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ChatGPT 4 instructions:

In this task, improve the quality of a markdown planning document
explaining the development for the 2.x version of the @seneca/repl
plugin. The markdown will be given following the %%% marker. 

Fix and improve any spelling or grammar errors, but DO NOT change
vocabulary, phrasing or style. Do not change any pronouns.

For any relevant references to external resources,
convert the resource name text into a markdown link to the
resource. For ALL occurences of seneca plugin names in the form
@seneca/foo, create a link to the github repo. Also create links for
text marked by [[name]].

IMPORTANT: Reply with valid unrendered markdown source code only.


# @seneca/repl version 2.x plan

I'm updating the @seneca/repl plugin! Here is the basic plan.

The @seneca/repl plugin provides a [[REPL]] for the seneca microservices
framework. It is one of the earliest plugins, and has proven to be one
of the most useful. A REPL (Read-Execute-Print-Loop) is a interactive
space to write code and get it executed right away. If you've used the
browser console, you've used a REPL. With Node.js, you also get a
REPL, just run the command `node` by itself and off you go!

The big thing about a REPL is the speed boost it gives your
development process. You just type stuff in and it works right
away. You can directly inspect objects to see what they are made
of. Debugging is much easier.

The Seneca REPL provides you with the standard Node.js REPL -- you can
execute arbitraty JavaScript. But it also provides you with access to
the root Seneca instance, and with shortcuts to post Seneca messages,
and examine the running Seneca system.

For example, if you have a message `foo:bar,zed:qaz`, then you can
post that message directly in the REPL:

> foo:bar,zed:qaz

The REPL accepts any valid JSON (or the equivalent Jsonic form of
abbreviated JSON) as an input and attempts to post the input as a
message, printing the result. Combine this with hot-reloading from the
@seneca/reload plugin and you have a lovely little high speed local
development environment for your microservice system.

An update for @seneca/repl is long overdue. I've created a Github
project to track the main tasks. The most important new feature is the
ability to interact with the REPL when your microservice is running in
a serverless context.

A traditional REPL exposes a network port and you cannot to that over
the network. This is fine for local development, but it is not
supported in a serverless context. However most serverless
environments provide an invocation mechanism so you can send messates
to your deployed function. I'm extending @seneca/repl so that it can
support this interaction pathway by providing a special message:
`sys:repl,send:cmd` that can run REPL commands and collect their

To implement this some refactoring is required. The old codebase is
pretty old. As in, callback-hell old. It also assumes a network
socket. So this all has to be pulled about and abstracted a
little. The code is very much streams based, and then also makes it
fun, as the steams have to be marshalled to operate via a
request/response interaction.

One issue in the existing code is the lack of a delimiter for the
command result. It all sort of works by accident! I'm going to use NUL
as the delimiter to mark the end of command response text. This should
also clear up some bizarro bugs.

The other new feature is more direct support for Seneca entities with
an extended set of special commands: `list$`, `save$`, `load$`,
etc. that mirror the Seneca entity operations. This is a pretty big
use case and we've been putting up with the kludgy workaround of using
entity messages directly for ... too many years, sigh.

On the command line side, the REPL client needs to be extended to
perform serverless invocations. A steam overlay will be used for this
to preserve streams as the basic abstraction for REPL communication.

The other tasks are housekeeping to move to the new Seneca standard test
runner, [[Jest]], and convert the codebase to [[Typescript]].

Once this release is out, the @seneca/gateway plugins will need to
updated to handle security more generally when exposing a REPL. At the
moment we tend to use a `monitor` serverless function that has no
external exposure, and can only be called by invocation with
appropriate credentials. This `monitor` function also uses our little
trick of embedding all the other microservices as a modular monolith
so that you can use the REPL to post any message. While this is mostly
sufficient in practice, it would be nice to also be able to invoke any
function directly via the REPL.

NOTE: ChatGPT checked this text for grammar and spelling.