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# Copyright 2015 - 2018 Altuğ Karakurt & Sertan Şentürk
# This file is part of tomato:
# tomato is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation (FSF), either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
# along with this program. If not, see
# If you are using this extractor please cite the following paper:
# Karakurt, A., Şentürk S., and Serra X. (2016). MORTY: A toolbox for mode
# recognition and tonic identification. In Proceedings of 3rd International
# Digital Libraries for Musicology Workshop (DLfM 2016). pages 9-16,
# New York, NY, USA

import copy
import json
import logging
import numbers

import essentia
import essentia.standard as std
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.stats

from ..converter import Converter
from import IO

logger = logging.Logger(  # pylint: disable-msg=C0103
    __name__, level=logging.INFO)

class PitchDistribution:
    def __init__(self, pd_bins, pd_vals, kernel_width=7.5, ref_freq=440.0):
        The main data structure that wraps all the relevant information about a
        pitch distribution.
        pd_bins      : Bins of the pitch distribution. It is a 1-D list of
                       equally spaced monotonically increasing frequency
        pd_vals      : Values of the pitch distribution
        kernel_width : The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel. See
                       generate_pd() of ModeFunctions for more detail.
        ref_freq     : Reference frequency that is used while generating the
                       distribution. If the tonic of a recording is annotated,
                       this is variable that stores it.
        assert len(pd_bins) == len(pd_vals), 'Lengths of bins and vals are ' \

        self.bins = np.array(pd_bins)  # force numpy array
        self.vals = np.array(pd_vals)  # force numpy array
        self.kernel_width = kernel_width
        if ref_freq is None:
            self.ref_freq = None
            self.ref_freq = np.array(ref_freq)  # force numpy array

    def step_size(self):
        # get step size in cents
        if self.has_hz_bin():
            temp_ss = Converter.hz_to_cent(self.bins[1], self.bins[0])
        else:  # has_cent_bin
            temp_ss = self.bins[1] - self.bins[0]

        # TEMPORARY FIX: round step_size to one decimal point
        return temp_ss if temp_ss == (round(temp_ss * 10) / 10) \
            else round(temp_ss * 10) / 10

    def bin_unit(self):
        err_str = 'Invalid reference. ref_freq should be either None ' \
                  '(bin unit is Hz) or a number greater than 0.'
        if self.ref_freq is None:
            return 'Hz'

        if isinstance(self.ref_freq, (numbers.Number, np.ndarray)):
            assert self.ref_freq > 0, err_str
            return 'cent'

        return ValueError(err_str)

    def from_cent_pitch(cent_track, ref_freq=440.0, kernel_width=7.5,
                        step_size=7.5, norm_type='sum'):
        Given the pitch track in the unit of cents, generates the Pitch
        Distribution of it. the pitch track from a text file. 0th column is the
        time-stamps and
        1st column is the corresponding frequency values.
        cent_track:     1-D array of frequency values in cents.
        ref_freq:       Reference frequency used while converting Hz values to
                        This number isn't used in the computations, but is to
                        be recorded in the PitchDistribution object.
        kernel_width:  The standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, used in
                        Kernel Density Estimation. If 0, a histogram is given
        step_size:      The step size of the Pitch Distribution bins.
        assert step_size > 0, 'The step size should have a positive value'

        # Some extra interval is added to the beginning and end since the
        # superposed Gaussian for kernel_width would introduce some tails in
        # the ends. These vanish after 3 sigmas(=kernel_width).

        # The limits are also quantized to be a multiple of chosen step-size
        # kernel_width = standard deviation of the gaussian kernel
        # parse the cent_track
        cent_track = np.array(cent_track)  # force to numpy array

        if cent_track.ndim > 1:  # pitch is given as [time, pitch, (conf)]
            cent_track = cent_track[:, 1]

        # filter out NaN, and infinity
        cent_track = cent_track[~np.isnan(cent_track)]
        cent_track = cent_track[~np.isinf(cent_track)]

        # Finds the endpoints of the histogram edges. Histogram bins will be
        # generated as the midpoints of these edges.
        min_edge = min(cent_track) - (step_size / 2.0)
        max_edge = max(cent_track) + (step_size / 2.0)
        pd_edges = np.concatenate(
            [np.arange(-step_size / 2.0, min_edge, -step_size)[::-1],
             np.arange(step_size / 2.0, max_edge, step_size)])

        # An exceptional case is when min_bin and max_bin are both positive
        # In this case, pd_edges would be in the range of [step_size/2, max_
        # bin]. If so, a -step_size is inserted to the head, to make sure 0
        # would be in pd_bins. The same procedure is repeated for the case
        # when both are negative. Then, step_size is inserted to the tail.
        pd_edges = pd_edges if -step_size / 2.0 in pd_edges else np.insert(
            pd_edges, 0, -step_size / 2.0)
        pd_edges = pd_edges if step_size / 2.0 in pd_edges else np.append(
            pd_edges, step_size / 2.0)

        # Generates the histogram and bins (i.e. the midpoints of edges)
        pd_vals, pd_edges = np.histogram(cent_track, bins=pd_edges,
        pd_bins = np.convolve(pd_edges, [0.5, 0.5])[1:-1]  # the bin centers

        # initialize the distribution
        pd = PitchDistribution(pd_bins, pd_vals, kernel_width=0,

        # normalize

        return pd

    def smoothen(self, kernel_width=7.5):
        if kernel_width > 0:
            # smooth the histogram
            normal_dist = scipy.stats.norm(loc=0, scale=kernel_width)
            xn = np.concatenate(
                [np.arange(0, - 5 * kernel_width, -self.step_size)[::-1],
                 np.arange(self.step_size, 5 * kernel_width, self.step_size)])
            sampled_norm = normal_dist.pdf(xn)
            if len(sampled_norm) <= 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "the smoothing factor is too small compared to the step "
                    "size, such that the convolution kernel returns a single "
                    "point Gaussian. Either increase the value to at least "
                    "(step size/3) or assign kernel width to 0, for no "
            # convolution generates tails
            extra_num_bins = np.floor(len(sampled_norm) / 2)

            self.bins = np.concatenate(
                (np.arange(self.bins[0] - extra_num_bins * self.step_size,
                           self.bins[0], self.step_size), self.bins,
                 np.arange(self.bins[-1] + self.step_size, self.bins[-1] +
                           extra_num_bins * self.step_size + self.step_size,
            self.vals = np.convolve(self.vals, sampled_norm)
            assert len(self.bins) == len(self.vals), 'Lengths of bins and ' \
                                                     'vals are different.'
            self.kernel_width = (kernel_width if self.kernel_width == 0 else
                                 self.kernel_width * kernel_width)

    def from_hz_pitch(hz_track, ref_freq=440.0, kernel_width=7.5,
                      step_size=7.5, norm_type='sum'):
        hz_track = np.array(hz_track)  # force to numpy array

        if hz_track.ndim > 1:  # pitch is given as [time, pitch, (conf)] array
            hz_track = hz_track[:, 1]

        # filter out the NaN, -infinity and +infinity and values < 20
        hz_track = hz_track[~np.isnan(hz_track)]
        hz_track = hz_track[~np.isinf(hz_track)]
        hz_track = hz_track[hz_track >= 20.0]
        cent_track = Converter.hz_to_cent(hz_track, ref_freq)

        return PitchDistribution.from_cent_pitch(
            cent_track, ref_freq=ref_freq, kernel_width=kernel_width,
            step_size=step_size, norm_type=norm_type)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        eq_bool = True
        self_dict = self.__dict__
        other_dict = other.__dict__

        # numpy array need to be compared with np.allclose
        eq_bool = eq_bool and np.allclose(self_dict.pop("vals", None),
                                          other_dict.pop("vals", None))
        eq_bool = eq_bool and np.allclose(self_dict.pop("bins", None),
                                          other_dict.pop("bins", None))

        return eq_bool and self_dict == other_dict

    def is_pcd(self):
        The boolean flag of whether the instance is PCD or not.
        if self.has_cent_bin():  # cent bins; compare directly
            return np.isclose(max(self.bins) - min(self.bins),
                              1200 - self.step_size)

        dummy_d = copy.deepcopy(self)
        return np.isclose(max(dummy_d.bins) - min(dummy_d.bins),
                          1200 - dummy_d.step_size)

    def is_pdf(self):
        return np.isclose(np.sum(self.vals), 1)

    def distrib_type(self):
        return 'pcd' if self.is_pcd() else 'pd'

    def has_hz_bin(self):
        return self.bin_unit in ['hz', 'Hz', 'Hertz', 'hertz']

    def has_cent_bin(self):
        return self.bin_unit in ['cent', 'Cent', 'cents', 'Cents']

    def normalize(self, norm_type='sum'):
        if norm_type is None:  # nothing, keep the occurrences (histogram)
            normval = 1
        elif norm_type == 'area':  # area under the curve using simpsons rule
            normval = scipy.integrate.simps(self.vals, dx=self.step_size)
        elif norm_type == 'sum':  # sum normalization
            normval = np.sum(self.vals)
        elif norm_type == 'max':  # max number becomes 1
            normval = max(self.vals)
            raise ValueError("norm_type can be None, 'area', 'sum' or 'max'")

        self.vals = self.vals / normval

    def detect_peaks(self, min_peak_ratio=0.15):
        Finds the peak indices of the distribution. These are treated as tonic
        candidates in higher order functions.
        min_peak_ratio: The minimum ratio between the max peak value and the
                        value of a detected peak
        assert 1 >= min_peak_ratio >= 0, \
            'min_peak_ratio should be between 0 (keep all peaks) and ' \
            '1 (keep only the highest peak)'

        # Peak detection is handled by Essentia
        detector = std.PeakDetection()  # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        peak_bins, peak_vals = detector(essentia.array(self.vals))

        # Essentia normalizes the positions to 1, they are converted here
        # to actual index values to be used in bins.
        peak_inds = np.array([int(round(bn * (len(self.bins) - 1)))
                              for bn in peak_bins])

        # if the object is pcd and there is a peak at zeroth index,
        # there will be another in the last index. Since a pcd is circular
        # remove the lower value
        if self.is_pcd() and peak_inds[0] == 0:
            if peak_vals[0] >= peak_vals[-1]:
                peak_inds = peak_inds[:-1]
                peak_vals = peak_vals[:-1]
                peak_inds = peak_inds[1:]
                peak_vals = peak_vals[1:]

        # remove peaks lower than the min_peak_ratio
        peak_bool = peak_vals / max(peak_vals) >= min_peak_ratio

        return peak_inds[peak_bool], peak_vals[peak_bool]

    def to_pcd(self):
        Given the pitch distribution of a recording, generates its pitch class
        distribution, by octave wrapping.
        pD: PitchDistribution object. Its attributes include everything we need
        assert not self.is_pcd(), 'The object is already a PCD'

        has_hz_bin = self.has_hz_bin()  # remember the bin unit for later
        if self.has_hz_bin():

        # Initializations
        pcd_bins = np.arange(0, 1200, self.step_size)
        pcd_vals = np.zeros(len(pcd_bins))

        # Octave wrapping
        for bb, vv in zip(self.bins, self.vals):

            idx = int(round((bb % 1200) / self.step_size))
            idx = idx if idx != 160 else 0
            pcd_vals[idx] += vv

        self.bins = pcd_bins
        self.vals = pcd_vals

        assert len(pcd_bins) == len(pcd_vals), 'Lengths of bins and vals ' \
                                               'are different.'

        # convert the unit back to what is was
        if has_hz_bin:

    def hz_to_cent(self, ref_freq):
        if self.has_hz_bin():
            self.bins = Converter.hz_to_cent(self.bins, ref_freq)
            self.ref_freq = ref_freq

            # make sure all the bins stay between 0 - 1200 for PCDs
            if self.is_pcd():
                self.bins = np.mod(self.bins, 1200)

                idx = np.argsort(self.bins)
                self.bins = self.bins[idx]
                self.vals = self.vals[idx]
            raise ValueError('The bin unit should be "hz".')

    def cent_to_hz(self):
        if self.has_cent_bin():
            self.bins = Converter.cent_to_hz(self.bins, self.ref_freq)
            self.ref_freq = None
            raise ValueError('The bin unit should be "cent".')

    def shift(self, shift_idx):
        Shifts the distribution by the given number of samples
        shift_idx : The number of samples that the distribution is to be
        # Shift only if the index is non-zero and the distribution is in
        # cent units
        if shift_idx and self.has_cent_bin():
            # update reference frequency
            self.ref_freq = Converter.cent_to_hz(
                self.bins[shift_idx] - self.bins[0],

            # If distribution is a PCD, we do a circular shift
            if self.is_pcd():
                self.vals = np.concatenate((self.vals[shift_idx:],
            else:  # If distribution is a PD, shift the bins.
                self.bins -= self.step_size * shift_idx

    def merge(self, distrib):
        Merges the distribution with another distribution
        :param distrib: input distribution (PD or PCD)
        assert self.bin_unit == distrib.bin_unit, \
            'The bin units of the compared distributions should match.'
        assert self.distrib_type() == distrib.distrib_type(), \
            'The features should be of the same type'
        assert self.step_size == distrib.step_size, \
            'The step_sizes should be the same'
        assert self.is_pdf() == distrib.is_pdf(), \
            'The normalization should be the same'

        # find the max and min bins
        min_bin = np.min([np.min(self.bins), np.min(distrib.bins[0])])
        max_bin = np.max([np.max(self.bins[-1]), np.max(distrib.bins[-1])])

        # initialize the bins and vals
        bins = np.arange(min_bin, max_bin + self.step_size / 2.0,
        assert 0 in bins, 'Zero should be in the bins'
        vals = np.zeros(len(bins))

        # add the vals in the distributions to the corresponding bins
        for dd in (self, distrib):
            bin_bool = np.logical_and(bins >= np.min(dd.bins),
                                      bins <= np.max(dd.bins))
            vals[bin_bool] += dd.vals

        # update self
        is_pdf = self.is_pdf()  # record if pdf
        self.bins = bins
        self.vals = vals
        if is_pdf:

    def plot(self):
        plt.plot(self.bins, self.vals)

    def bar(self):  # pylint: disable-msg=C0102
        bars =, self.vals, width=self.step_size,

        return bars

    def _label_figure(self):
        if self.is_pcd():
            plt.title('Pitch class distribution')
            ref_freq_str = 'Hz x 2^n'
            plt.title('Pitch distribution')
            ref_freq_str = 'Hz'
        if self.has_hz_bin():
            plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
            plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency (cents), ref = {0}{1}'.format(
                str(self.ref_freq), ref_freq_str))

    def from_pickle(input_str):
        return IO.from_pickle(input_str)

    def to_pickle(self, file_name=None):
        IO.to_pickle(self, filepath=file_name)

    def from_json(file_name):
        Loads a PitchDistribution object from JSON file.
        file_name    : The filename of the JSON file
            distrib = json.load(open(file_name))
        except IOError:  # json string
            distrib = json.loads(file_name)

        distrib = distrib if isinstance(distrib, dict) else distrib[0]

        return PitchDistribution.from_dict(distrib)

    def to_json(self, file_name=None):
        Saves the PitchDistribution object to a JSON file.
        file_name    : The file path of the JSON file to be created.
        dist_json = self.to_dict()

        if file_name is None:
            return json.dumps(dist_json, indent=4)

        return json.dump(dist_json, open(file_name, 'w'), indent=4)

    def from_dict(distrib_dict):
        return PitchDistribution(distrib_dict['bins'], distrib_dict['vals'],

    def to_dict(self):
        pdict = self.__dict__
        for key, val in pdict.items():
                # convert to list from np array
                pdict[key] = val.tolist()
            except AttributeError:

        return pdict