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return [

    // Remote server

    // Variables about the servers. Those can be guessed but in
    // case of problem it's best to input those manually
    'variables'      => [
        'directory_separator' => '/',
        'line_endings'        => "\n",

    // The number of releases to keep at all times
    'keep_releases'  => 4,

    // Folders

    // The root directory where your applications will be deployed
    // This path *needs* to start at the root, ie. start with a /
    'root_directory' => '/var/www/deploy/',

    // The folder the application will be cloned in
    // Leave empty to use `application_name` as your folder name
    'app_directory'  => '',

    // A list of folders/file to be shared between releases
    // Use this to list folders that need to keep their state, like
    // user uploaded data, file-based databases, etc.
    'shared'         => [

    // Execution

    // If enabled will force a shell to be created
    // which is required for some tools like RVM or NVM
    'shell'          => false,

    // An array of commands to run under shell
    'shelled'        => ['which', 'ruby', 'npm', 'bower', 'bundle', 'grunt'],

    // Enable use of sudo for some commands
    // You can specify a sudo user by doing
    // 'sudo' => 'the_user'
    'sudo' => false,

    // An array of commands to run under sudo
    'sudoed' => [],

    // Permissions$

    'permissions'    => [

        // The folders and files to set as web writable
        'files'    => [

        // Here you can configure what actions will be executed to set
        // permissions on the folder above. The Closure can return
        // a single command as a string or an array of commands
        'callback' => function ($task, $file) {
            return [
                sprintf('chmod -R 755 %s', $file),
                sprintf('chmod -R g+s %s', $file),
                sprintf('chown -R www-data:www-data %s', $file),

