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Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public EnchantedBookMetaMock clone() {

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public FireworkEffectMetaMock clone()

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

This accessibility update should be removed.


This rule raises an issue when reflection is used to change the visibility of a class, method or field, and when it is used to directly update a field value. Altering or bypassing the accessibility of classes, methods, or fields violates the encapsulation principle and could lead to run-time errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void makeItPublic(String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException {

  this.getClass().getMethod(methodName).setAccessible(true); // Noncompliant

public void setItAnyway(String fieldName, int value) {
  this.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName).setInt(this, value); // Noncompliant; bypasses controls in setter


  • CERT, SEC05-J. - Do not use reflection to increase accessibility of classes, methods, or fields

Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public KnowledgeBookMetaMock clone()

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

Remove this expression which always evaluates to "true"

            if (mock != null && mock.getPluginManager() != null)

If a boolean expression doesn't change the evaluation of the condition, then it is entirely unnecessary, and can be removed. If it is gratuitous because it does not match the programmer's intent, then it's a bug and the expression should be fixed.

Noncompliant Code Example

a = true;
if (a) { // Noncompliant

if (b && a) { // Noncompliant; "a" is always "true"

if (c || !a) { // Noncompliant; "!a" is always "false"

Compliant Solution

a = true;
if (foo(a)) {

if (b) {

if (c) {


This accessibility update should be removed.


This rule raises an issue when reflection is used to change the visibility of a class, method or field, and when it is used to directly update a field value. Altering or bypassing the accessibility of classes, methods, or fields violates the encapsulation principle and could lead to run-time errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void makeItPublic(String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException {

  this.getClass().getMethod(methodName).setAccessible(true); // Noncompliant

public void setItAnyway(String fieldName, int value) {
  this.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName).setInt(this, value); // Noncompliant; bypasses controls in setter


  • CERT, SEC05-J. - Do not use reflection to increase accessibility of classes, methods, or fields

Add a private constructor to hide the implicit public one.

public class PluginClassLoaderUtils

Utility classes, which are collections of static members, are not meant to be instantiated. Even abstract utility classes, which can be extended, should not have public constructors.

Java adds an implicit public constructor to every class which does not define at least one explicitly. Hence, at least one non-public constructor should be defined.

Noncompliant Code Example

class StringUtils { // Noncompliant

  public static String concatenate(String s1, String s2) {
    return s1 + s2;


Compliant Solution

class StringUtils { // Compliant

  private StringUtils() {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");

  public static String concatenate(String s1, String s2) {
    return s1 + s2;



When class contains public static void main(String[] args) method it is not considered as utility class and will be ignored by this rule.

Rename "permissions" which hides the field declared at line 67.

        Set<Permission> permissions = new HashSet<>();

Overriding or shadowing a variable declared in an outer scope can strongly impact the readability, and therefore the maintainability, of a piece of code. Further, it could lead maintainers to introduce bugs because they think they're using one variable but are really using another.

Noncompliant Code Example

class Foo {
  public int myField;

  public void doSomething() {
    int myField = 0;


Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "Team not registered" 26 times.

        if(!registered)throw new IllegalStateException("Team not registered");

Duplicated string literals make the process of refactoring error-prone, since you must be sure to update all occurrences.

On the other hand, constants can be referenced from many places, but only need to be updated in a single place.

Noncompliant Code Example

With the default threshold of 3:

public void run() {
  prepare("action1");                              // Noncompliant - "action1" is duplicated 3 times

@SuppressWarning("all")                            // Compliant - annotations are excluded
private void method1() { /* ... */ }
private void method2() { /* ... */ }

public String method3(String a) {
  System.out.println("'" + a + "'");               // Compliant - literal "'" has less than 5 characters and is excluded
  return "";                                       // Compliant - literal "" has less than 5 characters and is excluded

Compliant Solution

private static final String ACTION_1 = "action1";  // Compliant

public void run() {
  prepare(ACTION_1);                               // Compliant


To prevent generating some false-positives, literals having less than 5 characters are excluded.

Define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one.

            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Using such generic exceptions as Error, RuntimeException, Throwable, and Exception prevents calling methods from handling true, system-generated exceptions differently than application-generated errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void foo(String bar) throws Throwable {  // Noncompliant
  throw new RuntimeException("My Message");     // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public void foo(String bar) {
  throw new MyOwnRuntimeException("My Message");


Generic exceptions in the signatures of overriding methods are ignored, because overriding method has to follow signature of the throw declaration in the superclass. The issue will be raised on superclass declaration of the method (or won't be raised at all if superclass is not part of the analysis).

public void myMethod() throws Exception {...}

Generic exceptions are also ignored in the signatures of methods that make calls to methods that throw generic exceptions.

public void myOtherMethod throws Exception {
  doTheThing();  // this method throws Exception


Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public ItemMetaMock clone() {

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

Remove this unused method parameter "title".

    public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title, int size)

Unused parameters are misleading. Whatever the values passed to such parameters, the behavior will be the same.

Noncompliant Code Example

void doSomething(int a, int b) {     // "b" is unused

Compliant Solution

void doSomething(int a) {


The rule will not raise issues for unused parameters:

  • that are annotated with @javax.enterprise.event.Observes
  • in overrides and implementation methods
  • in interface default methods
  • in non-private methods that only throw or that have empty bodies
  • in annotated methods, unless the annotation is @SuppressWarning("unchecked") or @SuppressWarning("rawtypes"), in which case the annotation will be ignored
  • in overridable methods (non-final, or not member of a final class, non-static, non-private), if the parameter is documented with a proper javadoc.
void doSomething(int a, int b) {     // no issue reported on b

public void foo(String s) {
  // designed to be extended but noop in standard case

protected void bar(String s) {
  //open-closed principle

public void qix(String s) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method should be implemented in subclasses");

 * @param s This string may be use for further computation in overriding classes
protected void foobar(int a, String s) { // no issue, method is overridable and unused parameter has proper javadoc


  • CERT, MSC12-C. - Detect and remove code that has no effect or is never executed

Use "Files.createTempDirectory" to create this directory instead. ( not set. Assuming 7 or greater.)

        if (!directory.mkdir())

Using File.createTempFile as the first step in creating a temporary directory causes a race condition and is inherently unreliable and insecure. Instead, Files.createTempDirectory (Java 7+) should be used.

This rule raises an issue when the following steps are taken in immediate sequence:

  • call to File.createTempFile
  • delete resulting file
  • call mkdir on the File object

Note that this rule is automatically disabled when the project's is lower than 7.

Noncompliant Code Example

File tempDir;
tempDir = File.createTempFile("", ".");
tempDir.mkdir();  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

Path tempPath = Files.createTempDirectory("");
File tempDir = tempPath.toFile();


Add the missing @deprecated Javadoc tag.

    public byte getData()

Deprecation should be marked with both the @Deprecated annotation and @deprecated Javadoc tag. The annotation enables tools such as IDEs to warn about referencing deprecated elements, and the tag can be used to explain when it was deprecated, why, and how references should be refactored.

Further, Java 9 adds two additional arguments to the annotation:

  • since allows you to describe when the deprecation took place
  • forRemoval, indicates whether the deprecated element will be removed at some future date

If your compile level is Java 9 or higher, you should be using one or both of these arguments.

Noncompliant Code Example

class MyClass {

  public void foo1() {

    * @deprecated
  public void foo2() {    // Noncompliant


Compliant Solution

class MyClass {

    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  public void foo1() {

    * Java >= 9
    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  public void foo2() {

    * Java >= 9
    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  @Deprecated(since="4.2", forRemoval=true)
  public void foo3() {



The members and methods of a deprecated class or interface are ignored by this rule. The classes and interfaces themselves are still subject to it.

 * @deprecated (when, why, etc...)
class Qix  {

  public void foo() {} // Compliant; class is deprecated


 * @deprecated (when, why, etc...)
interface Plop {

  void bar();


Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.

                System.err.println("Could not remove file");

When logging a message there are several important requirements which must be fulfilled:

  • The user must be able to easily retrieve the logs
  • The format of all logged message must be uniform to allow the user to easily read the log
  • Logged data must actually be recorded
  • Sensitive data must only be logged securely

If a program directly writes to the standard outputs, there is absolutely no way to comply with those requirements. That's why defining and using a dedicated logger is highly recommended.

Noncompliant Code Example

System.out.println("My Message");  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

logger.log("My Message");


Add the missing @deprecated Javadoc tag.

    public BlockStateMock(MaterialData data)

Deprecation should be marked with both the @Deprecated annotation and @deprecated Javadoc tag. The annotation enables tools such as IDEs to warn about referencing deprecated elements, and the tag can be used to explain when it was deprecated, why, and how references should be refactored.

Further, Java 9 adds two additional arguments to the annotation:

  • since allows you to describe when the deprecation took place
  • forRemoval, indicates whether the deprecated element will be removed at some future date

If your compile level is Java 9 or higher, you should be using one or both of these arguments.

Noncompliant Code Example

class MyClass {

  public void foo1() {

    * @deprecated
  public void foo2() {    // Noncompliant


Compliant Solution

class MyClass {

    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  public void foo1() {

    * Java >= 9
    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  public void foo2() {

    * Java >= 9
    * @deprecated (when, why, refactoring advice...)
  @Deprecated(since="4.2", forRemoval=true)
  public void foo3() {



The members and methods of a deprecated class or interface are ignored by this rule. The classes and interfaces themselves are still subject to it.

 * @deprecated (when, why, etc...)
class Qix  {

  public void foo() {} // Compliant; class is deprecated


 * @deprecated (when, why, etc...)
interface Plop {

  void bar();


Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public BookMetaMock clone()

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.

        // MockBukkit.assertMocking();

Programmers should not comment out code as it bloats programs and reduces readability.

Unused code should be deleted and can be retrieved from source control history if required.

Remove this "clone" implementation; use a copy constructor or copy factory instead.

    public SkullMetaMock clone()

Many consider clone and Cloneable broken in Java, largely because the rules for overriding clone are tricky and difficult to get right, according to Joshua Bloch:

Object's clone method is very tricky. It's based on field copies, and it's "extra-linguistic." It creates an object without calling a constructor. There are no guarantees that it preserves the invariants established by the constructors. There have been lots of bugs over the years, both in and outside Sun, stemming from the fact that if you just call super.clone repeatedly up the chain until you have cloned an object, you have a shallow copy of the object. The clone generally shares state with the object being cloned. If that state is mutable, you don't have two independent objects. If you modify one, the other changes as well. And all of a sudden, you get random behavior.

A copy constructor or copy factory should be used instead.

This rule raises an issue when clone is overridden, whether or not Cloneable is implemented.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  public Object clone() { // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  MyClass (MyClass source) {


See Also

  • {rule:java:S2157} - "Cloneables" should implement "clone"
  • {rule:java:S1182} - Classes that override "clone" should be "Cloneable" and call "super.clone()"

Define and throw a dedicated exception instead of using a generic one.

            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Using such generic exceptions as Error, RuntimeException, Throwable, and Exception prevents calling methods from handling true, system-generated exceptions differently than application-generated errors.

Noncompliant Code Example

public void foo(String bar) throws Throwable {  // Noncompliant
  throw new RuntimeException("My Message");     // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public void foo(String bar) {
  throw new MyOwnRuntimeException("My Message");


Generic exceptions in the signatures of overriding methods are ignored, because overriding method has to follow signature of the throw declaration in the superclass. The issue will be raised on superclass declaration of the method (or won't be raised at all if superclass is not part of the analysis).

public void myMethod() throws Exception {...}

Generic exceptions are also ignored in the signatures of methods that make calls to methods that throw generic exceptions.

public void myOtherMethod throws Exception {
  doTheThing();  // this method throws Exception

