# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file was auto-generated by lib/tasks/web.rake
module Slack
module Cli
class App
desc 'TeamExternalteams methods.'
command 'team_externalTeams' do |g|
g.desc 'Disconnect an external organization.'
g.long_desc %( Disconnect an external organization. )
g.command 'disconnect' do |c|
c.flag 'target_team', desc: 'The team ID of the target team.'
c.action do |_global_options, options, _args|
puts JSON.dump(@client.team_externalTeams_disconnect(options))
g.desc 'Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection.'
g.long_desc %( Returns a list of all the external teams connected and details about the connection. )
g.command 'list' do |c|
c.flag 'connection_status_filter', desc: 'Status of the connected team.'
c.flag 'cursor', desc: "Paginate through collections of data by setting parameter to the team_id attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. If not provided, the first page of the collection is returned. See pagination for more detail."
c.flag 'limit', desc: 'The maximum number of items to return per page.'
c.flag 'slack_connect_pref_filter', desc: 'Filters connected orgs by Slack Connect pref override(s). Value can be: approved_orgs_only allow_sc_file_uploads profile_visibility away_team_sc_invite_permissions accept_sc_invites sc_mpdm_to_private require_sc_channel_for_sc_dm external_awareness_context_bar.'
c.flag 'sort_direction', desc: 'Direction to sort in asc or desc.'
c.flag 'sort_field', desc: 'Name of the parameter that we are sorting by.'
c.flag 'workspace_filter', desc: 'Shows connected orgs which are connected on a specified encoded workspace ID.'
c.action do |_global_options, options, _args|
puts JSON.dump(@client.team_externalTeams_list(options))