podLoop
        return true
    return false

// generateScanAnnotations generates annotations for a scan based on the given configuration and template arguments.
// It also copies over certain annotations from the current annotations to the generated annotations.
func generateScanAnnotations(currentAnnotations map[string]string, scanConfig configv1.ScanConfig, templateArgs ServiceAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs) map[string]string {
    annotations := util.ParseMapTemplate(templateArgs, scanConfig.Annotations)
    re := regexp.MustCompile(`.*securecodebox\.io/.*`)

    for key, value := range currentAnnotations {
        if matches := re.MatchString(key); matches {
            annotations[key] = value
    return annotations

func generateScanLabels(currentLabels map[string]string, scanConfig configv1.ScanConfig, templateArgs ServiceAutoDiscoveryTemplateArgs) map[string]string {
    // Parse the scan labels template and return the resulting map
    newLabels := util.ParseMapTemplate(templateArgs, scanConfig.Labels)

    for key, value := range newLabels {
        currentLabels[key] = value
    return currentLabels

// SetupWithManager sets up the controller and initializes every thing it needs
func (r *ServiceScanReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
    // Check if scan names are unique
    if err := util.CheckUniquenessOfScanNames(r.Config.ContainerAutoDiscoveryConfig.ScanConfigs); err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "Scan names are not unique")
        return err

    // Index the field ".metadata.service-controller" in the ScheduledScan resource
    if err := mgr.GetFieldIndexer().IndexField(context.Background(), &executionv1.ScheduledScan{}, ".metadata.service-controller", func(rawObj client.Object) []string {
        // Grab the ScheduledScan object and its owner
        scan := rawObj.(*executionv1.ScheduledScan)
        owner := metav1.GetControllerOf(scan)
        if owner == nil {
            return nil

        // Make sure the owner is a Service resource
        if owner.APIVersion != "v1" || owner.Kind != "Service" {
            return nil

        // Return the owner's name
        return []string{owner.Name}
    }); err != nil {
        return err

    // Complete the setup by returning a new controller managed by the given manager
    return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
        WithEventFilter(util.GetPredicates(mgr.GetClient(), r.Log, r.Config.ResourceInclusion.Mode)).