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 * Takes an HTTP Request's data and tries to match it to a route.
 * If a match is found it runs the matching route's handler and returns the 
 * output in a format decided either by config or request type.
 * @package    JetRouter
 * @subpackage Router

namespace JetRouter;

class RequestDispatcher

  /*** CONST ***/

   * The status code returned when a route is not dispatched,
   * used to allow WordPress to take routing over.
  const NOT_DISPATCHED = 0;


  public static $outputFormats = ['auto', 'html', 'json'];

  /*** STATIC METHODS ***/

   * Determines if the passed parameter is a respond_to array.
   * The respond_to array is a feature of the route handler, allowing to determine
   * different behaviour and output for html and json. For json one can simply
   * return data in json format, whereas html runs the callback and does whatever
   * it needs to do (e.g. redirects etc.).
   * This is inspired by the Ruby on Rails respond_to block feature.
   * @param      <type>   $output  The output
   * @return     boolean  True if respond to, False otherwise.
  private static function isRespondTo($output)
    return (
      is_array($output) && 
      array_key_exists('respond_to', $output)

  /*** PROPERTIES ***/

  private $outputFormat;

  /*** PUBLIC METHODS ***/

   * Initializes the object and sets the output format
   * @param  string  $outputFormat  The output format
  public function __construct($outputFormat)
    $this->outputFormat = $this->parseOutputFormat($outputFormat);

   * Dispatches the HTTP request or returns a status code if no routes matches
   * Tries to find a route in the route store by http method and request path.
   * Returns a NOT_DISPATCHED status code if no route matches.
   * If a match is found, the route handler is called and the appropriate output
   * is printed/returned depending on request type and config.
   * @param  RouteStore  $routeStore         The route store object
   * @param  string      $requestHttpMethod  The request http method
   * @param  string      $requestPath        The request path
   * @return integer|mixed|string|mixed  Returns the RouteStore::NOT_FOUND status code (int), mixed if it prints json or returning $output, and finally if $output is a callback returns its returned value
  public function dispatch($routeStore, $requestHttpMethod, $requestPath)
    $route = $routeStore->findRouteByRequestMethodAndPath($requestHttpMethod, $requestPath);

    if($route === RouteStore::NOT_FOUND){
      // route does not exist, fallback to WordPress routing
      return self::NOT_DISPATCHED;

    $output = $this->parseHandlerOutput(
      call_user_func_array($route['routeHandler'], $route['routeArgs'])

    if( $this->shouldReturnJson() ){
      return wp_send_json($output);

    if( is_callable($output) ){
      return call_user_func($output);

    return $output;


   * Parses the output format parameter.
   * Makes sure the output format parameter has one of the predefined values set
   * in the $outputFormats static property set in this class.
   * @param   string  $outputFormat  The output format
   * @throws  Exception\InvalidOutputFormatException  If the output format is invalid
   * @return  string The output format value
  private function parseOutputFormat($outputFormat)
    if( ! in_array($outputFormat, self::$outputFormats, true) ){
      throw new Exception\InvalidOutputFormatException(
        "'$outputFormat' is not a valid output format.",

    return $outputFormat;

   * Parses and returns the route handler output.
   * Checks that the output is a respond_to array. If it's not it simply returns 
   * the output as it was passed in.
   * If it is, it validates it and then it returns the appropriate output format
   * depending on config or request type.
   * @param  mixed  $output  The output of the route handler
   * @return mixed  The parsed output of the route handler
  private function parseHandlerOutput($output)
    if( ! self::isRespondTo($output) ){
      return $output;

    $type = $this->shouldReturnJson() ? 'json' : 'html';

    return $output['respond_to'][$type];

   * Determines if the route handler respond_to block should return the json data
   * Looks for a "json" get parameter, if it's missing it checks for conditions
   * that indicate the request we're handling is an ajax request, or finally it
   * simply looks for the output format not being set to html.
   * If any of these condition is met it returns true
   * @return  boolean  The should return json boolean
  private function shouldReturnJson()
    return (
      isset($_GET['json']) ||
      $this->outputFormat === 'json' ||
        ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && 
        strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' &&
        $this->outputFormat !== 'html'

   * Validates the respond_to array
   * @param  array  $respondTo  The respond_to array
   * @throws Exception\InvalidRouteHandlerException  If the respond_to is not an array, or missing the 'json' or 'html' keys, or if 'html' property is not callable
  private function validateRespondTo($respondTo)
    if( ! is_array($respondTo) ){
      throw new Exception\InvalidRouteHandlerException(
        'The "respond_to" handler output property must be an array.'

    if( ! array_key_exists('json', $respondTo) ){
      throw new Exception\InvalidRouteHandlerException(
        'Missing json output from respond_to route handler.'

    if( ! array_key_exists('html', $respondTo) ){
      throw new Exception\InvalidRouteHandlerException(
        'Missing html callback from respond_to route handler.'

    if( ! is_callable($respondTo['html']) ){
      throw new Exception\InvalidRouteHandlerException(
        "The html property of the respond_to route handler needs to be callable."
