

0 mins
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env php

// NOTE: Score is measured against the speed of some arbitrary PHP code that is
// used to measure an approximate machine speed.
// Therefore, the final "score" number is just a scalar value without any
// meaning other than that it could be compared against other "score" values
// measured the same way.

const SOURCE_PATH = __DIR__ . '/../tests/bench/bench_parser.primi';
const MULTI_COUNT = 10;

// Composer's autoload.
require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";


$primiSource = file_get_contents(SOURCE_PATH);

// Measure speed of PHP itself on current machine, so we can measure Primi's
// parser speed against some "standard value". The measured PHP code is some
// pretty arbitrary code, by the way.
function machine_standard() {

    global $primiSource;

    $bench = function() use ($primiSource) {

        for ($x = 0; $x++ < 100;) { // Not MULTI_COUNT on purpose.

            preg_match_all('#[a-z\s]+#u', $primiSource, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            $result = [];

            foreach ($m as $v) {
                $v = trim($v[0]);
                $int = (int) $v;
                $str = (string) $v;
                $bool = (bool) $v;
                $tmpA = $int + (is_numeric($str) ? $str : 1);
                $tmpB = $str . $int;
                $result[] = $bool ? [$tmpA, $tmpB] : [$tmpB, $tmpA];



    return timer('Machine', $bench, MULTI_COUNT);


 * Run the function passed as the second argument N times, while displaying some
 * kind of "pretty progress output".
function timer(string $name, callable $fn, int $count = 1) {
    $start = microtime(true);
    $c = 0;
    echo "Measuring: $name ";
    while ($c++ < $count) {
        echo ".";
    echo "\n";
    return microtime(true) - $start;

// Parser callable.
$bench = function() use ($primiSource) {

    $parser = new \Smuuf\Primi\Code\AstProvider;
    $source = new \Smuuf\Primi\Code\Source($primiSource);
    return $parser->getAst($source);


$results = [
    'machine_std' => machine_standard(),
    'first_avg' => timer('First parse', $bench),
    'multi_avg' => timer('Multi parse', $bench, MULTI_COUNT) / MULTI_COUNT,

    "PHP perf standard: %.4f s\n",

// First parse will be probably always slower, when parsing involves finding
// and loading handler classes for each PEG rule, because each handler can
// provide its own node reduction logic.
    "First parse: %.4f s, score: %.4f (↑ better)\n",
    $results['machine_std'] / $results['first_avg'] * 100

    "Multi parse: %.4f s, score: %.4f (↑ better)\n",
    $results['machine_std'] / $results['multi_avg'] * 100

    "First parse: %.4f %% of multi parse\n",
    $results['first_avg'] / $results['multi_avg'] * 100