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Test Coverage
# Contributing

Contributions are always welcome! Be sure to follow the [github workflow]( when contributing to this project:

* Create an issue, or comment on an issue to indicate what you are working on. This avoids work duplication.
* Fork the repository and clone to your local machine
* You should already be on the default branch `master` - if not, check it out (`git checkout master`)
* Create a new branch for your feature/fix `git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
* Write your feature/fix
* Stage the changed files for a commit (`git add .`)
* Commit your files with a *useful* commit message ([example]( (`git commit`)
* Push your new branch to your GitHub Fork (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
* Visit this repository in GitHub and create a Pull Request.

# Running the Tests

Tests are written in the [`./test`](./test) folder, with mocks for Azure and MongoDB in [`./test/mocks`](./test/mocks). To run the tests you'll need to install [`grunt-cli`]( and [`mocha-cli`]( After running `npm install` on this repository, run:

grunt test

These are the same tests that are ran in Travis CI. Happy coding!