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# How to contribute

## How to build the project

Java programs are packaged in a JAR files. To build a project to a Java file, you need to have installed Java 11+ (`java --version`) and Maven 3+ (`mvn --version`)

### Installation
The easiest and quickest way of installing Java and Maven is using [SDKMAN]( project.

#### Install SDKMAN
`curl -s "" | bash`

#### Install Java
`sdk install java`

#### Install Maven
Maven is a package manager for Java projects.

`sdk install maven`

### Build project

To build a project run:

`mvn clean install --DskipTests --file pom.xml`

Output JAR file will appear in `target` directory.

### Run JAR file

`java -jar target/simplelocalize-cli-2.0.4.jar`

You can pass arguments to CLI by adding them to the end of the command:

`java -jar target/simplelocalize-cli-2.0.4.jar download`

### Run tests
To run project tests, you can simply skip `--DskipTests` flag.

`mvn clean install --file pom.xml`

## How to build binaries

The best way to build binary files is to run a Github Action [build.yaml]( workflow

### Quick guide
- Fork the repository
- In forked repo, head to 'Actions' tab and enable Github Actions
- Make a commit to invoke a new build action
- Wait for successful build and download executables

> Build might take some time, usually it takes less than ~20 minutes.

![Where to find Github Actions artifacts](