

2 hrs
Test Coverage


namespace Smuuf\Primi;

use \Smuuf\StrictObject;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Scope;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\RuntimeError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Code\AstProvider;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Ex\EngineInternalError;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Tasks\TaskQueue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\ModuleValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Values\AbstractValue;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Drivers\StdIoDriverInterface;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Modules\Importer;
use \Smuuf\Primi\Structures\CallRetval;

class Context {

    use StrictObject;

    /** Runtime config bound to this context. */
    private Config $config;

    // Call stack.

    /** Configured call stack limit. */
    private int $maxCallStackSize;

    /** @var StackFrame[] Call stack list. */
    private $callStack = [];

     * Current call stack size.
     * Instead of count()ing $callStack property every time.
     * @var int
    private $callStackSize = 0;

    // Scope stack.

    /** @var Scope[] Scope stack list. */
    private $scopeStack = [];

     * Direct reference to the scope on the top of the stack.
     * @var ?Scope
    private $currentScope;

    // Context services.

    /** Task queue for this context. */
    private TaskQueue $taskQueue;

    private Importer $importer;
    private AstProvider $astProvider;
    private StdIoDriverInterface $stdIoDriver;

    // Return value storage.

    private ?CallRetval $retval = null;

    // References to essential modules for fast and direct access.

    /** Native 'std.__builtins__' module. */
    private Scope $builtins;

    public function __construct(Config $config) {

        $services = new ContextServices($this, $config);

        $this->config = $config;
        $this->stdIoDriver = $this->config->getStdIoDriver();

        // Assign stuff to properties to avoid unnecessary indirections when
        // accessing them (optimization).
        $this->astProvider = $services->getAstProvider();
        $this->taskQueue = $services->getTaskQueue();
        $this->importer = $services->getImporter();
        $this->maxCallStackSize = $this->config->getCallStackLimit();

        // Import our builtins module.
        $this->builtins = $this->importer


    // Access to runtime config.

    public function getConfig(): Config {
        return $this->config;

    // Access to AST provider.

    public function getAstProvider(): AstProvider {
        return $this->astProvider;

    // Standard IO driver.

    public function getStdIoDriver(): StdIoDriverInterface {
        return $this->stdIoDriver;

    // Task queue management.

    public function getTaskQueue(): TaskQueue {
        return $this->taskQueue;

    // Import management.

    public function getImporter(): Importer {
        return $this->importer;

    public function getCurrentModule(): ?ModuleValue {

        $currentFrame = \end($this->callStack);
        return $currentFrame
            ? $currentFrame->getModule()
            : \null;


    // Call stack management.

     * @return array<StackFrame>
    public function getCallStack(): array {
        return $this->callStack;

     * @param StackFrame $call
     * @return void
    public function pushCall($call) {

        // Increment current stack size.
        $this->callStack[] = $call;

        // We can check this every time. Even if 'maxCallStackSize' is zero,
        // the 'callStackSize' will never be.
        if ($this->callStackSize === $this->maxCallStackSize) {

            throw new RuntimeError(\sprintf(
                "Maximum call stack size (%d) reached",



     * @return void
    public function popCall() {



    // Direct access to native 'builtins' module.

    public function getBuiltins(): Scope {
        return $this->builtins;

    // Scope management.

     * @return Scope
    public function getCurrentScope() {
        return $this->currentScope;

    // Call + Scope management.

     * @param ?StackFrame $call
     * @param ?Scope $scope
     * @return void
    public function pushCallScopePair($call, $scope) {

        // Push call, if there's any.
        if ($call) {

            // Increment current stack size.
            // Call stack.
            $this->callStack[] = $call;

            // We can check this every time. Even if 'maxCallStackSize' is zero,
            // the 'callStackSize' will never be.
            if ($this->callStackSize === $this->maxCallStackSize) {
                throw new RuntimeError(\sprintf(
                    "Maximum call stack size (%d) reached",


        // Push scope, if there's any.
        if ($scope) {
            $this->scopeStack[] = $scope;
            $this->currentScope = $scope;


     * @param bool $popCall
     * @param bool $popScope
     * @return void
    public function popCallScopePair($popCall = \true, $popScope = \true) {

        if ($popCall) {

        if ($popScope) {
            $this->currentScope = \end($this->scopeStack) ?: \null;



    // Direct access to the current scope - which is the one on the top of the
    // stack. Also fetches stuff from builtins module, if it's not found
    // in current scope (and its parents).

    public function getVariable(string $name): ?AbstractValue {
        return $this->currentScope->getVariable($name)
            ?? $this->builtins->getVariable($name);

     * @return array<string, AbstractValue>
    public function getVariables(bool $includeParents = \false): array {

        return array_merge(


     * @return void
    public function setVariable(string $name, AbstractValue $value) {
        $this->currentScope->setVariable($name, $value);

     * @param array<string, AbstractValue> $pairs
     * @return void
    public function setVariables(array $pairs) {

     * Register a return value for function which is currently being executed.
    public function setRetval(CallRetval $retval): void {

        if ($this->retval) {
            throw new EngineInternalError("Retval already present");

        $this->retval = $retval;


     * Return and reset return value that came from some function.
    public function popRetval(): CallRetval {

        if (!$this->retval) {
            throw new EngineInternalError("Retval not present");

        [$retval, $this->retval] = [$this->retval, \null];
        return $retval;


     * Returns true if a return value is currently registered from some
     * function.
    public function hasRetval(): bool {
        return isset($this->retval);
