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Test Coverage
publish_date: 16.01.2018 15:00
slug: episode-0031
title: Episode 31 - Talking Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, Privacy and Anonymity with Bruno Skvorc
fileSize: 54219151
fileType: audio/x-mp3
duration: 00:56:22
explicit: no
download: FreeTheGeek-Episode0031.mp3
  "Bruno Škvorc":
    twitter: @bitfalls

### Synopsis

In this episode, I have a very educational, informative, and entertaining chat with all-things cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Mr Bruno Skvorc. I admit, I don't know a lot about the different technologies and terms. But that didn't stop Bruno sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience about them all with me - and so much more.
Bruno shares how, at the beginning, he saw cryptocurrencies as pointless, but then Ethereum came along, with the promises of a world computer, and completely changed his perspective. He also talks about creating programmable money, how blockchain is building a decentralised internet that is resistant to censorship, slowdowns, and that despite all that revolutionary growth, it's still in its infancy.
So grab your favourite beverage, put your feet up, and come hear from one very knowledgeable gentlemen.

### Related Links

- [Bitfalls: Cryptocurrency Demystified](
- [ethereum: Blockchain app platform](
- [Whisper Protocol](
- [Smart Contracts](