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 * @ignore
 */ /** */

import debug from 'debug';

import { Aqi } from '../types';
import { Pollutant } from './pollutant';

const l = debug('shootismoke:convert');

 * Round a number to closest 10^-{decimal}
 * @param n - The float number to round
 * @param decimal - The number of decimals after the .
export function round(n: number, decimals = 0): number {
    return Math.round(10 ** decimals * n) / 10 ** decimals;

type Piecewise = [number, number][];

 * Piecewise breakpoints that define an AQI
export type Breakpoints = Record<'aqi', Piecewise> &
    Partial<Record<Pollutant, Piecewise>>;

 * From the breakpoints, we can derive the range (i.e. [min,max]) values of the
 * AQI.
 * @param breakpoints - The breakpoints to calculate the range from
function getRange(breakpoints: Piecewise): [number, number] {
    return [breakpoints[0][0], breakpoints[breakpoints.length - 1][1]];

 * Convert an AQI to ugm3 concentration using breakpoints
 * @param value - AQI value to convert
 * @param breakpoints - Breakpoints defining the AQI
function toUgm3(
    aqiPiecewise: Piecewise,
    ugm3Piecewise: Piecewise,
    value: number
): number {
    // Find the segment in which the `aqi` is
    const segment = aqiPiecewise.findIndex(
        ([aqiLow, aqiHigh]) => aqiLow <= value && value <= aqiHigh

    if (segment === -1) {
        // For PM2.5 greater than 500, AQI is not officially defined, but since
        // such levels have been occurring throughout China in recent years, one of
        // two conventions is used. Either the AQI is defined as equal to PM2.5 (in
        // micrograms per cubic meter) or the AQI is simply set at 500.
        // We take the 1st convention here.
        // We also do the same for other pollutants
        return value;

    const [aqiLow, aqiHigh] = aqiPiecewise[segment];
    const [ugm3Low, ugm3High] = ugm3Piecewise[segment];

    // Round to closest 0.1
    return round(
        ((value - aqiLow) / (aqiHigh - aqiLow)) * (ugm3High - ugm3Low) +

 * Convert ugm3 concentration to AQI using breakpoints
 * @param ugm3 - The ugm3 value to convert
 * @param breakpoints - Breakpoints defining the AQI
function fromUgm3(
    aqiPiecewise: Piecewise,
    ugm3Piecewise: Piecewise,
    ugm3: number
): number {
    // Find the segment in which the `aqi` is
    const segment = ugm3Piecewise.findIndex(
        ([ugm3Low, ugm3High]) => ugm3Low <= ugm3 && ugm3 <= ugm3High

    if (segment === -1) {
        // For PM2.5 greater than 500, AQI is not officially defined, but since
        // such levels have been occurring throughout China in recent years, one of
        // two conventions is used. Either the AQI is defined as equal to PM2.5 (in
        // micrograms per cubic meter) or the AQI is simply set at 500.
        // We take the 1st convention here.
        // We also do the same for other pollutants
        return ugm3;

    const [aqiLow, aqiHigh] = aqiPiecewise[segment];
    const [ugm3Low, ugm3High] = ugm3Piecewise[segment];

    // Round to closest integer
    return round(
        ((aqiHigh - aqiLow) / (ugm3High - ugm3Low)) * (ugm3 - ugm3Low) + aqiLow

function assertTracked<P extends Pollutant>(
    aqiCode: string,
    pollutant: Pollutant,
    breakpoints: Breakpoints
): asserts breakpoints is Record<P | 'aqi', Piecewise> {
    if (!breakpoints.aqi) {
        l(`${aqiCode} does not have AQI breakpoints`);
        throw new Error(`${aqiCode} does not have AQI breakpoints`);

    if (!breakpoints[pollutant]) {
        l(`${aqiCode} does not apply to pollutant ${pollutant}`);
        throw new Error(`${aqiCode} does not apply to pollutant ${pollutant}`);

 * Create an AQI from its breakpoints
 * @param aqiCode - The code of the AQI
 * @param breakpoints - The breakpoints defining the AQI
export function createAqiFromBreakpoints(
    aqiCode: string,
    breakpoints: Breakpoints
): Omit<Aqi, 'displayName'> {
    return {
        pollutants: Object.keys(breakpoints) as Pollutant[],
        fromUgm3(pollutant: Pollutant, ugm3: number): number {
            assertTracked(aqiCode, pollutant, breakpoints);

            return fromUgm3(breakpoints.aqi, breakpoints[pollutant], ugm3);
        range: getRange(breakpoints.aqi),
        toUgm3(pollutant: Pollutant, value: number): number {
            assertTracked(aqiCode, pollutant, breakpoints);

            return toUgm3(breakpoints.aqi, breakpoints[pollutant], value);