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exports.ChatController = function(db){

    // Redis Client
    this.dbredis = db;

    this.add = function(userid, touserid, encryptedMsgUser, encryptedMsgToUser, isFile, cb){
        // Adds message to DB

        var redis = this.dbredis;
        // Increment unread user chat messages
        redis.hgetall("chats:"+ touserid, function(err, result){
            var unread = 0;
            if(result && result[userid])
                unread = parseInt(result[userid]) + 1;
            // Add chats
            redis.hmset("chats:"+ touserid, userid.toString(), unread);
            redis.hmset("chats:"+ userid, touserid.toString(), 0);

            var date = parseInt(; // to preserve the date and order

            // Add messages to USERID messages in DB
            //redis.hmset(userid +":"+ touserid, date+encryptedMsgUser, 1);
            redis.zadd(userid +":"+ touserid, date, "[1"+isFile+"]"+encryptedMsgUser);

            // Add messages to TOUSERID messages in DB
            //redis.hmset(touserid +":"+ userid, date+encryptedMsgToUser, 0);
            redis.zadd(touserid +":"+ userid, date, "[0"+isFile+"]"+encryptedMsgToUser);


    this.getChatsForUser = function(uid, cb){
        // Get user chats by USERID
        this.dbredis.hgetall("chats:"+ uid, cb);

    this.getChatMessages = function(uid, withotheruid, start, cb){
        // Get user chat messages with other user
        // and set as read
        this.dbredis.hmset("chats:"+ uid, withotheruid.toString(), 0);
        this.dbredis.zrevrange(uid +":"+ withotheruid, start, start+9, /*"WITHSCORES",*/ cb);

    this.deleteChatMessages = function(uid, withotheruid, cb){
        // Get user chat messages with other user
        this.dbredis.del(uid +":"+ withotheruid);
        this.dbredis.del("chats:"+ uid, withotheruid.toString(), cb);

    this.markAsRead = function(uid, withotheruid, cb){
        // mark messages as read
        this.dbredis.hmset("chats:"+ uid, withotheruid.toString(), 0);
        cb(null, 1);


// Test redis
dbredis.set("test:1", 0);
dbredis.get("test:1", function(err, result){

// Chat index example
// It contains an object like this:
// {"USERID1":0, "USERID2":2, "USERID3":1}
// the number counts how many unread messages from the USERID are
dbredis.hmset("chats:USERID", "USERID1", 0, "USERID2", 0, "USERID3", 0);
dbredis.hgetall("chats:USERID", function(err, result){

// Users Chat Messages example
// It contains an object with the messages encrypted with public key of user USERID
// for the chat between USERID and OTHERUSERID.
// When USERID sends a message to OTHERUSERID we must save the message in objects: 
//         "USERID:OTHERUSERID" (encrypted with public key of USERID) -> this chat messages will be send to USERID when log in
//         "OTHERUSERID:USERID" (encrypted with public key of OTHERUSERID) -> this chat messages will be send to OTHERUSERID when log in
// {"MESSAGE1":0, "MESSAGE2":1, "MESSAGE3":0}
// the number of each message:
//         1 -> Send by me
//        0 -> Send by OTHERUSERID
dbredis.hmset("USERID:OTHERUSERID", "MESSAGE1", 0, "MESSAGE2", 0, "MESSAGE3", 0);
dbredis.hgetall("USERID:OTHERUSERID", function(err, result){