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[@shootismoke/ui]( / Exports

# @shootismoke/ui

## Table of contents

### Interfaces

- [Api](interfaces/
- [BackendError](interfaces/
- [IEmailReport](interfaces/
- [IExpoReport](interfaces/
- [IUser](interfaces/
- [MongoPushTicket](interfaces/
- [MongoUser](interfaces/
- [RetryOptions](interfaces/

### Type Aliases

- [DistanceUnit](
- [Frequency](
- [GeoapifyRes](
- [IPushTicket](
- [ShadowPosition](

### Variables

- [FrequencyContext](
- [backgroundColor](
- [disabledOpacity](
- [iconBackgroundColor](
- [link](
- [primaryColor](
- [secondaryTextColor](
- [shitText](
- [spacing](
- [text](
- [textColor](
- [title](
- [withLetterSpacing](
- [withPadding](

### Functions

- [FrequencyContextProvider](
- [capitalize](
- [createApi](
- [distanceToStation](
- [elevationShadowStyle](
- [fetchStationId](
- [frequencyToPeriod](
- [geoapify](
- [getAQI](
- [getCorrectLatLng](
- [getPollutantData](
- [getSwearWord](
- [isStationTooFar](
- [noop](
- [pm25ToCigarettes](
- [primaryPollutant](
- [promiseToTE](
- [raceApiPromise](
- [retry](
- [round](
- [sideEffect](

## Type Aliases

### DistanceUnit

Ƭ **DistanceUnit**: ``"km"`` \| ``"mile"``

We can show distances in these two units.

#### Defined in



### Frequency

Ƭ **Frequency**: ``"daily"`` \| ``"weekly"`` \| ``"monthly"``

#### Defined in



### GeoapifyRes

Ƭ **GeoapifyRes**: `t.TypeOf`<typeof `GeoapifyResT`\>

#### Defined in



### IPushTicket

Ƭ **IPushTicket**: `Omit`<`ExpoPushTicket` & { `receiptId?`: `string` ; `userId`: `string`  }, ``"id"``\>

#### Defined in



### ShadowPosition

Ƭ **ShadowPosition**: ``"top"`` \| ``"bottom"``

#### Defined in


## Variables

### FrequencyContext

• `Const` **FrequencyContext**: `Context`<`Context`\>

#### Defined in




• `Const` **MAX\_DISTANCE\_TO\_STATION**: `number`

Above this distance (km), we consider the station too far from the user

#### Defined in



### backgroundColor

• `Const` **backgroundColor**: ``"#FAFAFC"``

#### Defined in



### disabledOpacity

• `Const` **disabledOpacity**: ``0.3``

Opacity for views that are disabled.

#### Defined in



### iconBackgroundColor

• `Const` **iconBackgroundColor**: ``"#EBE7DD"``

#### Defined in



### link

• `Const` **link**: `Object`

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `color` | `string` |
| `textDecorationLine` | ``"underline"`` |

#### Defined in



### primaryColor

• `Const` **primaryColor**: ``"#F8A65D"``

#### Defined in



### secondaryTextColor

• `Const` **secondaryTextColor**: ``"#8B909A"``

#### Defined in



### shitText

• `Const` **shitText**: `Object`

Big text with "Sh*t! I smoked...""

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `color` | `string` |
| `fontSize` | `number` |
| `fontWeight` | ``"800"`` |
| `letterSpacing` | `number` |
| `lineHeight` | `number` |

#### Defined in



### spacing

• `Const` **spacing**: `Object`

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `big` | `number` |
| `mini` | `number` |
| `normal` | `number` |
| `small` | `number` |
| `tiny` | `number` |

#### Defined in



### text

• `Const` **text**: `Object`

Normal text

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `color` | `string` |
| `fontSize` | `number` |
| `letterSpacing` | `number` |
| `lineHeight` | `number` |

#### Defined in



### textColor

• `Const` **textColor**: ``"#44464A"``

#### Defined in



### title

• `Const` **title**: `Object`

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `color` | `string` |
| `fontSize` | `number` |
| `fontWeight` | ``"800"`` |
| `letterSpacing` | `number` |
| `lineHeight` | `number` |

#### Defined in



### withLetterSpacing

• `Const` **withLetterSpacing**: `Object`

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `letterSpacing` | `number` |

#### Defined in



### withPadding

• `Const` **withPadding**: `Object`

#### Type declaration

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `paddingHorizontal` | `number` |

#### Defined in


## Functions

### FrequencyContextProvider

▸ **FrequencyContextProvider**(`__namedParameters`): `React.ReactElement`

#### Parameters

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `__namedParameters` | `Object` |
| `__namedParameters.children` | `Element` |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### capitalize

▸ **capitalize**(`s`): `string`

Capitalize a string.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `s` | `string` | The string to capitalize |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### createApi

▸ **createApi**(`gps`, `results`, `now?`): [`Api`](interfaces/

Given some results data points, and the current GPS, construct an API
object with sanitized data.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `gps` | `LatLng` | - |
| `results` | `OpenAQResults` | The results results data to process |
| `now` | `Date` | - |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### distanceToStation

▸ **distanceToStation**(`currentLocation`, `pm25Measurement`, `unit?`): `number`

Get distance from current location to station.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentLocation` | `LatLng` | `undefined` | The current location of the user. |
| `pm25Measurement` | `OpenAQResult` | `undefined` | - |
| `unit` | [`DistanceUnit`]( | `'km'` | The unit of measure returned. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### elevationShadowStyle

▸ **elevationShadowStyle**(`elevation`, `position?`): `ViewStyle`

Get consistent shadows between iOS and Android


#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `elevation` | `number` | `undefined` |
| `position` | [`ShadowPosition`]( | `'bottom'` |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### fetchStationId

▸ **fetchStationId**(`stationId`, `options?`): `Promise`<[`Api`](interfaces/\>

Fetch data from correct provider, based on stationId.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `stationId` | `string` | The stationId of the station |
| `options?` | `Options` | - |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### frequencyToPeriod

▸ **frequencyToPeriod**(`frequency`): `string`

Convert a frequency to its equivalent period.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `frequency` | [`Frequency`]( | The frequency to convert. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### geoapify

▸ **geoapify**(`search`, `gps?`): `TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, [`GeoapifyRes`]([]\>

#### Parameters

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `search` | `string` |
| `gps?` | `LatLng` |

#### Returns

`TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, [`GeoapifyRes`]([]\>

#### Defined in



### getAQI

▸ **getAQI**(`results`): `number` \| `undefined`

From a set of OpenAQResults pollutant data, get the AQI, that is, the AQI of
the primary pollutant.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `results` | `OpenAQResults` |

#### Returns

`number` \| `undefined`

#### Defined in



### getCorrectLatLng

▸ **getCorrectLatLng**(`currentLocation`, `station`): `LatLng`

Station given by the AQICN API is fucked up. Sometimes it's [lat, lng],
sometimes it's [lng, lat].
We check here with the user's real currentLocation coordinates, and take the
"closest" one.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentLocation` | `LatLng` | An object containing {latitude, longitude} representing the user's current location. |
| `station` | `LatLng` | An object containing {latitude, longitude} representing the station's location. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### getPollutantData

▸ **getPollutantData**(`pollutant`): `PollutantData`

Get metadata about a pollutant.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pollutant` | `Pollutant` | The pollutant to get the data. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### getSwearWord

▸ **getSwearWord**(`cigaretteCount`): `string`

Return a random swear word, untranslated.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `cigaretteCount` | `number` | The cigarette count for which we show the swear word. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### isStationTooFar

▸ **isStationTooFar**(`currentLocation`, `pm25Measurement`): `boolean`

Returns true if the station is at more than [MAX_DISTANCE_TO_STATION](
kilometers away from the current location.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `currentLocation` | `LatLng` | The current location of the user. |
| `pm25Measurement` | `OpenAQResult` | - |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### noop

▸ **noop**(): `void`

A function that does nothing.

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### pm25ToCigarettes

▸ **pm25ToCigarettes**(`pm25`): `number`

Convert raw pm25 level to number of cigarettes. 1 cigarette is equivalent of
a PM2.5 level of 22ug/m3.


#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pm25` | `number` | The raw PM2.5 level, in ug/m3. |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### primaryPollutant

▸ **primaryPollutant**(`results`): `OpenAQResult` \| `undefined`

From a set of OpenAQResults pollutant data, find the primary pollutant.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `results` | `OpenAQResults` | The OpenAQResults data for all pollutants. |

#### Returns

`OpenAQResult` \| `undefined`

#### Defined in



### promiseToTE

▸ **promiseToTE**<`A`\>(`fn`): `TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, `A`\>

Convert a Promise<A> into a TaskEither<Error, A>

#### Type parameters

| Name |
| :------ |
| `A` |

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | `Lazy`<`Promise`<`A`\>\> | Function returning a Promise |

#### Returns

`TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, `A`\>

#### Defined in



### raceApiPromise

▸ **raceApiPromise**(`gps`, `options`): `Promise`<[`Api`](interfaces/\>

Fetch data parallely from difference data sources, and return the first
response as an [Api](interfaces/ format.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `gps` | `LatLng` | The GPS coordinates to fetch data for |
| `options` | `RaceApiOptions` | - |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### retry

▸ **retry**<`A`\>(`teFn`, `options?`): `TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, `A`\>

Retry a TaskEither.

#### Type parameters

| Name |
| :------ |
| `A` |

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `teFn` | (`status`: `RetryStatus`, `delay`: `number`) => `TaskEither`<`Error`, `A`\> | A function returning a TE |
| `options` | [`RetryOptions`](interfaces/ | - |

#### Returns

`TE.TaskEither`<`Error`, `A`\>

#### Defined in



### round

▸ **round**(`n`): `number`

Round a number to 1 decimal. Useful for showing cigarettes on the home page.

#### Parameters

| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `n` | `number` | The number to round; |

#### Returns


#### Defined in



### sideEffect

▸ **sideEffect**<`E`, `A`\>(`fn`): (`input`: `A`) => `TaskEither`<`E`, `A`\>

A side-effect in a TaskEither chain: if the TaskEither fails, still return
a TaskEither.Right


function myTe(value: number) { // A TaskEither };


#### Type parameters

| Name |
| :------ |
| `E` |
| `A` |

#### Parameters

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | (`input`: `A`) => `TaskEither`<`E`, `void`\> |

#### Returns


▸ (`input`): `TaskEither`<`E`, `A`\>

##### Parameters

| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `input` | `A` |

##### Returns

`TaskEither`<`E`, `A`\>

#### Defined in
