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# React on Rails

React on Rails integrates Rails with (server rendering of) Facebook's [React]( front-end framework.


# Project Objective

To provide a high performance framework for integrating Ruby on Rails with React via the [**Shakapacker**]( gem especially in regards to React Server-Side Rendering for better SEO and improved performance.

# Features and Why React on Rails?

1. Easy passing of props directly from your Rails view to your React components rather than having your Rails view load and then make a separate request to your API.
1. Tight integration with [shakacode/shakapacker](
1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR), often used for SEO crawler indexing and UX performance, is not offered by `shakacode/shakapacker`.
1. Support for HMR for a great developer experience.
1. Supports latest versions of React with hooks.
1. [Redux]( and [React Router]( integration including server-side-rendering.
1. [Internationalization (I18n) and (localization)](
1. A supportive community. This [web search shows how live public sites are using React on Rails](
1. [ReScript (Reason ML) Support](

See the [react-webpack-rails-tutorial]( for an example of a live implementation and code.


## Prerequisites
- Ruby on Rails >=5
- Shakapacker 6.5.1+.