

0 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi;

use \Smuuf\StrictObject;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Helpers\Func;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\VoidIoDriver;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\TerminalIoDriver;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\StdIoDriverInterface;

class Config {

    use StrictObject;

    private bool $sandboxMode = true;

     * Return default config for current environment.
     * If Primi is running in CLI (terminal) the sandbox mode is disabled by
     * default.
     * If Primi is running anywhere else, sandbox mode is enabled by default.
    final public static function buildDefault(): Config {

        // If not running in CLI, enable sandbox mode by default.
        if (!EnvInfo::isRunningInCli()) {
            return new self;

        $config = new self;
        $config->setStdIoDriver(new TerminalIoDriver);
        return $config;


    // Sandbox mode.

    public function setSandboxMode(bool $mode): void {
        $this->sandboxMode = $mode;

    public function getSandboxMode(): bool {
        return $this->sandboxMode;

    // Temporary directory.

     * Path to temporary directory for caching or `null` for disabled caching.
    private ?string $tempDir = '';

     * Set path to temporary directory for caching various stuff for the Primi
     * engine.
     * Default value is empty string, which means default temporary
     * directory located inside the Primi library will be used.
     * If necessary, another _existing_ directory can be specified to be used
     * as the temporary directory.
     * If the temporary directory is set to `null`, caching will be disabled.
    public function setTempDir(?string $path): void {

        $this->tempDir = $path !== null
            ? Func::validate_dirs([$path])[0]
            : null;


    public function getTempDir(): ?string {

        return $this->tempDir === ''
            ? EnvInfo::getBestTempDir()
            : null;


    // Paths for finding modules.

    /** @var array<string> */
    private array $importPaths = [
        __DIR__ . '/Stdlib/Modules',

    public function addImportPath(string $path): void {
        $this->importPaths[] = Func::validate_dirs([$path])[0];

     * @return array<string>
    public function getImportPaths(): array {
        return $this->importPaths;

    // Callstack limit.

     * If greater than one, this number sets the maximum call stack size.
     * If this maximum is reached, `\Smuuf\Primi\Ex\RuntimeError` is thrown.
    private int $callStackLimit = 4096;

     * Set maximum limit for runtime call stack object. This is the maximum
     * number of allowed nested function calls.
     * This can be set to zero to disable limiting.
     * @see Context
    public function setCallStackLimit(int $limit): void {

        if ($limit < 0) {
            throw new EngineError('Callstack limit must be positive or zero');

        $this->callStackLimit = $limit;


     * Return current value of configured callstack limit.
    public function getCallStackLimit(): int {
        return $this->callStackLimit;

    // Posix signal handling.

     * Automatically determine if POSIX signals should be handled or not -
     * handling will be enabled only when running in CLI mode.
    public const POSIX_SIGNALS_AUTO = null;

     * Enable handling of POSIX signals by Primi engine.
    public const POSIX_SIGNALS_ENABLED = true;

     * Disable handling of POSIX signals by Primi engine.
    public const POSIX_SIGNALS_DISABLED = false;

     * Set if POSIX signals should be received and rendered into the Primi
     * runtime. For example SIGTERM and SIGINT signals will raise an appropriate
     * error.
    private ?bool $posixSignalHandling = self::POSIX_SIGNALS_AUTO;

     * Should POSIX signals be handled by the engine?
     * @see self::POSIX_SIGNALS_AUTO
     * @see self::POSIX_SIGNALS_ENABLED
     * @see self::POSIX_SIGNALS_DISABLED
    public function setPosixSignalHandling(
        ?bool $state = self::POSIX_SIGNALS_AUTO
    ): void {
        $this->posixSignalHandling = $state;

     * Return current value of configured callstack limit.
    public function getPosixSignalHandling(): ?bool {
        return $this->posixSignalHandling;

     * Returns `true` or `false` if POSIX signals should be handled based
     * by the actual configuration.
    public function getEffectivePosixSignalHandling(): bool {

        // Explicit enabled or disabled.
        if (\is_bool($this->posixSignalHandling)) {
            return $this->posixSignalHandling;

        // Automatic detection - handle POSIX signals only in CLI.
        return EnvInfo::isRunningInCli();


    // Posix signal handling - does SIGQUIT inject a debugging session?

    private bool $sigQuitDebugging = \true;

     * If POSIX signal handling is enabled, received SIGQUIT causes a debugging
     * session to be injected into currently executed code.
     * SIGQUIT can usually be sent from terminal via `CTRL+\`.
    public function setSigQuitDebugging(bool $state): void {
        $this->sigQuitDebugging = $state;

     * Return current config value of "SIGQUIT debugging".
    public function getSigQuitDebugging(): bool {
        return $this->sigQuitDebugging;

    // Standard IO driver.

    private StdIoDriverInterface $stdIoDriver;

    public function setStdIoDriver(StdIoDriverInterface $stdIoDriver): void {
        $this->stdIoDriver = $stdIoDriver;

    public function getStdIoDriver(): StdIoDriverInterface {
        return $this->stdIoDriver
            ?? ($this->stdIoDriver = new VoidIoDriver);
