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import { Frequency, Notifications, User } from '@shootismoke/graphql';
import {
} from 'expo-server-sdk';
import { Document } from 'mongoose';

import { logger } from '../util';
import { pm25ToCigarettes } from './provider';

 * Check if a Promise is fulfilled.
export function isPromiseFulfilled<T>(
    p: PromiseSettledResult<T>
): p is PromiseFulfilledResult<T> {
    return p.status === 'fulfilled';

 * Check if a Promise is rejected.
export function isPromiseRejected<T>(
    p: PromiseSettledResult<T>
): p is PromiseRejectedResult {
    return p.status === 'rejected';

 * An Expo message associated with the user.
export interface UserExpoMessage {
    userId: string;
    pushMessage: ExpoPushMessage;

 * Round a number to 1 decimal.
 * @param n - The number to round.
function roundTo1Decimal(n: number): number {
    return Math.round(n * 10) / 10;

 * Generate the body of the push notification message.
function getMessageBody(pm25: number, frequency: Frequency): string {
    const dailyCigarettes = pm25ToCigarettes(pm25);

    if (frequency === 'daily') {
        return `Shoot! You'll smoke ${roundTo1Decimal(
        )} cigarettes today`;

    return `Shoot! You smoked ${roundTo1Decimal(
        frequency === 'monthly' ? dailyCigarettes * 30 : dailyCigarettes * 7
    )} cigarettes in the past ${frequency === 'monthly' ? 'month' : 'week'}.`;

 * A user that has notifications.
interface UserWithNotifications extends User {
    notifications: Notifications;

 * Asserts user has notifications.
 * @param user - User to test if she/he has notifications.
export function assertUserNotifications(
    user: User
): asserts user is UserWithNotifications {
    if (!user.notifications) {
        throw new Error(
            `User ${user._id} has notifications, as per our db query. qed.`

 * For a user, construct a personalized ExpoPushMessage.
 * @param user - The user to construct the message for
export function constructExpoMessage(
    user: User & Document,
    pm25: number
): ExpoPushMessage {

    const { frequency, expoPushToken } = user.notifications;

    if (!Expo.isExpoPushToken(expoPushToken)) {
        throw new Error(`Invalid ExpoPushToken: ${expoPushToken}`); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions

    return {
        body: getMessageBody(pm25, frequency),
            frequency === 'daily'
                ? 'Daily forecast'
                : frequency === 'weekly'
                ? 'Weekly report'
                : 'Monthly report',
        to: expoPushToken,
        sound: 'default',

 * Send a batch of messages to Expo's servers.
 * @see
 * @param messages - The messages to send.
export async function sendBatchToExpo(
    expo: Expo,
    messages: ExpoPushMessage[]
): Promise<ExpoPushTicket[]> {
    const chunks = expo.chunkPushNotifications(messages);
    const tickets: ExpoPushTicket[] = [];
    // Send the chunks to the Expo push notification service. There are
    // different strategies you could use. A simple one is to send one chunk at a
    // time, which nicely spreads the load out over time:
    for (const chunk of chunks) {
        try {
            const ticketChunk = await expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync(chunk);
            // NOTE: If a ticket contains an error code in ticket.details.error, you
            // must handle it appropriately. The error codes are listed in the Expo
            // documentation:
        } catch (error) {
            // On error when sending push notifications, we log the error, but move
            // on with the loop.

    return tickets;

 * Handle Expo push receipts.
 * @param expo - Expo class instance.
 * @param receiptIds - The receipt IDs to handle.
 * @param onOk - Handler on successful receipt.
 * @param onError - Handler on error receipt.
export async function handleReceipts(
    expo: Expo,
    receiptIds: string[],
    onOk: (receiptId: ExpoPushReceiptId, receipt: ExpoPushReceipt) => void,
    onError: (receiptId: ExpoPushReceiptId, receipt: ExpoPushReceipt) => void
): Promise<void> {
    const receiptIdChunks = expo.chunkPushNotificationReceiptIds(receiptIds);
    for (const chunk of receiptIdChunks) {
        try {
            const receipts = await expo.getPushNotificationReceiptsAsync(chunk);

            // The receipts specify whether Apple or Google successfully received the
            // notification and information about an error, if one occurred.
            for (const [receiptId, receipt] of Object.entries(receipts)) {
                if (receipt.status === 'ok') {
                    onOk(receiptId, receipt);
                } else if (receipt.status === 'error') {
                    onError(receiptId, receipt);
        } catch (error) {
            // On error when sending push notifications, we log the error, but move
            // on with the loop.