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# HMR and Hot Reloading with the webpack-dev-server

The `webpack-dev-server` provides:

1. Speedy compilation of client side assets
2. Optional HMR which means that the page will reload automatically when after
   compilation completes. Note, some developers do not like this, as you'll
   abruptly lose any tweaks within the Chrome development tools.
3. Optional hot-reloading. The older react-hot-loader has been deprecated in 
   favor of [fast-refresh](
   For use with webpack, see **Client Side rendering and HMR using react-refresh-webpack-plugin** section bellow or visit [react-refresh-webpack-plugin]( for additional details.

If you are ***not*** using server-side rendering (***not*** using `prerender: true`),
then you can follow all the regular docs for using the `bin/shakapacker-dev-server` 
during development.

# Server Side Rendering with the Default shakacode/shakapacker bin/shakapacker-dev-server

If you are using server-side rendering, then you have a couple options. The
recommended technique is to have a different webpack configuration for server

## If you use the same Webpack setup for your server and client bundles 
If you do use the `webpack-dev-server` for prerendering, be sure to set the
`config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb` setting of 

  config.same_bundle_for_client_and_server = true

`dev_server.hmr` maps to [](
This must be false if you're using the webpack-dev-server for client and server bundles.
`dev_server.inline` maps to [devServer.inline](
This must also be false.

If you don't configure these two to false, you'll see errors like:

* `"ReferenceError: window is not defined" (if hmr is true)`
* `"TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined" (if inline is true)`

# Client Side rendering with HMR using react-refresh-webpack-plugin
## Basic installation
To enable HMR functionality you have to use `./bin/shakapacker-dev-server`
1. In `config/shakapacker.yml` set **hmr** and **inline** `dev_server` properties to true. 
      https: false
      host: localhost
      port: 3035
      public: localhost:3035
      hmr: true
      # Inline should be set to true if using HMR
      inline: true

2. Add react refresh packages:
    ` yarn add @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin react-refresh -D`

3. HMR is for use with the `webpack-dev-server`, so we only add this for the `webpack-dev-server`.
   const { devServer } = require('shakapacker')

   const isWebpackDevServer = process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER

   if (isWebpackDevServer) {
       new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin({
         overlay: {
           sockPort: devServer.port
    We added `overlay.sockPort` option in `ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin` to match the webpack dev-server port specified in `config/shakapacker.yml`. That way we make sockjs works properly and suppress error in browser console `GET http://localhost:[port]/sockjs-node/info?t=[xxxxxxxxxx] 404 (Not Found)`. 

4. Add react-refresh plugin in `babel.config.js`
  module.export = function(api) {
    return {
      plugins: [process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER && 'react-refresh/babel'].filter(Boolean)
That's it :).
Now Browser should reflect .js along with .css changes without reloading.

If by some reason plugin doesn't work you could revert changes and left only devServer hmr/inline to true affecting only css files.

These plugins are working and tested with 
   - babel 7
   - webpacker 5
   - bootstrap 4
   - jest 26
   - core-js 3
   - node 12.10.0
   - react-refresh-webpack-plugin@0.4.1
   - react-refresh 0.8.3 
   - react_on_rails 11.1.4 