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1 day
Test Coverage
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: the secureCodeBox authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package scancontrollers

import (


    executionv1 ""
    util ""
    batch ""
    corev1 ""
    rbacv1 ""
    resource ""
    metav1 ""
    ctrl ""

func (r *ScanReconciler) setHookStatus(scan *executionv1.Scan) error {
    // Set (pending) Hook status on the scan
    ctx := context.Background()
    labelSelector, err := r.getLabelSelector(scan)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var hookStatuses []*executionv1.HookStatus

    if scan.Spec.ResourceMode == nil || *scan.Spec.ResourceMode == executionv1.NamespaceLocal {
        var scanCompletionHooks executionv1.ScanCompletionHookList
        if err := r.List(ctx, &scanCompletionHooks,
            client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: labelSelector},
        ); err != nil {
            r.Log.V(7).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to fetch ScanCompletionHooks for scan '%s' which is located in namespace '%s'", scan.Name, scan.Namespace))
            return err

        hookStatuses = util.MapHooksToHookStatus(scanCompletionHooks.Items)
    } else {
        var clusterScanCompletionHooks executionv1.ClusterScanCompletionHookList
        if err := r.List(ctx, &clusterScanCompletionHooks,
            client.MatchingLabelsSelector{Selector: labelSelector},
        ); err != nil {
            r.Log.V(7).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to fetch ClusterScanCompletionHooks for scan '%s' which is located in namespace '%s'", scan.Name, scan.Namespace))
            return err

        hookStatuses = util.MapClusterHooksToHookStatus(clusterScanCompletionHooks.Items)

    r.Log.Info("Found ScanCompletionHooks", "ScanCompletionHooks", len(hookStatuses))

    orderedHookStatus := util.FromUnorderedList(hookStatuses)
    scan.Status.OrderedHookStatuses = orderedHookStatus
    scan.Status.State = "HookProcessing"

    if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, scan); err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "unable to update Scan status")
        return err

    return nil

func (r *ScanReconciler) migrateHookStatus(scan *executionv1.Scan) error {
    ctx := context.Background()
    var scanCompletionHooks executionv1.ScanCompletionHookList
    r.Log.Info("Starting hook Status field migrations", "ReadAndWriteHookStatus", scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus)

    if err := r.List(ctx, &scanCompletionHooks, client.InNamespace(scan.Namespace)); err != nil {
        r.Log.V(7).Info("Unable to fetch ScanCompletionHooks")
        return err

    // Add new fields to old ReadAndWriteHookStatus object and convert to pointers
    strSlice := make([]*executionv1.HookStatus, len(scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus))
    for i := range scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus {
        strSlice[i] = scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus[i].DeepCopy() // Keep original ReadAndWriteHookStatus field
        strSlice[i].Priority = 0
        strSlice[i].Type = executionv1.ReadAndWrite
        r.Log.Info("Converted ReadAndWrite hook Status", "Original", scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus[i], "New", strSlice[i])

    // Construct new ReadOnly HookStatus for OrderedHookStatuses
    var readOnlyHooks []*executionv1.HookStatus
    for _, hook := range scanCompletionHooks.Items {
        if hook.Spec.Type == executionv1.ReadOnly {
            hookStatus := &executionv1.HookStatus{
                HookName: hook.Name,
                Priority: 0,
                Type:     executionv1.ReadOnly,

            if scan.Status.State == "ReadAndWriteHookProcessing" || scan.Status.State == "ReadAndWriteHookCompleted" {
                // ReadOnly hooks should not have started yet, so mark them all as pending
                hookStatus.State = executionv1.Pending
            } else if scan.Status.State == "ReadOnlyHookProcessing" {
                // Had already started ReadOnly hooks and should now check status.
                // No status for ReadOnly in old CRD, so mark everything as InProgress and let processInProgressHook update it later.
                hookStatus.State = executionv1.InProgress
            } else if scan.Status.State == "Done" {
                // Had completely finished
                hookStatus.State = executionv1.Completed

            r.Log.Info("Retrieved new ReadOnly hook Status", "New", hookStatus)

            readOnlyHooks = append(readOnlyHooks, hookStatus)

    scan.Status.OrderedHookStatuses = util.OrderHookStatusesInsideAPrioClass(append(readOnlyHooks, strSlice...))
    if scan.Status.State != "Done" {
        scan.Status.State = "HookProcessing"

    if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, scan); err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "unable to update Scan status")
        return err

    r.Log.Info("Finished hook Status field migrations. ReadOnly hook statuses will be updated later.",
        "ReadAndWriteHookStatus", scan.Status.ReadAndWriteHookStatus,
        "OrderedHookStatuses", scan.Status.OrderedHookStatuses)

    return nil

func (r *ScanReconciler) executeHooks(scan *executionv1.Scan) error {
    ctx := context.Background()

    err, currentHooks := utils.CurrentHookGroup(scan.Status.OrderedHookStatuses)

    if err != nil && scan.Status.State == "Errored" {
        r.Log.V(8).Info("Skipping hook execution as it already contains failed hooks.")
        return nil
    } else if err != nil {
        scan.Status.State = "Errored"
        scan.Status.ErrorDescription = fmt.Sprintf("Hook execution failed for a unknown hook. Check the scan.status.hookStatus field for more details")
    } else if err == nil && currentHooks == nil {
        // No hooks left to execute
        scan.Status.State = "Done"
    } else {
        for _, hook := range currentHooks {
            err = r.processHook(scan, hook)

            if err != nil {
                scan.Status.State = "Errored"
                scan.Status.ErrorDescription = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to execute Hook '%s' in job '%s'. Check the logs of the hook for more information.", hook.HookName, hook.JobName)

    if sErr := r.Status().Update(ctx, scan); sErr != nil {
        r.Log.Error(sErr, "Unable to update Scan status")
        return sErr
    return err

func (r *ScanReconciler) processHook(scan *executionv1.Scan, nonCompletedHook *executionv1.HookStatus) error {
    var jobType string
    if nonCompletedHook.Type == executionv1.ReadOnly {
        jobType = "read-only-hook"
    } else if nonCompletedHook.Type == executionv1.ReadAndWrite {
        jobType = "read-and-write-hook"

    r.Log.Info("Processing hook", "hook", nonCompletedHook, "jobType", jobType)

    switch nonCompletedHook.State {
    case executionv1.Pending:
        return r.processPendingHook(scan, nonCompletedHook, jobType)
    case executionv1.InProgress:
        return r.processInProgressHook(scan, nonCompletedHook, jobType)
    return nil

func (r *ScanReconciler) processPendingHook(scan *executionv1.Scan, status *executionv1.HookStatus, jobType string) error {
    ctx := context.Background()
    var err error

    var hookName string
    var hookSpec executionv1.ScanCompletionHookSpec

    if scan.Spec.ResourceMode == nil || *scan.Spec.ResourceMode == executionv1.NamespaceLocal {
        var hook executionv1.ScanCompletionHook
        err = r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: status.HookName, Namespace: scan.Namespace}, &hook)
        if err != nil {
            r.Log.Error(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get ScanCompletionHook '%s' configured for scan '%s' which is located in namespace '%s'", status.HookName, scan.Name, scan.Namespace))
            return err
        hookName = hook.Name
        hookSpec = hook.Spec
    } else if *scan.Spec.ResourceMode == executionv1.ClusterWide {
        var clusterHook executionv1.ClusterScanCompletionHook
        err = r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: status.HookName}, &clusterHook)
        if err != nil {
            r.Log.Error(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get ClusterScanCompletionHook '%s' configured for scan '%s' which is located in namespace '%s'", status.HookName, scan.Name, scan.Namespace))
            return err
        hookName = clusterHook.Name
        hookSpec = clusterHook.Spec

    var jobs *batch.JobList
    jobs, err = r.getJobsForScan(scan, client.MatchingLabels{
        "":  jobType,
        "": status.HookName,
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if len(jobs.Items) > 0 {
        // job was already started, setting status to correct jobName and state to ensure it's not overwritten with wrong values
        status.JobName = jobs.Items[0].Name
        status.State = executionv1.InProgress
        return nil

    urlExpirationDuration, err := util.GetUrlExpirationDuration(util.HookController)
    if err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "Failed to parse hook url expiration")

    var rawFileURL string
    rawFileURL, err = r.PresignedGetURL(*scan, scan.Status.RawResultFile, urlExpirationDuration)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    var findingsFileURL string
    findingsFileURL, err = r.PresignedGetURL(*scan, "findings.json", urlExpirationDuration)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var args = []string{
    if hookSpec.Type == executionv1.ReadAndWrite {
        var rawFileUploadURL string
        rawFileUploadURL, err = r.PresignedPutURL(*scan, scan.Status.RawResultFile, urlExpirationDuration)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        var findingsUploadURL string
        findingsUploadURL, err = r.PresignedPutURL(*scan, "findings.json", urlExpirationDuration)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        args = append(args, rawFileUploadURL, findingsUploadURL)

    var jobName string
    jobName, err = r.createJobForHook(

    if err == nil {
        // job was already started, setting status to correct jobName and state to ensure it's not overwritten with wrong values
        status.JobName = jobName
        status.State = executionv1.InProgress
        r.Log.Info("Created job for hook", "hook", status)
        return nil

    return err

func (r *ScanReconciler) processInProgressHook(scan *executionv1.Scan, status *executionv1.HookStatus, jobType string) error {
    jobStatus, err := r.checkIfJobIsCompleted(scan, client.MatchingLabels{
        "":  jobType,
        "": status.HookName,
    if err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "Failed to check job status for Hook")
        return err
    switch jobStatus {
    case completed:
        // Job is completed => set current Hook to completed
        status.State = executionv1.Completed
    case incomplete:
        // Still waiting for job to finish
    case failed:
        if status.State == executionv1.Pending {
            status.State = executionv1.Cancelled
        } else {
            status.State = executionv1.Failed
    return nil

func (r *ScanReconciler) createJobForHook(hookName string, hookSpec *executionv1.ScanCompletionHookSpec, scan *executionv1.Scan, cliArgs []string) (string, error) {
    ctx := context.Background()

    serviceAccountName := "scan-completion-hook"
    if hookSpec.ServiceAccountName != nil {
        // Hook uses a custom ServiceAccount
        serviceAccountName = *hookSpec.ServiceAccountName
    } else {
        // Check and create a serviceAccount for the hook in its namespace, if it doesn't already exist.
        rules := []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
                APIGroups: []string{""},
                Resources: []string{"scans"},
                Verbs:     []string{"get"},
                APIGroups: []string{""},
                Resources: []string{"scans/status"},
                Verbs:     []string{"get", "patch"},

            "ScanCompletionHooks need to access the current scan to view where its results are stored",

    standardEnvVars := []corev1.EnvVar{
            Name: "NAMESPACE",
            ValueFrom: &corev1.EnvVarSource{
                FieldRef: &corev1.ObjectFieldSelector{
                    FieldPath: "metadata.namespace",
            Name:  "SCAN_NAME",
            Value: scan.Name,

    // Starting a new job based on the current ReadAndWrite Hook
    labels := scan.ObjectMeta.DeepCopy().Labels
    if labels == nil {
        labels = make(map[string]string)
    if hookSpec.Type == executionv1.ReadAndWrite {
        labels[""] = "read-and-write-hook"
    } else if hookSpec.Type == executionv1.ReadOnly {
        labels[""] = "read-only-hook"
    labels[""] = hookName

    var backOffLimit int32 = 3
    truePointer := true
    falsePointer := false
    resources := corev1.ResourceRequirements{
        Requests: corev1.ResourceList{
            corev1.ResourceCPU:    resource.MustParse("200m"),
            corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("100Mi"),
        Limits: corev1.ResourceList{
            corev1.ResourceCPU:    resource.MustParse("400m"),
            corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("200Mi"),
    if len(hookSpec.Resources.Requests) != 0 || len(hookSpec.Resources.Limits) != 0 {
        resources = hookSpec.Resources
    job := &batch.Job{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Annotations:  make(map[string]string),
            GenerateName: util.TruncateName(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", hookName, scan.Name)),
            Namespace:    scan.Namespace,
            Labels:       labels,
        Spec: batch.JobSpec{
            TTLSecondsAfterFinished: hookSpec.TTLSecondsAfterFinished,
            BackoffLimit:            &backOffLimit,
            Template: corev1.PodTemplateSpec{
                ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                    Labels: map[string]string{
                        "": "securecodebox",
                    Annotations: map[string]string{
                        "": "true",
                        "":                "false",
                Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
                    ServiceAccountName: serviceAccountName,
                    RestartPolicy:      corev1.RestartPolicyNever,
                    ImagePullSecrets:   hookSpec.ImagePullSecrets,
                    Containers: []corev1.Container{
                            Name:            "hook",
                            Image:           hookSpec.Image,
                            Args:            cliArgs,
                            Env:             append(hookSpec.Env, standardEnvVars...),
                            ImagePullPolicy: hookSpec.ImagePullPolicy,
                            Resources:       resources,
                            SecurityContext: &corev1.SecurityContext{
                                RunAsNonRoot:             &truePointer,
                                AllowPrivilegeEscalation: &falsePointer,
                                ReadOnlyRootFilesystem:   &truePointer,
                                Privileged:               &falsePointer,
                                Capabilities: &corev1.Capabilities{
                                    Drop: []corev1.Capability{"all"},

    r.Log.V(8).Info("Configuring customCACerts for Hook")

    // Merge Env from HookTemplate
    job.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Env = append(

    // Merge VolumeMounts from HookTemplate
    job.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts = append(
    // Merge Volumes from HookTemplate
    job.Spec.Template.Spec.Volumes = append(

    // Set affinity from Scan, if one is set. Otherwise keep value from template
    if scan.Spec.Affinity != nil {
        job.Spec.Template.Spec.Affinity = scan.Spec.Affinity
    } else {
        job.Spec.Template.Spec.Affinity = hookSpec.Affinity

    // Replace tolerations from template with those from the scan, if specified.
    // Otherwise, stick to those from the template
    if scan.Spec.Tolerations != nil {
        job.Spec.Template.Spec.Tolerations = scan.Spec.Tolerations
    } else {
        job.Spec.Template.Spec.Tolerations = hookSpec.Tolerations

    if err := ctrl.SetControllerReference(scan, job, r.Scheme); err != nil {
        r.Log.Error(err, "Unable to set controllerReference on job", "job", job)
        return "", err

    if err := r.Create(ctx, job); err != nil {
        return "", err
    return job.Name, nil

func (r *ScanReconciler) getLabelSelector(scan *executionv1.Scan) (labels.Selector, error) {
    hookSelector := scan.Spec.HookSelector
    if hookSelector == nil {
        hookSelector = &metav1.LabelSelector{}
    return metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(hookSelector)