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Test Coverage
publish_date: 02.01.2018 15:00
slug: episode-0030
title: Episode 30 - Talking Freelancing, Running Your Own Business, and Public Speaking with Robert Basic
fileSize: 42385828
fileType: audio/x-mp3
duration: 00:43:50
explicit: no
download: FreeTheGeek-Episode0030.mp3
  "Robert Basic":
    twitter: @robertbasic

### Synopsis

In this episode, I have a very informative chat with Robert Basic, a very thoughtful and insightful software engineer, consultant, open source contributor from Serbia.

He provided a wealth of information on why he chose to start a software consulting business, instead of taking the more traditional path of seeking full-time employment.
In a nutshell, he shares that some people are better suited to running a business or being a freelancer, because of their need for autonomy.
However, he isn’t against full-time employment, as you can learn so much, such as being part of a team.
A key takeaway is that despite his nervousness at speaking in public, he’s very encouraging of it as a way of giving back to the community, of helping others, and of building your career.
If you’re keen to get insights and tips from a young, but very well-rounded developer, this is an episode that you won’t want to miss.
So grab your favourite beverage, put your feet up, and come hear from one of the PHP community's true gentlemen.

### Related Links

- [Robert’s Website](
- [PHP Serbia CFP](
- [Why Aren't You Speaking?](