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schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation

"""Read APIs for Short"""
type Query {
    Fetch desired attributes of objects from the persistent data store on
    behalf of the given user.
        "JWT token needed to verify and identify a user"
        authToken: String
    ): AuthQuery

"""Write APIs for Short"""
type Mutation {
    Create, update & delete objects from the persistent data store on behalf of
    the given user.
        "JWT token needed to verify and identify a user"
        authToken: String,

        "The page interaction patterns needed to verify the requester is human"
        captchaResponse: String!
    ): AuthMutation

"""Read APIs protected with authentication"""
type AuthQuery {
    """Fetch a short link that is still valid at the given expiration time"""
        "Alias of the short link"
        alias: String!,

        "Time when an existing short link may expire"
        expireAfter: Time
    ): ShortLink

    """Fetch the all the changes visible to the current user"""
    changeLog: ChangeLog!

    """Fetch all the changes that exists in the system"""
    allChanges: [Change!]!

    """Fetch all the short links created by the current user"""
    shortLinks: [ShortLink!]!

"""A sequence of changes visible to a given user"""
type ChangeLog {
    """The changes announced to the user"""
    changes: [Change!]!

    The time when the user views the change log.
    It's nil if the user has never viewed the change log before.
    lastViewedAt: Time

"""The announcement for a newly launched feature, a bug fix or a policy change"""
type Change {
    """ID of the change"""
    id: String!

    """The title of the change"""
    title: String!

    """The detailed description of the change in markdown format"""
    summaryMarkdown: String

    """The time when the change is announced"""
    releasedAt: Time!

"""Write APIs protected authentication"""
type AuthMutation {
    """Create a new short link. The creator is the owner of the short link."""
        shortLink: ShortLinkInput!,

        "Whether this short link will be visible to all users"
        isPublic: Boolean!
    ): ShortLink

    """Update an existing short link owned by the user"""
        "The current alias of the short link"
        oldAlias: String!,

        shortLink: ShortLinkInput!
    ): ShortLink

    """Announce a change happened to the system to all users"""
        change: ChangeInput!
    ): Change

    """Delete a change with given ID"""
        id: String!
    ): String

    """Update a change with given ID"""
        id: String!,
        change: ChangeInput!
    ): Change

    Mark the change log as viewed by the given user so that change log modal
    won't popup again if there is no new change announced in the meantime.
    viewChangeLog: Time!

input ShortLinkInput {
    """The long link which the short link redirects to"""
    longLink: String

    """The alias of the short link"""
    customAlias: String

    """The time when the short link expires"""
    expireAt: Time

input ChangeInput {
    """The title of the change"""
    title: String!

    """The detailed description of the change in markdown format"""
    summaryMarkdown: String

"""The short link mapped to a long link"""
type ShortLink {
    """The alias of the short link"""
    alias: String

    """The destination of the short link"""
    longLink: String

    """The time when the short link expires"""
    expireAt: Time

The time is represented either by a unix timestamp (integer/float64)  or a string in
RFC3339 format (2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z).
scalar Time