// Example of implementation of trivial decorators.
// Return value of original function will be wrapped inside the strings
// returned from the decorator's inner wrapper function.
// Using the "*args, **kwargs" idiom will ensure all arguments passed to the
// resulting decorated function will be passed further to the original function.
function some_decorator(fn) {
return (*args, **kwargs) => {
return f"BEGIN-{fn(*args, **kwargs)}-END"
function some_function(a, b, *args, **kwargs) {
return f"a = {a}, b = {b}, args = {args}, kwargs = {kwargs}"
decorated = some_decorator(some_function)
result = decorated(111, 222, 333, 444, kw1: 555, kw2: 666)
assert(result == 'BEGIN-a = 111, b = 222, args = (333, 444), kwargs = {"kw1": 555, "kw2": 666}-END')
// Decorator will print execution time of the original function.
// Using the "*args, **kwargs" idiom will ensure all arguments passed to the
// resulting decorated function will be passed further to the original function.
import std.time
function timer(fn) {
return (*args, **kwargs) => {
start_time = time.monotonic()
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"Call took {time.monotonic() - start_time} s")
return result
function some_expensive_function(wait_time) {
return wait_time
decorated = timer(some_expensive_function)
return_value = decorated(0.8)
_ = "We get correct return value of the original function"
assert(return_value == 0.8, _)