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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2015 - 2018 Sertan Şentürk
# This file is part of tomato:
# tomato is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation (FSF), either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
# along with this program. If not, see
# If you are using this extractor please cite the following thesis:
# Şentürk, S. (2016). Computational analysis of audio recordings and music
# scores for the description and discovery of Ottoman-Turkish makam music.
# PhD thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

import csv
import warnings

from ....metadata.symbtr import SymbTr as SymbTrMetadata
from .symbtr import SymbTrReader

class Mu2Reader(SymbTrReader):
    def read(cls, score_file, symbtr_name=None):
        Reader method for the SymbTr-mu2 scores. This method is not
        implemented yet.

        score_file : str
            The path of the SymbTr score
        symbtr_name : str, optional
            The name of the score in SymbTr naming convention
        if symbtr_name is None:
            symbtr_name = Mu2Reader.get_symbtr_name_from_filepath(score_file)

        return NotImplemented

    def read_header(cls, score_file, symbtr_name=None):
        Reads the header of the SymbTr-mu2 scores.

        score_file : str
            The path of the SymbTr score
        symbtr_name : str, optional
            The name of the score in SymbTr naming convention
            A dictionary storing the symbtr extracted from the header
        list of str
            The names of the columns in the mu2 file
            True if the symbtr in the mu2 header is valid/consistent,
            False otherwise
        if symbtr_name is None:
            symbtr_name = Mu2Reader.get_symbtr_name_from_filepath(score_file)

        makam_slug = symbtr_name.split('--')[0]
        with open(score_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
            header_row = next(reader, None)

            header = dict()
            is_tempo_unit_valid = True
            is_key_sig_valid = True
            for row in reader:
                code = int(row[0])
                if code == 50:
                    is_key_sig_valid = Mu2Reader.read_makam_key_signature_row(
                        header, is_key_sig_valid, makam_slug, row, symbtr_name)
                elif code == 51:
                    header['usul'] = {'mu2_name': row[7],
                                      'mertebe': int(row[3]),
                                      'number_of_pulses': int(row[2])}
                elif code == 52:
                    is_tempo_unit_valid = cls._read_tempo_row(
                        row, symbtr_name, header, is_tempo_unit_valid)
                elif code == 56:
                    header['usul']['subdivision'] = {
                        'mertebe': int(row[3]),
                        'number_of_pulses': int(row[2])}
                elif code == 57:
                    header['form'] = {'mu2_name': row[7]}
                elif code == 58:
                    header['composer'] = {'mu2_name': row[7]}
                elif code == 59:
                    header['lyricist'] = {'mu2_name': row[7]}
                elif code == 60:
                    header['title'] = {'mu2_title': row[7]}
                elif code == 62:
                    header['genre'] = 'folk' if row[7] == 'E' else 'classical'
                elif code == 63:
                    header['notation'] = row[7]
                elif code in range(50, 64):
                    warnings.warn('Unparsed code: {0!s}'.
                                  format(' '.join(row)), stacklevel=2)
                else:  # end of header

        # get the symbtr
        slugs = SymbTrMetadata.get_slugs(symbtr_name)
        for attr in ['makam', 'form', 'usul']:
            SymbTrMetadata.add_attribute_slug(header, slugs, attr)

        header['title']['symbtr_slug'] = slugs['name']
        header['composer']['symbtr_slug'] = slugs['composer']

        # validate the header content
        is_attr_meta_valid = SymbTrMetadata.validate_makam_form_usul(
            header, symbtr_name)

        is_header_valid = (is_tempo_unit_valid and is_attr_meta_valid and

        return header, header_row, is_header_valid

    def read_makam_key_signature_row(header, is_key_sig_valid, makam_slug, row,
        header['makam'] = {'mu2_name': row[7]}
        header['key_signature'] = row[8].split('/')
        if not header['key_signature'][0]:
            header['key_signature'] = []

        # validate key signature
        is_key_sig_valid = is_key_sig_valid and SymbTrMetadata. \
                                   makam_slug, symbtr_name)
        return is_key_sig_valid

    def _read_tempo_row(row, symbtr_name, header, is_tempo_unit_valid):
            header['tempo'] = {'value': int(row[4]),
                               'unit': 'bpm'}
        except ValueError:
            # the bpm might be a float for low tempo
            header['tempo'] = {'value': float(row[4]),
                               'unit': 'bpm'}

        if not (int(row[3]) == header['usul']['mertebe'] or
                header['usul']['mu2_name'] == '[Serbest]'):
            warnings.warn('{0!s}: Mertebe and tempo unit are different!'.
                          format(symbtr_name), stacklevel=2)
            is_tempo_unit_valid = False

        return is_tempo_unit_valid